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Mar 28th 2023
"Con il ritorno della #Guerra sul suolo #europeo, non potrebbe esserci un momento più opportuno e appropriato per gli Stati membri dell'#UE per concordare una bussola strategica per la sicurezza e la #difesa di adesso. Preparato dal Servizio europeo per l'azione esterna (#SEAE)
negli ultimi due anni e adottato dagli Stati membri il 21 marzo, definisce un piano per rafforzare la politica di sicurezza e di difesa dell'#UE entro il #2030 con l'obiettivo di diventare "un servizio di sicurezza più #assertivo e decisivo fornitore” .
La bussola guiderà la politica di sicurezza e difesa dell'#UE per gli anni a venire, sulla base di una valutazione comune delle minacce e delle sfide geostrategiche #globali, di una visione comune di dove andare, nonché degli obiettivi e delle azioni proposte per raggiungere
Read 35 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
Mar 1:
1/ #RussianVolunteerCorps actions in #Bryansk

“We are #Russians, and we are not #Russians”: what is known about the “#RussianVolunteerCorps

@CrimeanWind, of #Telegram, background report on #Russian ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Partisans…
Mar 1:
3/ #RussianVolunteerCorps in #Bryansk

..representatives adhere to right-wing views & #Claim to have traveled the entire #FrontLine.

#Russian #Volunteer #Corps founder, #DenisKapustin (#Nikitin)..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine…
Read 37 tweets
Jan 10th 2023
Do You Know ?

The #Sikhs raided #Delhi 14 times

between 1766 and 1788.

#SikhHistory #History #khalsa Image
After defeating Mughals in the Battle of #Sirhind (1764) Sikhs plundered Jagir of Najib-ud-daula. Najib appointed Afzal Khan to take care of Delhi. Sikhs raided the #Paharganj region of the city. Image
Sikhs raided Delhi in 1770. They sacked Panipat and entered the territories of #NajibUdDaula and attacked Delhi. #ZabitaKhan was sent to stop Sikhs.The Sikhs demanded a large amount of money for friendship but declined by Zabita. ImageImage
Read 28 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
#OTD in 1862, #Confederate soldiers repulsed a massive #Union assault on the second day of the #Battle of #Fredericksburg. Wave after wave of Union soldiers were mowed down during a full frontal assault against Confederate troops positioned at Marye’s Heights. Image
After the Battle of #Antietam a few months earlier, General #McClellan allowed Lee's Army to retreat back to #Virginia to fight another day. #President #Lincoln then relieved McClellan of command and replace him with General Ambrose #Burnside. Image
Burnside quickly planned a fall offensive to move on #Richmond. However, the Union Army's operation faced logistical setbacks, allowing Lee to settle in at Fredericksburg. Burnside chose to attack Lee head on, a decision that proved disastrous.
Read 9 tweets
Sep 28th 2022
who wants #Zooracers #BETA extended for more #blockchain #battle FUN?… GO MASS EMOJI THIS POST BY @OnlySilverlake and fill those lobbies all day final day 7 and maybe it will come true!!!! #zoo #wanchain #avax @traderjoe_xyz @wanswap @AvaxGem @FlokiViking456 Image
MUST BE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
we've climbed the Zooway to Moon and now live on 15 platforms this last stream see all here👀🐶🐱🐭🐹🐰🐻🧸🐼🐻‍❄️🐨🐯🦁🐮🐷🐽🐸🐵🙈🙉🙊🐒🦍🦧🐔

come spread the #zoogames #zoo #zooracers #zookeeper #zooecosystem #openzoo #limitless #entertainment everywhere! Image
Read 4 tweets
May 12th 2022
The Battle of Palmito Ranch was fought in Texas #OTD in 1865. The Confederate victory is widely considered the last battle of the Civil War. The battle occurred over one month after Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox and two days after Jefferson Davis was captured. Image
Both sides knew the war was virtually over, but a small contingent of Confederate forces refused to surrender near Brownsville, Texas. Many of the men serving under the Union Army there were members of the United States Colored Troops.
A fragile cease fire had been agreed to between the two sides on May 11. However, Confederate Lt. Gen. Edmund Smith of the Trans-Mississippi Department refused to accept the inevitable end of the war.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 5th 2022
To better monitor #Putin's terrible #war vs. #Ukraine + his broader #military forces & options—

see the Office of #Naval #Intelligence's #unclassified references on #Russia's #Navy:

>>I've unpacked the links & key graphics here:… ImageImageImageImage
Pairs well with these unparalleled Orders of #Battle of #Moscow's #military #ships & #aircraft + #missiles/#weapons & sensors from 67 yrs ago to today!

The most comprehensive #OpenSource references AFIAK.

#Ukraine ImageImageImageImage
And for #Putin's #Naval #Strategy & dev't—see key docs/translations + analysis from #Russia #Maritime Studies Institute (#RMSI)!

>Proud to call @Mi_Petersen38/@RickAMoss/@EmilyJHolland + @walterberbrick/@Becca_Pincus, ETC. my colleagues @NavalWarCollege! ImageImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Jan 27th 2022
Good for @Spotify standing up against #bullying. This is an important gesture on #BellLetsTalk day.

Unfortunately @NeilYoung has decided to leave. It’s his right to control his own music. It’s not his right to censor another entertainer and artist, @JoeRogan

My tribute to Neil:

Hey hey, my my
#FreedomOfSpeech can never die
There's more to the picture
Than meets the eye.
Hey hey, my my.

🎶 🎼 🎵

Out of the blue and into the black
If you give them this, they’ll takeaway that

And once it’s gone, you can never get it back
Hold the line, #freedom’s under attack

🎶 🎼 🎵
Read 13 tweets
Apr 27th 2021
If you think this will be over after first round of #vaccinations - you could not be more wrong. This is a permanent program for #4IR era of global #surveillance, #data harvesting & future #biotech.

#Pandemic Action Network’s 100+ partners - "for a more pandemic-proof world." ImageImageImageImage
Launched April 2020, members include #BMGF (#Gates Found.), ONE (Bono), Global Goals, #GlobalCitizen (financed by Gates), #Rockefeller Foundation, #JohnsonandJohnson, UN (partnered w/ #WEF), #Wellcome, etc.

#GlobalGoals (#SDGs) are emerging markets. ImageImageImageImage
First follows chosen by #Pandemic Action Network Twitter account include members:

1. #Gates Foundation
2. Federation of American #Scientists
3. Global Health Strategies
4. #CDC Foundation
5. #GlobalCitizen
6. #GHTC
7. iHeartMedia - #media & #entertainment

#PandemicPlaybook ImageImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Jan 28th 2021
#Battle of Kikan. The courageous #Jats & #Meds
The 3rd #Caliph was Usman ibn Affan (644–656 A.D.). Usman wanted to conquer #Sindh. He appointed Abdullah to Iraq & commanded him to send an agent to gather info about Hind & Sindh. 1/13
Abdullah deputed Hakim to acquire the desired info. Hakim reported that, “Its water is dark; its fruit is bitter and poisonous; its land is stony and its earth is selfish. A small army will soon be annihilated there and a large army will soon die of hunger.” 2/13
The 1st invasion of Sindh by land was carried out in 660 A.D. This expedition included many nobles & chiefs, & which was led by Haras, proceeded towards the mountainous region of Kikan or Kikanan unhindered. 3/13
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Jan 8th 2021

What do they all have in common?

They're tools of [#satan]

If you have any of them, it's because you haven't put on the Full Armor of #God yet

👉 👈



👉 👈


#Read the #Bible

#WeHaveDominion over #Demons


👉 👈

#Pray to #God for #Clarity and #Strength


#NoFear #GodWins
Read 6 tweets
Dec 16th 2020
@Astrology_us Remember an interesting tale from #Mahabharata on this tweet

At d start of #Kurushetra muhurat was set for d #battle date & time to begin it coincided with #Amavasya #NewMoon

#Krishna knew if #war began on Amavasya it was advantage #Duryodhana

So using his Krishna neethi 1/n
@Astrology_us So in order to confuse & convince it was #Amavasya a day before #NewMoon

He did tarpanam as a mark of respect to ancestors which is customary in our tradition

Seeing this msg went upto to all devas including #Sun & #moon tht today is Amavasya #surya #chandra #astrology... 2/n
@Astrology_us Immediately #Sun & #Moon rushed to earth to meet #Krishna

Askng him, on reachng bhoolokam why is he observng #Amavasya today while its actually further away

To this Krishna replied when #Surya & #Chandra are before me at d same time & place is it not #NewMoon #astrology.. 3/n
Read 5 tweets
Dec 13th 2020
Der #FrauenBustour #Putschpanzer ist heute Abend in #Karlsruhe #ka1312
Stabiler #Antifa #Gegenprotest.👍 #EvaRosen wird herzlich empfangen. #Schwurbelman im Hintergrund hampelt wieder als #Weihnachtsmann rum.

#noQuerdenken #Solidaritaetsverweigerer #Demokratiefeinde #Quersenken
#JankoWilliams berichtet, dass die #AnwaeltefuerAufklaerung inzwischen ihre erste #Klage in #DenHaag vor dem #Menschrechtshof eingereicht haben. Auch vor dem #Bundesverfassungsgericht sei eine Klage anhängig, die entscheiden laut dem #Coronaleugner nicht neutral. ^^ #ka1312
#JankoWilliams stört sich sehr am stabilen und lautstarken #Antifa #Gegenprotest. 👍 Er fordert die #Polizei auf, zu prüfen, ob bei den #Antifaschisten eine #GEMA Anmeldung vorliegt. ^^
#Quersenken #brainover #Solidaritaetsverweigerer #Demokratiefeinde in #ka1312 #dankeAntifa
Read 11 tweets
Nov 24th 2020
Sorry to say we've had a problem between #Robertsbridge + #Battle on @Se_Railway's #Hastings line all morning - and it is likely to continue for the rest of the day. The issue is a cable fault around Mountfield (pictured) 1/
The cable is 37-core - which means 37 individual strands - and the fault is affecting 2 level crossings, 4 signals and 7 train detection circuits in the area below. It's a 600metre length cable and we have a team of 7 on site trying to narrow down the failure. /2
Our cables on this route are hidden in troughs so the team is walking the line looking for obvious external damage. It may not be obvious - it could be inside the sheathing - so they are also testing each "core" to see which ones are misbehaving. /3
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Nov 10th 2020
Mini-#Thread on ‘distinctive humane traits’ of Indian warriors in early 9th century CE. #History #Bharat #India #Medieval #warriors #war #battle #humanity #Hindus ImageImage
Sulaiman, one of the first Arab merchants, who had undertaken multiple voyages to India and China during the first half of the ninth century, in his travel diary, ‘Akhbar Al-Sin wa’l Hind’ dated 851 AD, writes repeatedly about the following distinct.. Image
.. code of conduct exercised by Indian warriors even in battles fought by them which according to him was quite ‘not warlike’, and was more humane than anybody else :- Image
Read 20 tweets
Oct 20th 2020
On 22 Oct 1947 five thousand Kabaili tribals from Pakistan invaded #Kashmir’s Muzaffarabad, rampaging, looting and killing innocent civilians on their way up to #Baramulla. However their advance was halted at Baramulla thanks to a brave 19 year old Maqbool Sherwani.
#MaqboolSherwani, single handedly thwarted the advance of thousands of #Pakistani raiders from #Baramulla, thereby giving valuable time to the #IndianArmy to land in #Srinagar and save #Kashmir.
Sherwani went around on his bike telling the Kabailis, who had stormed #Baramulla on October 22, 1947, not to advance towards #Srinagar as the #IndianArmy had reached the outskirts of Baramulla.
Read 15 tweets
Sep 18th 2020
This is more than a #band, this is a #spiritual #movement; and we are in the midst, of a spiritual #war--as we've been #warning you about this very moment in time, for the past decade.
With 3 #albums to date, #processionals across the #US, #podcasts, interviews, #vlogs, and #lessons; weve laid out everything we can before heading into such a battle, & were working on putting out more of these things for you to use on your #pilgrammages within & without.
However, we know how daunting such information and sensations can be; so we'd like to extend TO ALL INITIATES, THAT ARE IN NEED OF #COUNSELING (IN REGARDS TO THE MATTERS OF THE #SPIRIT)--PLEASE DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK.
Read 7 tweets
Jul 30th 2020
@slowtotruth Its #1stAmendment right 2wear what they want in #America, b #Ready 4reply2 #Public speech #WildWest #HighNoon style. Guy streaming Is Wrong u can b an #American & wear #Naziflag c During #WW2 #Bund=#Nazi symps ala #Trumps Daddy=#Klan @NYPD & #MAGA Traitors…
@slowtotruth @NYPD 2/5 #1stAmendment #PublicSqare Speech #WildWest #HighNoon style. See #Trumps Daddy=#Klan 1000 beatup of 100 mainly irish @NYPD & stopped Catholic AlSmith from being @Potus 1927 .This #NightRiding is why #AntiFa arose c #Receipts c… &…
Read 5 tweets
Jun 15th 2020
Patricia Arquette VS Ted Cruz!
#Comedy #Battle #Thread #Debate
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, let’s broaden our minds!
Its not every day that an actor comes close to challenging an congressman to fisticuffs!

Recently, Patricia Arquette, the famous actress who played in such films as “Nightmare on Elmstreet 3: Dream Warriors” and “The Indian Runner” tweeted to Ted Cruz, after the latter had
Read 24 tweets
Jun 13th 2020
#Zuniceratops (11. 5 feet long, 250-400 pounds) #VS #Unicorn (700-1000 pounds)
#Debate #Thread #Battle #Dinosaurs #Fantasy
Unicorns would have a serious size advantage, with a horn longer than both of Zuniceratops' combined. Dinosaurs pound for pound would be generally stronger than modern mammals, but this wouldn't be enough to make up for the unicorn's greater girth. One might mistakenly think
the unicorn's horn would potentially snap on a Zuniceratop's frill if these two locked horns. However, unlike the frill of a Triceratops, Zuniceratops frills has holes in them, where skin would only be found while the animals were still alive.
Read 8 tweets
May 19th 2020
. @CovidIndiaSeva I beg your kind attention here ! If we look at proportion of #Covid_19india patients on #ventilator support, it is 0.4% to 0.5%, which reflects ARDS due to Pneumonia due to #COVID19 as cause of death (COD) ( @WHO code: U07.1/2)... 1/n
So, around 150 deaths in 3000 projected deaths are actually due to #Covid_19india Epiphenomenon: People with diabetic complications, advanced cancer etc where the main COD is underlying health conditions, but #COVID19 can only be a contributing cause .. 2/n
Vast majority of #COVID19 deaths in India could be an epiphenomenal death only, considering #BCG vaccine induced trained #Immunity (Nature paper link at the end of this thread) that offers protection from severity of #Covid_19india . Why I am saying this is more important.. 3/n
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May 15th 2020
In the #battle of #Khaybar, the Prophet ﷺ announced, 'Tomorrow, I shall give the flag to a man who Allah and His Messenger ﷺ love. And Allah will grant us victory at his hands." Image
All the Companions remained anxious that night hoping that they could be that man. In the morning, they all stood to see who that person could be. The Prophet ﷺ stood and asked, "Where is 'Ali ibn Abi Talib."
At that particular time, he was suffering from an eye ailment so the Prophet ﷺ wiped his noble saliva in the eyes of Sayyiduna Ali and he was immediately cured.

He then went on to rip off the iron door from the Fortresses of Khaybar with his own blessed hands and threw it.
Read 6 tweets
May 14th 2020
So I'm intending to do a post/pick a day of art I've bought or commissioned from an artist hopefully along with @chiefy2shoes & @seddonism
Day 1 is #hellboy by the great @duncanfegredo This started a theme of characters eating ice cream, I've not got too many in this theme though Image
Day #2 of sketches/commissions posts of art that I've got over the years. Continuing the theme of characters with #icecream here is #thegoon by the amazing Eric Powell @goonguy done at @ThoughtBubbleUK in Leeds. #ComicCon #commissions #comics #goon @chiefy2shoes @seddonism Image
Day #3 of art/commissions bought over the years. Baroness eating an ice cream by @RachaelAtWork. Think this was my final "character eating an ice cream" so not many in that theme, need to do more @chiefy2shoes @seddonism @Talking_Joe @TheFullForce #GIJoe #Baroness #comicart Image
Read 200 tweets
May 10th 2020
The Terminatrix has a size advantage, having superior weight and reach. She's the size of an adult human, while Athena is the size of a child. However, Athena more than makes up for this with superior fighting skills. Indeed, she has been programmed to know Tae Kwon Do
(Raffey Cassidy, the actress who played her, was trained in Tae Kwon do for the film). Meanwhile, Terminatrix' fighting style is...something to be desired. Indeed, she had a penchant for letting Terminator hit her several times before fighting back, which is amazingly stupid
Read 23 tweets

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