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Dec 12th 2022
䷐ We Early on @AllsparkFinance

⎘ "The First Omniliquidity Aggregation Protocol for NFTs"

Confirm Airdrop 🪂

#Allspark Image
🗒 From Docs :

What is Allspark?

Allspark is the first NFT omniliquidity aggregation protocol. Traders can purchase NFTs from all chains in one. There is no need to prepare new wallets and gas token. 🧐
It shows the possibility of omniliquidity for NFTs on the omnichain, and there will be no barriers of the public chain to hinder the trading opportunities for NFTs.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 4th 2022
How to experience @TsunamiFinance_ Testnet Odyssey 👀

Recently @TsunamiFinance_ has been pushed to #Testnet so today let us test @TsunamiFinance_,a perpetual DEX with 0% price impact.

Let's go 🧵

#Aptos #AptosEcosystem #Airdrop
- Go to

- Connect to #Aptos wallet

- Click on ⚓️ icon on the right corner to receive tasks, including:
+ Complete 10 Swaps
+ Generate $50k in Volume
+ Provide Liquidity 10x
+ Withdraw Liquidity 5x

After completing all tasks you will gain the "Big Wave" Discord role, don't forget to give feedback on @TsunamiFinance_ Discord

Good luck 💚💚
Read 3 tweets
Nov 25th 2022
QUELQUES #Cryptos que j'accumule en cette PÉRIODE de législation/regulation, et de #bearmarket

$BTC #Bitcoin
$ETH #Ethereum

Privacy Coins
$XMR #Monero
$ZEC #Zcash
$SCRT #SecretNetwork

Cosmos Ecosystem
$ATOM #Cosmos
$TORI #Teritori
$EVMOS #Evmos
$JUNO #JunoNetwork

$FLUX #Flux
$QNT #Quant
$HFT #hashflow
$VRSC #VerusCoin
$KAI #KardiaChain 

DEX Tokens
$UNI #Uniswap
$LRC #Loopring
$CRV #CurveDAO

Yield Farming
$AAVE #Aave
$SNX #Syntetix
$BAL #Balancer 
$BIFI #BeefyFinance

$GRT #TheGraph
$LINK #Chainlink
$THETA #ThetaNetwork
$ENS #EthereumNameService

Médias, Gaming, Sports, Vidéos
$CHZ #Chilliz
$VRA #Verasity
$ENJ #EnjinCoin
$TFUEL #ThetaFuel
$THETA #ThetaNetwork
$UFC #UltimateFCFanToken
$VIT #TeamVitalityFanToken

Read 5 tweets
Nov 7th 2022
🔥 Aptos Ecosystem Overview 🔥
Update the latest #AptosEcosystem overview

Currently, there are about 500 projects under construction on #Aptos, it's too much for us to summarize, you can see details of outstanding projects below👇

Like & RT to support us! #LFM #AptosAnalytics
Read 14 tweets
Nov 4th 2022
As promised, we are back with another AIRDROP CONTEST and this time,it is with @PontemNetwork wallet.
To win the AIRDROP, users must use the aggregator at with @PontemNetwork
wallet and get Kana's airdrop.Thread and Medium Below: Image
1. Follow @kanalabs and @PontemNetwork
2. Tag 5 friends and retweet this tweet
3. Join and
4. Download Pontem Wallet…
5) use Swap Aggregator at
Important! At least 1 transaction per day for the entire duration of this contest.

Post the wallet address of the transaction (use same wallet everyday) in both Discords (Kana & Pontem)
Read 5 tweets
Nov 2nd 2022
🧵1/3 Testing the @KoizumiAPT platform in the Aptos test network

What we do:
1. Go to
2. Connect our #Aptos wallet to #Aptos test network

#testnet #Aptos #AptosEcosystem Image
3. We need to add liquidity. To do this go to swap our test APT tokens into KOIZ, and USDT tokens
4. Then we add APT/KOIZ and USDT/KOIZ token pairs to the pool
5. Go back to
7. Unstake ImageImageImage
Go to their discord and leave feedback in the #bug-reports channel 🧵 Image
Read 3 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
Lets talk about upcoming #Aptos projects that I'm looking for (1/13) 🧵
@bruh_bears is a collection of pixelated bears and perhaps the most talked-about amongest all projects on #aptosblockchain

They aspire to play a key role in the mass adoption of Aptos

They created this system called BUILD-A-BRUH

Its a tool where you can already create a custom @bruh_bears avatar on their wesite and use it as PFP for a chance to get their WL

This ideia is great because it allows them to get lots of exposure for their project.
Read 21 tweets
Oct 23rd 2022

• Aptos after it's Airdop campaign has been seeing massive volume in #AptosNFTs, social dominance and a spark for other Airdops across board,

But what about finding the next 100x Gem on $Aptos?

After reading this, you should be able to:

- Conduct research on $Aptos tokens.
- Profitability trade the $Aptos DeFi market.
- Understand the principles in guiding every new Chain, including knowing if one is worth staying on/investing in.

Let's dive in:
Aptos is a new Blockchain, so you did yourself a favor finding this thread early enough.

First of all, we're quite clear on the concept of using TVL to denote Ecosystems which Tokens would probably run, if you do not, refer to a past thread on mine:

Read 17 tweets
Oct 23rd 2022
Increase your chances of getting WL by 85% 🧵👇
The thread will consist of 4 Strategies that should increase ur chances of getting WL.

They will be in order from High barrier entry-> Low barrier entry.

Let's begin. 🫡
1) Blue chips:
When u are a holder of a blue chip the likelihood of getting hyped WL’s increases, as blue chips holds status.
When projects are approached by blue chips to them It’s like Mercedes wants to collab with their project.
Read 18 tweets
Oct 20th 2022


As we promised, our last airdrop is live. 🎁

You will now be able to claim 10,000,000 $APSO if you fill out this form below.…

#AptosMovement #aptosecosystem
⚠️ If there are more than 2,000 participants there will be a lottery

🛑 If you already won an airdrop dont fill out this form, you won't receive it twice

🎁 If you won a contest on twitter please send us a private message with the proof ( no screenshot, only link )
🐦 Our boss just create a twitter account you can follow him : @apsoking
Read 3 tweets
Oct 16th 2022
✨Anime Link #2

✨AnimSwap will make Link with Animers community regularly

😼Anime Link #1 has gone 1.5 month

Let's take a look at goals achieved in the past, and most important is the next building directions

#AnimeSwap #Aptos #AptosEcosystem #AptosDeFi Image
Interface Evolves in Fast Speed

✨Add/Remove liquidity and create new pair by anyone
✨Switch between Aptos Testnet and Devnet
✨Anime Router with better price
@CelerNetwork bridge ETH Görli

Interface open source… every one can check code and deploy Image
Smart Contracts BIG Optimizations

🍋Less GAS
🍋AnimeSwap is the least GAS tier in all AMM contracts and has most features
🍋A more professional and details BLOG about contracts comparing will be post soon… v1-core lastet version v0.4.0
Read 6 tweets
Oct 11th 2022
🧵1/3 Today we are testing the @aptoswap_net update

❤️+retweet to support us🙏

1. go to
2. Connect our #Aptos Wallet(@martian_wallet , @PetraWallet, @FewchaWallet)
3. Go to Token tab
4. Minting test tokens
#Testnet #AptosEcosystem #LFM
5. Go to Pool & Position
6. Put tokens in all pools(1). If some tokens we don't have in our wallet, we use Swap (2) to get them. I advise to put tokens in all pools, the more interaction with the platform, the higher the chance of getting a reward.
7. Harvest our tokens from the pool
8. The history of transactions can be viewed in the transaction tab

If you want to leave feedback or suggestions, go to their Discord and leave feedback in the #feedbacks channel🧵
Read 3 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
🧵1/5 Today we are testing the great @AriesMarkets platform

Don't be greedy, ❤️ and retweets

1. go to
2. Enter your name and wait for Enter App

#AptosEcosystem #LFM Image
3. Connect our #Aptos wallet(@martian_wallet , @PetraWallet , @FewchaWallet, @fletchwallet , @PontemNetwork, @rise_wallet, @SpikaApp,@Hyperpay_tech) and request test tokens
4. In the Lending tab make a deposit of $APT tokens ImageImage
5. The remaining tokens are borrowed (we borrow all tokens one by one)
6. Then we try Repay and Withdraw. I recommend to do all actions
7. Go to the Swap tab. Change our $APTs to USDC and back again. ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Oct 9th 2022
Aptos Ecosystem - Weekly Recap #10 🌊

Each week, a complete summary of everything happened this week in Aptos ecosystem and projects building on it 🧵

Don’t forget to subscribe, it’s free :

#Aptos #AptosMovement #AptosLabs #LFM Image
⚠️We created a Newsletter on Substack because Aptos is moving fast and we can’t list all news in one thread anymore

In this thread, I’ll only cover TOP 30 news of the week

⬇️Subscribe to receive complete Weekly Recaps directly by email and support us!
Read 30 tweets
Sep 26th 2022

1/ @AptosLabs and @aptosnames have come together to build out the most robust naming service across any network!
2/ @protonsale_apt Devnet Presale Contribution Round 2 with 200$ for winners

And more news below 👇

#Aptos #AptosEcosystem #Web3 #NFTs Aptos ecosystem update
3/ @BlueMoveNFT using @crew3xyz to help build the BlueMove community & giveaway some Discord roles😍
4/ @PontemNetwork Liquidswap DEX is now fully audited by Halborn and OtterSec🙏
Read 5 tweets
Sep 25th 2022
🧵 Aptos Ecosystem - Weekly Recap #8 🧵

🌐 A complete summary of everything happened this week in Aptos ecosystem and projects building on it


@AptosLabs #Aptos #AptosMovement #AptosLabs #LFM #AptosNFT #Aptosecosystem #Move Image
Read 34 tweets
Sep 15th 2022
Thanks🙏 to @Ajibola_Ben for helping me prepare this analysis
So @bruh_bears
Influencers Read: @LilMoonLambo @CryptoMaestro
#Aptos team Read: @AveryChing @austinvirts @sherry_xzy @Greg_Nazario
#AptosNFT #AptosEcosystem #NFTs #NFT #NFTshill Image
2/7 It's the most popular 🔥NFT in the #Aptos ecosystem right now, according to an analysis of This project is measured in popularity by Twitter activity Image
3/7 Art pixel animation. Liked the Aptos Co-founder @moshaikhs and was praised by him as a worthy avatar for the future 🔥 Image
Read 7 tweets

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