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Apr 4th 2023
Wie groß muss der 🐘 Elefant 🐘 eigentlich noch werden, bis wir aufhören, ihn zu ignorieren und auch der letzte in der hintersten Reihe einsieht, dass das heilige Kalb, der Toleranz, Vielfalt und Inklusion ein FETISCH ist??

Hört auf, ihn zu ignorieren!
#AGP #Autogynephilia Image
🐘Der Elefant im Raum🐘

Verstehen Sie Autogynephilie #AGP #Autogynephilia und Sie werden die gewalttÀtige, neidische Frauenfeindlichkeit des Trans-Aktivismus verstehen.
(von Sue Donym)

Read 13 tweets
May 10th 2022
So, yesterday I filmed a video, reading Debbie Hayton’s latest justification for public displays of fetishism. My video is informed by child development and safeguarding frameworks
However, for those that are short of time, I’ll be able to give you a summary, now.
No 3 yr old can possibly have AGP, which is an adult paraphillia.
3 yr olds are at Piaget’s pre-operational stage, and believe that dressing up as a thing transforms you into a thing.
If a 3 yr old were to display overt sexualised behaviours, it would be a massive safeguarding red flag.
Childhood ‘cross-dressing’ is only associated with shame and fear in deeply homophobic households.
Adult AGPs like to use retconning to adultify themselves in their memory.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 31st 2021
If #autogynephilia hadn't already been observed, science would still predict its existence.

For men's sexual interest patterns, an "inverted" versions appear to exist. There are sexual sadists on one hand, and sexual masochists on the other. 1/3
There exists exhibitionism on hand, and voyeurism on the other.

Pedophiles are attracted to children on the one hand, and "infantilists" are attracted to *being* children, on the other. 2/3
Gynephilia is being sexually aroused by women. This ubiquitous pattern predicts there should therefore exist, in some men, a pattern of sexual arousal to *being* a woman...autogynephilia. 3/3
Read 3 tweets
Dec 15th 2020
Should this person be allowed in women's spaces?

"A transgender woman threatened to stab a 10-year-old girl’s mother during a terrifying sexual assault in the female toilets of a Morrison’s supermarket."


Should this person be allowed in women's spaces?

"The 26 year old was jailed for dousing his ex in bleach, trying to torch him and stabbing him six times with screwdriver."


"Men have assaulted or violated women’s privacy in public bathrooms 21 times due to pro-LGBT transgender restroom policies." (2017)


Read 29 tweets
Oct 13th 2018
For me, the real issue in the #trans #GRA reform is #maleviolence against #female & trans. I note #transmen seem to be absent from discussion. They obvs don't present as #women so don't use women's spaces. But they can't draw attention to themselves as trans because... (1/2)
(2/2) in a male space they would run the risk of attack by men who would see their bodies as still female. I can't find stats on transmen being violent, or female violence on transmen. I guess there will be some, but very small no's. The problem is male violence. #patriarchy...
So we need to be looking at #male #violence and how/why our society raises #boys to think violence is a way of dealing with the world. NB I know this is a generalisation and not all males are violent & not all females are peaceful!
Read 14 tweets

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