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Jun 15th 2023
Syd Barrett's enchanting and whimsical melodies take us on a journey through his brilliant mind. #SydBarrett #MusicGenius
"Arnold Layne" captures Barrett's eccentricity and showcases his knack for crafting catchy tunes with a touch of surrealism. #SydBarrett #ArnoldLayne
"See Emily Play" is a psychedelic gem, showcasing Barrett's playful lyricism and innovative guitar work. #SydBarrett #SeeEmilyPlay
Read 25 tweets
Jan 13th 2023
Who rides #bicycles to work in #SanDiego?
Census data for @CityofSanDiego shows
- Only 0.6% of people commute on bikes to work
- 2X more men bike to work vs women (.4% v .2%)
- Women are:
- less likely to carpool but
- less likely to drive alone 25%/34%- maybe children in car?
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This shows:
- #SanDiego is investing a lot in #bikelanes that are used by a very small % of the population for work-related mobility
- There is a bike #gendergap that needs to be studied
- Ridership could potentially be increased by 33% by simply encouraging more women to ride
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Is a lack of #gender #equity in #bicycling planning & decision making contributing to fewer women riding bikes as a commute option?
It is seen in @sdbikecoalition paid staff (1 woman/5 total staff)
-Good news: Their Board has more equity in terms of gender & racial diversity

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Sep 3rd 2022
Pretty excited, I’m taking the train from Chicago to Kalamazoo to visit a friend this weekend. First time taking my bike on @Amtrak #bikechi ➡️ #bikezoo Trek bicycle in chicago uni...Bicycle in front of an Amtr...
Journey started on the @cta blue line from Jeff park. I forgot how many stairs there were at the Clinton stop lol (4 flights!) but there’s a nice bike path for the last couple blocks to union station! ImageImageImage
Arrived early just in case, and got a little ticket for the bike. They announced a delay but then the line started moving and we ended up leaving pretty much right on time anyway! So far so good 😊 ImageImage
Read 24 tweets
Oct 1st 2021
Thread on how to dismantle any 100c.c bike's carburettor and clean them up. Applicable for Hero CD Deluxe/CD Dawn/Splendor & Bajaj CT 100. All these have almost same and similar type of carburettor, and hence dismantling and cleaning them will be same as in the thread
If you bike has starting problem or gets switched off frequently in traffic, it could be carburettor dusted up. However step 1 will be cleaning spark plug, step 2 is cleaning Carburettor. A clean carburettor will give good pick up and a good mileage : Assured
Here is a pic of carburettor after dismantling them. Let's see the steps on how to dismantle them.
Read 20 tweets
Mar 23rd 2021
@newitguy2 @SecretaryPete You're right: #bike manufacturing/operation does pollute, just much less than cars.

Data from the standard EcoInvent lifecycle database shows that:

• Typical Dutch bike: 96kg CO2e release incl. 19,200-km lifecycle parts = 5g of CO2e per km
• Food: 16g CO2e
• Total: 2️⃣1️⃣g/km
@newitguy2 @SecretaryPete Interesting: cycling releases 2.7 times less CO2e than walking (56g CO2e per km).

Now let's do cars:
@newitguy2 @SecretaryPete According to ADME (the French environment and energy management agency), the average European car produces 6.6 tons of CO2e during manufacture, and will travel 157,000km in its lifetime.

That works out to 42g CO2e per kilometre from production emissions alone.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 28th 2020
1/4: Alexey Niubom was a participant in leg 3. When he arrived in Bremerhaven after almost five months, he just wanted to see his family in St. Petersburg as quickly as possible. But before 1 July there were no flights to Russia due to Corona.
#MOSAiCexpedition #teamstories
2/4: However, there were flights to Helsinki. Elena Tschertkowa-Paulenz from @AWI_Media Logistics checked with the border police in Finland, learning that from there it would be possible to cross the border into Russia by "personal means of transport".
3/4: So she went to buy a used folding #bike for Alexey. He took it with him on the plane to Helsinki, and there, Alexey & his bike boarded the train to Imatra. Finally, it was time to put the bike to good use. Because what would have been impossible by foot, was allowed by bike.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 26th 2020
#summerofcycling goes on:
👉Pop-up bike lanes are the new kids on the block. 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️
An incomplete summary. Thread ⬇️. Image
cont'd: Pop-up bike lanes (or emergency bike lanes) are temporary cycling infrastructure to help cyclists to maintain spatial distance to minimise the risk of infection and relieve public transport.
@Felix_Weisbrich on #TUMITV about the concept: Image
cont'd: The City of Berlin 🇩🇪 developed so called traffic regulation plans for quick implementation. Companies specializing in road marking are familiar with this type of template and work from construction sites, using markings and cones. Templates:…
Read 138 tweets
May 19th 2020
There’s been a surge in walking and cycling in the #pandemic. Government has promised extra billions. It’s what @TheGreenParty has campaigned for, for many years. So how is it looking in #Sheffield?

To set the scene … since the 1960s, Sheffield had been developed to encourage the private car. Politicians competed for the motorist’s vote.…
The £2 billion, 25-year #PFI contract with #Amey failed to enhance safe pedestrian crossings or walking routes, safe cycling facilities, safe dropped kerbs for wheelchair users, safe routes to school.

It was a contract to keep roads just as they had been 25 years previously.
Read 27 tweets
Dec 18th 2018
Dear @SenKennedy & @BillMagnarelli: Congratulations on becoming Chairs of your houses in the #NYSLegislature. Some thoughts to keep in mind when making policy. (cc @BikeNYBC @transalt @StreetsblogNYC @NYC_SafeStreets)

1) Transportation choices are shaped by public policy.
2) We need to give people safe, convenient transportation choices. Example, loads of people want to cycle places, but they're #2scared2bike.
3) Transportation is the #1 cause of injury death for kids and #2 for adults. But it doesn't have to be this way. Mortality rate in Netherlands is 1/4 of ours. That's because of good engineering (#VisionZero, transit, etc).
Read 14 tweets
Jul 5th 2018
I've started carrying around a bike helmet just in case I need to take a @jumpbikes somewhere (it's often faster than Uber pool/Lyft shared or MUNI during rush hour). Would love one I can just tuck into my backpack. Looked up collapsible bike helmets on Amazon (1/3)
But they're all SUUUUPER expensive (~$140-170). Anyone know why this is? Definitely seems like there'd be more of a market for this with bike/scooter shares.… #Bike #BikeShare (2/3)
Awesome to not have to lug a bike around, but it's not really a feasible last mile option if you don't always have a helmet with you. An easily collapsible/storable helmet would solve this better than a helmet that comes with bikes/scooter (fit issues, might be dirty, etc) 3/3
Read 3 tweets

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