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Amazing day in the field!

Did the 7 hour drive and put 7 hours of field work in, day 1.

Our 6th research visit to #EastPalestine #Ohio area has begun.


1/n Image
Sulfur Run, where the chemicals first entered waterways from The Norfolk Southern #disaster is practically free of water in some places.

Some places are flowing others seemingly with stagnant pools. Image
Sheen still exudes from the Sulfur Run creek banks in places where we visited.

We did see free floating sheen (not from us disturbing) after the confluence of Sulfur Run and Leslie Run.
Read 36 tweets
Welcome to my Saturday #linkdump, the third in an occasional series that may or may not be restricted to Saturdays, but which will ever be an ode to olde-timey #linkblogging of the sort practiced by our blogfathers, blogmothers, and other blogparents:

1/ A pot of chunky chicken and...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

Any fule kno that Saturday is #Caturday, and today's woke felinism comes from @GoingMedieval, earthiest of all the Medivelist Bloggers, author of the superb *Once and Future Sex*, all about dirty dirty medieval people and their filthy filthy habits:…

Read 97 tweets
@RealFakeGator Flashback #Caturday! wrapping up the show here at #CarterWaterPark #PeaceNhams #progrock wif Procol Harum's 'Whiter Shade of Pale' . Stay tuned, we have a total flashback show Bonus Link coming up post show for my sweet insomiacs
@RealFakeGator Here it is... for all night cats and insomniacs, the Pilot show of Midnight Special, ca 1972. The lineup is amazing... till next time, #PeaceNhams, #CarterWaterPark #progrock
@RealFakeGator hey @threadreaderapp please unroll this thread
Read 3 tweets
Meewow! it's anovver sweet #Caturday at #CarterWaterPark 's firepit, where this cat will be sharing Sounds from Canada starting 9ishpm EST, Some Cure, and 🤿 diving deeep into a 2 hour session of #ProgRock ! Yes! The Project! and so much more! 🎸
Meeow! Next #Caturday, a birthday celebration dat benefits Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary, a (501c) charity Come pawty, have fun, support a great cause, and win real world pwizes! Deets below #nipclub #CarterWaterPark #PeaceNhams Image
A peaceful evening here at #CarterWaterPark firepit...our 1st hour, Sounds from Canada will feature Gords. We have many Gords. #PeaceNhams #Nipclub *steps into DJ studio* Image
Read 18 tweets
Mewow! It are #Caturday an teh firepit at #CarterWaterPark is bright and welcoming. Have a seat, we're going to spin some Sounds of Canada, then some dance, and an hour of #ProgRock at 11PM EST
#PeaceNhams #nipclub Image
From Oshawa Ontario, comes this new and powerful #ProgRock duo, Crown Lands. I'll let their sound carry you up and away...*presses PLAY wif paw* #nipclub #PeaceNhams #CarterWaterPark
Carrying on with 'Sounds of Canada' here at #CarterWaterPark have a listen and laugh with this creative and humble Hoser.
If Billy Joel's 'Piano Man' was written by a Canadian *snicker*

Read 17 tweets
MeeWow! another purr-fect #Caturday night here at the #CarterWaterPark firepit, where I'll be sharing some pawsum tunes beginning 9pmish eastern #nipclub #PeaceNhams #progrock so, grab a chair or cushion, I'll be wif you in a few "meow-ments" ImageImage
Tonight, aboot an hour of Sounds of Catnada, er Canada. Meow.
A much-loved favourite, Blow at High Dough, as performed by The Tragically Hip. This is the original release video from, I believe, 1989. #PeaceNhams #nipclub *presses PLAY with paw*
How about some Goddo? A small blip in the Toronto music scene, a driving song by a driven lead singer, it's for rockin' #CarterWaterPark #PeaceNhams

Read 17 tweets
PERSONAL UPDATE: My cat - Bruce Willis - is still missing. First week of May, your donations for a reward will all be refunded. Im exceedingly sad and I miss my boy, but I don’t think he’s coming home. I’d like to update you on what I’ve done in the meantime. 1/ Image
While out looking for Bruce (which had to be funny - me walking the streets shouting BRUCE WILLIS at the top of my lungs and shaking a can of cat treats), I noticed I was being followed by a MASSIVE, hungry Tom Cat who still had his troublepuffs™️2/
I decided rescue him. I called all the neighbors to make sure he was a stray, picked him up, got him neutered, vaccinated, & groomed (he was covered in flea dirt), and brought him home. We got along FAMOUSLY. I named him Wilford (because he clearly resembles Wilford Brimley.) 3/ ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Meow! Tis that time on a #Caturday's the opening of the #CarterWaterPark this week, and #ProgRock by the firepit... Opening tonight with Voices from Canada #PeaceNhams...*steps into DJ studio* #nipclub
Our first hour at #CarterWaterPark is Voices from 'Canada'...From our Far North, a beautiful spirit, Elisapie, with Uummati Attanarsimat (Heart of Glass).

#PeaceNhams #ProgRock
If you enjoy, stream or buy her music here:
APAWlogies! Links got mussed up...
Here is Eliseapie with Heart of Glass #CarterWaterPark #PeaceNhams

Read 16 tweets
Cats are much loved animals in Islam & considered the quintessential pet. Admired for their cleanliness, they're allowed to enter homes & mosques

To celebrate Caturday in Ramadan, here are the adorable cats of Masjid Al-Aqsa, the third-holiest site in Islam

A thread…
1/ A cat sleeping outside Masjid Al-Aqsa
#Ramadan #Caturday Image credit @masjid_al_aqsa on IG
2/ A cat outside Masjid Al-Aqsa
#Ramadan #Caturday Image credit @masjid_al_aqsa on IG
Read 25 tweets
MeeWOW! It's #Caturday night here at the #CarterSnowPark, and we've got a cool lineup tonight! Catnadian Sounds up first, then #nipclub 's pawsum DJ Breeze for an hour 10 - 11 PM, then #ProgRock from 11PM!
First, a special Catnadian PSA heh heh
Junkhouse, with the exceptional Tom Wilson on vocals. I always envision Hamilton Ontario when listening. What do you hear?
Crash Adams, creators of upbeat earworms! Here's the first tune I heard from them, 'Caroline'... *dancing paws* here at #CarterSnowPark

Read 8 tweets
Istanbul is known as the "City of Cats" and sometimes referred to as "Catstanbul." Hundreds of thousands of cats have roamed the metropolis for millenniums.

It’s #Caturday and to celebrate the start of the weekend, a thread on the cats of Istanbul …
1/ The city of Istanbul is chock full of cats, with some estimates putting the number of stray felines at 125,000. The citizens of Istanbul do not see this as a problem; they welcome their feline friends with open arms #Caturday Image credit Vildan YILMAZ
2/ Istanbul has a long history of caring for cats, which goes all the way back to the origins of the city and is firmly rooted in their culture, Islamic beliefs and sense of practicality #Caturday Image credit Drouyn Cambridge
Read 25 tweets
Cats were valued by Islamic scholars, who are said to have kept them in their libraries, because they would prey on mice that would ruin books. Cats are often depicted in paintings alongside Islamic scholars & bibliophiles

For Caturday, a thread on cats, books and the Qur’an…
1/ “Cats do not invalidate the prayer because they are one of the things that are useful in the house”
- Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

Narrated by Abu Hurairah. Ibn Majah 369

#Caturday Cat on a bookshelf  Image credit MERYEM
2/ Cat and the Qur’an

#Caturday Cat and the Qur’an Beta Cindy Aprilia
Read 17 tweets
Yaaa! It's #Caturday night, and getting ready for for some #ProgRock in the #CarterSnowPark.
Snuggle up with your fave anipal(s), here we go! Hai #Nipclub
We'll start off with a wild piece here by Porcupine Tree, "Arriving somewhere but not here" from 2005. Begins beautifully chill, and takes you over hills and around corners.

#ProgRock #CarterSnowPark
Gorgeous capture of a live performance by David Gilmour at Pompeii. 'Comfortably Numb': guitar face, laser show, joyous drumming...goosebumps #ProgRock #CarterSnowPark
Read 11 tweets
Finally. Image
Situation here. Russia is bombing various regions in Ukraine for two hours now. No impacts in Lviv so far. ImageImageImage
On the way to Kyiv physical war damage is still visible all around from Makariv to the east. Ukraine started fixing the first damaged bridges and is cleaning up everywhere, but even here it will take years to rebuild what Russia destroyed in February and March last year. ImageImageImageImage
Read 43 tweets
Meow! It's #Caturday night, and you made a superior choice to hang out wif your furry frends an lissen to #ProgRock at #CarterSnowPark tonight, an #NipClub pals too!
Tonight, space! the final frontier or another rung in a ladder of discoveries?
The Avalanches - with the International Space Orchestra...yeah, I found this *swooon*
#ProgRock #CarterSnowPark
This, a true and wonderful treat, a new prog group from Chicago, USA
As part of tonight's science-y theme, Mr. Darwin is here with @refestramus (feat. NIDA)
I'll share another one of their songs later here at #CarterSnowPark #ProgRock

Read 13 tweets
It's #Caturday, so here's a look at a smallish botnet that tweeted identical tweets about bobcats playing on a Texas golf course.

cc: @ZellaQuixote collage of 15 identical tweets consisting of the text "
This botnet consists of 15 accounts created in 2018 that mostly abstained from tweeting until mid-2022. Most of their recent tweets were sent via the Twitter Web App, with the exception of 183 retweets that were somehow sent via "Twitter Web Client" (the pre-2019 Twitter web UI). table of the 15 accounts in the botnetweekly volume by tweet source chart, showing that almost all
The content posted by this network is extremely repetitive, with 124 distinct tweets that were tweeted at least once by all 15 accounts. None of the content is original; the repeated tweets are all plagiarized Twitter headlines. table of repeated tweetsexample screenshots of headlines the repeated tweets were pl
Read 5 tweets
Cats are an inherent part of Moroccan culture & everyday life, living harmoniously with the people of the country. The reason stems from Islamic beliefs, which have made them ubiquitous across the Muslim world.

It is #Caturday & to celebrate, a thread on the cats of Morocco…
1/ Chefchaouen, or Chaouen, is a city in the Rif Mountains of northwest Morocco. It’s known for the striking, blue-washed buildings of its old town. Cats are abundant in the city 💙

Cats sat in Chefchaouen #Caturday
2/ Zellige is a handcrafted clay tile that originates from Morocco. Zellige tiles are colourful and known for their variations in tone, shine, flatness & depth of the glazing.

A cat with zellige tiles in Morocco
Read 24 tweets
According to Serat Katuranggan Kucing, Javanese "manuscript of cats", specific cat types have characteristics that affect those who keep them. The manuscript describes various types of cats in tembang (verses to sing). 1/8

Thread for #SuperstitionSat theme on pets and #caturday A photograph of a brown tabby kitten standing in an orange cThe scanned image of the original cover of Serat Katoerangga
Some cat types have specific names. For example, Satria Wibawa ("Honorable Warrior") is a cat with consistent markings covering its feet, face, and body, preferably with short/bobbed tail. A cat that helps to achieve life goal and makes wishes come true. 2/8 A photograph of a sitting tortoiseshell cat with sharp green
Two opposite cat types are described as Wulan Krahingan ("daylight moon", black cat with white belly spot) and Wulan Purnama ("full moon", white cat with black belly spot) in different verses. They are believed to bring happiness and luck. 3/8 A photograph of a black cat with yellow eyes, lying on a bedA photograph of a white cat with yellow eyes and some grey m
Read 9 tweets
Cats in Egypt have had a longer history than they have had in almost any other part of the world. Egypt was likely the first place where cats were domesticated 10,000 years ago & are still much loved today

It’s Caturday & to celebrate the weekend, a thread on the cats of Cairo…
1/ Cairo has a long history of caring for cats, which goes all the way back to the origins of the city and is firmly rooted in Egyptian culture, Islamic beliefs and sense of practicality #Caturday
2/ In Islam, cats are considered clean animals & the only animal to allowed to enter the Great Mosque of Mecca. There are many stories in the history books referencing Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) love of cats

A cat sleeping on Aq Sunqur Shrine in the Blue mosque, Cairo
Read 22 tweets
7 days, 18 hours, 39 minutes ago my beloved, known on here as #TheWife, died suddenly of cardiac arrest. Many knew she was valiantly fighting a rare, aggressive cancer. I wrote this obit in tribute to her and us.
1/ 🧵

Madelaine “Maddy” Gold: 11/12/2022…
Many have already read this, but others have not. Friends, family, students and colleagues--please post on the site if you feel able. The messages are amazing and comforting. I am adrift in my grief and so grateful for everyone's support. Y'all are THE best. Thank you.
The Wife loved cats. She spent years helping me run our cat shelter until my paralysis made it infeasible to continue. But she continued to maintain the feral colony until these last months. Her cats, our cats, the colony cats will all miss her.😿
Read 4 tweets
Remembering Louise Dahl-Wolfe on her birthday 🎂
📷 Margaretta Mitchell, Recollections: Ten Women of Photography
"From the moment I saw her first color photographs I knew that Bazaar was at last going to look the way I had instinctively wanted my magazine to look."
- Carmel Snow Image
Robert Doisneau
Harper's Bazaar editor Carmel Snow works on a fashion shoot with photographer Louise Dahl-Wolfe & model Suzy Parker, 1953
This shot is one of the very first taken by Louise Dahl-Wolfe. When it was published in the November 1, 1933 issue of Vanity Fair, it helped her decide on photography as a career.
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