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Feb 22nd 2023
Some quick observations on the #ICJ's two orders today in the respective #Armenia-#Azerbaijan cases. 🪡1/6
Probably most controversial finding in today's orders is the (thinly reasoned) finding that the interruption of movement along the Lachin Corridor plausibly constitutes violation of #Cerd.
J Yusuf's criticism of shoehorning disputes into Cerd compromissory clause worth a read. 2/
Given the ICJ's finding in 2021 that Azerbaijan's claims relating landmines did not plausibly fall under the Cerd, little surprise that it rejected Azerbaijan's claims this time round. However, a few nuggets in the individual opinions... 3/
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Sep 20th 2022
📢 #racisme #discriminations
❓Dans le cadre de l’examen périodique de la 🇫🇷 par le Comité pour l’élimina° de la discrimina° raciale @UNHumanRights, le #CERD a publié la liste des thèmes qui seront abordés lors de l’examen oral.
🗓️ RDV mi novembre
▶️ Données #statistiques précises et indicateurs économiques et sociaux tenant compte notamment des critères de diversité ethnique
▶️ Lutte c/ les #discoursdehaine raciale et d’incitation à la #discrimination raciale.
▶️ Lutte c/ les discriminations structurelles des minorités
▶️Situation des personnes #Roms
▶️ Discrimination à l’enc/ des #Gensduvoyage.
▶️ Lutte contre les multiples formes de discrimination à l’égard des #femmes appartenant à des minorités, ainsi que les femmes migrantes, requérantes d’asile et réfugiées.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 14th 2022
YK:n rotusyrjinnän poistamista käsittelevä #CERD-komitea on 1. kerran koskaan todennut Suomen rikkoneen ko. sopimusta. Syy: KHO hyväksyi #saamelaiset vaaliluetteloon henkilöitä ns. kokonaisharkinnan kautta ilman objektiivisten kriteerien täyttymistä.
Ketju 1/8 + 2 bonusta
Komitea katsoo, että KHO:n ratkaisut ovat voineet keinotekoisesti muuttaa saamelaiskäräjien vaaleissa äänioikeutettuja, mikä on vaikuttanut sen kykyyn aidosti edustaa saamelaisia ja heidän etujaan. 2/x #CERD Image
Komitea suosittelee, että Suomi käynnistää kiireellisesti aidon neuvottelun saamelaiskäräjistä annetun lain 3 §:n tarkistamiseksi. Ratkaisua tulee myös jakaa laajasti eri kielillä. Hallituksen toivotaan 90 päivän kuluessa kertovan komitealle mihin toimiin on ryhdytty. 3/x Image
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Feb 18th 2022
Begin thread 🧵: Update on repression in #Bahrain on the 11th anniversary of the Pearl Uprising, courtesy of @hrw:…
Sheikh Ali Salman was unjustly imprisoned in December 2014 after leading a protest rally in #Bahrain. He is a @DefendingFreedoms prisoner of conscience who should be freed immediately and without conditions. @USEmbassyManama…
Naji Fateel, a blogger and #HumanRights activist, was unjustly detained in #Bahrain in May 2013 and tortured in custody. He is a @DefendingFreedoms prisoner of conscience who should be freed immediately and without conditions.…
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Sep 24th 2021
Well that didn't take long. After #Armenia initiated an #ICJ case against #Azerbaijan last week re #CERD violations, Azerbaijan said it would respond in kind. Yesterday, Azerbaijan filed its own case against Armenia, also under the CERD and also seeking provisional measures. 1/35
Since I summarized #Armenia’s claims last week, it seems only fair to provide an overview of #Azerbaijan’s claims now. Another #CERD case, another long thread from me (sorry). 2/35
Azerbaijan’s application attributes a “policy of ethnic cleansing and systematic violations of CERD” to Armenia—namely, discrimination based on national or ethnic origin aimed at achieving a mono-ethnic state. 3/35
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Sep 16th 2021
An overview (w/some preliminary observations) of the new #ICJ case by #Armenia against #Azerbaijan based on alleged violations of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (#CERD). This is the fourth CERD-based case at the ICJ since 2008. 1/20
#Armenia alleges that #Azerbaijan has subjected individuals of Armenian ethnic/national origin to racial discrimination for decades and fosters hatred towards Armenians as a matter of state policy. (Both parties acceded to the CERD in the 1990s.) 2/20
Armenia further alleges systemic discrimination, mass killings, and torture directed at ethnic Armenians by Azerbaijan, and specifically alleges grave CERD violations during the 2020 armed conflict re #NagarnoKarabakh 3/20
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Dec 3rd 2019
Topic 4: Hate Crime/Speech By Spring 2020, @DeptJusticeIRL commits to #CERD19 that Ireland's approach to Hate Crime/Speech will be known and then progressed to legislation etc.
@DeptJusticeIRL Topic 4: Hate Crime/Speech #CERD2019 By end of December 2019, @DeptJusticeIRL will release Heads of legislation relating to social media/online platforms and harmful communications (incl. racism). Other law reform initiatives in progress.
@DeptJusticeIRL Topic 4: Hate Crime/Speech #CERD2019 Once all legislative measures are progressed, Ireland will reconsider its interpretive declaration to #CERD 's prohibition on hate speech under Art. 4 @DeptJusticeIRL
Read 51 tweets
Dec 2nd 2019
State @merrionstreet & @_IHREC delegations about to begin its engagement with #CERD19 process. You can watch proceedings live here:…
@merrionstreet @_IHREC Chairperson of @UNHumanRights #CERD19 opens the 100th session, and welcomes the @merrionstreet delegation headed by @davidstantontd. Chair notes it's not often the case that a Govt minister leads a delegation at #CERD
@merrionstreet @_IHREC @UNHumanRights @davidstantontd Chair #CERD19 also acknowledges the enormous role of Anastasia Crickley as a 'militant for human rights', and her significant role.
Read 94 tweets
Dec 2nd 2019
The Chairperson of #CERD opens the NGO session for Ireland's report #CERD19
The current Chairperson acknowledges the former #CERD Chairperson Anastasia Crickley (@MaynoothUni ) and pays tribute the the enormous work that Anastasia has done for the protection and promotion of human rights for many decades.
#CERD19 @shaneocurry @INARIreland addressing hate speech, employment issues, racist violence, racial profiling and many other significant issue.
Read 12 tweets
Aug 31st 2019
FIRST TIME: U.N. anti-racism committee issues report calling on Palestinian Authority to stop 'hate speech against Israelis that fuels antisemitism'

Palestinian rep blasts UN Watch for 'spreading lies & half-truths' in its briefings to 18-member UN panel…
In an unprecedented UN criticism of the Palestinians, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (#CERD), a UN human rights treaty body, urged Ramallah to combat "hate speech against Israelis" which it found "fuels hatred" & "may incite violence" & "antisemitism."
The new report by the 18-member UN committee called on the Palestinians to "remove any derogatory comments and images from school curricula and textbooks that perpetuate prejudices and hatred."

In the review session, the UN experts used our materials:…
Read 8 tweets
Jul 23rd 2018
By a narrow margin, the #ICJ has indicated provisional measures in favour of #Qatar against #UAE. However, the Court's brief discussion of the procedural preconditions in #CERD art 22 strikes me as insufficient, even if merely to establish prima facie jurisdiction. 1/
In short, it is not clear to me how the #ICJ can conclude that negotiations b/w #Qatar and #UAE have been exhausted when there is an on-going procedure relating to the same subject-matter in front of the #CERD Committee (regardless of whether bilateral talks went nowhere). 2/
The Court notes (at para 39) that #Qatar is not relying on the CERD Committee proceedings to show that art 22 conditions are met, but this seems to miss the point. The pending CERD Committee action arguably *defeats* -- rather than *establishes* -- ICJ jurisdiction. 3/
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Jun 14th 2018
The more I think about the new #Qatar v #UAE case at the #ICJ, the more I think #Qatar's submission of an inter-State communication to the #CERD Committee in May 2018 raises a serious obstacle to establishing the ICJ's jurisdiction pursuant to CERD article 22. 1/
Recall that #CERD art 22 provides for #ICJ jurisdiction only when the dispute "is not settled by negotiation or by the procedures expressly provided for in this Convention". In its Application, #Qatar asserts that its effort to negotiate a settlement with #UAE has failed. 2/
#Qatar is probably right that the two preconditions in article 22 are alternative, not cumulative. A state likely does not need to show that bilateral negotiations AND the procedures laid out in CERD arts 11-13 have failed before it can unilaterally trigger #ICJ jurisdiction. 3/
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Jun 12th 2018
A few preliminary thoughts on the case filed by #Qatar against #UAE yesterday at the #ICJ, including Qatar's request for provisional measures. The lengthy application instituting proceedings is here:… 1/
Qatar alleges UAE has enacted various discriminatory measures aimed at Qataris since June 2017, including the collective expulsion of Qataris living in UAE. Qatar says the measures violate the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. 2/
Qatar & UAE are parties to the #CERD. Article 22 of the treaty provides for #ICJ jurisdiction if the matter is not settled by negotiation. This means Qatar must demonstrate that it's made a "genuine attempt" to settle the dispute & has taken negotiations "as far as possible". 3/
Read 10 tweets

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