, 94 tweets, 105 min read
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State @merrionstreet & @_IHREC delegations about to begin its engagement with #CERD19 process. You can watch proceedings live here: webtv.un.org/live-now/watch…
@merrionstreet @_IHREC Chairperson of @UNHumanRights #CERD19 opens the 100th session, and welcomes the @merrionstreet delegation headed by @davidstantontd. Chair notes it's not often the case that a Govt minister leads a delegation at #CERD
@merrionstreet @_IHREC @UNHumanRights @davidstantontd Chair #CERD19 also acknowledges the enormous role of Anastasia Crickley as a 'militant for human rights', and her significant role.
@merrionstreet @_IHREC @UNHumanRights @davidstantontd Chair #CERD19 states that the only interest of the Committee is 'law' and not 'politics' hmmmmm 🤔❓⁉️ #lawcanbepolitics (personal opinion not views of any delegation I'm representing!)
@merrionstreet @_IHREC @UNHumanRights @davidstantontd Now dealing with procedures, so first Minister @davidstantontd will deliver Irish Govt opening statement. This will be followed by @_IHREC delegation, led by @salomembugua . The Special Rapporteur, Prof Shepard, will then lead with questions to the State.
@merrionstreet @_IHREC @UNHumanRights @davidstantontd @salomembugua Tomorrow, Deputy Secretary General of @DeptJusticeIRL Oonagh Buckley @DSGJustEqual will lead the State delegation (given that Minister Stanton will be voting in the Dáil on motion of confidence).
Minister @davidstantontd opening statement relating to access to citizenship in Ireland & recognition of Traveller ethnicity.
@davidstantontd The issue of access to education and rights of minority faiths, with changes to school access highlighted by @davidstantontd
@davidstantontd The issue of state machinery for rights, with the passage of the @_IHREC 2014 Act, and role of IHREC now being discussed. For role of @_IHREC more generally, see ihrec.ie/about/who-we-a…
@davidstantontd @_IHREC The estb of @WRC_ie & its jurisdiction to determine whether discrimination occurred on protected grounds within employment and goods and services - and the linking of this with state architectures for realising rights workplacerelations.ie/en/
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie Minister @davidstantontd stating that NGOs are 'critical friends' with Migrant Integration Strategy. Read this strategy here: justice.ie/en/JELR/Migran…
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie Prof @carolinefennel2 (and member of @_IHREC ) has been named today as lead for new anti-racism committee . Will report within 3 months.
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 Oops wrong Twitter handle for Prof Fennell....apologies #CERD19
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 Minister @davidstantontd now explaining the various educational support services and educational opportunities for Traveller and Roma communities, including a new pilot scheme to remove barriers to attainment and engagement with education #CERD19
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 The issue of accomodation for Travellers now being discussed. Minister @davidstantontd noting that a 2017 Review, and then an independent expert group (July 2019). Discussion of reports, yet @HousingPress still considering delivery of Traveller accommodation #CERD19
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress As regards @welfare_ie Minister @davidstantontd notes targeted supports for Travellers as regards employment and social protection, with specific projects and initiatives #CERD19 and pre-employment support strategies
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie Break from summarising the Minister's statement to #CERD19, an awful lot of 'reviews', 'consultations', 'consultation bodies' w/ limited information on outcomes for persons experiencing racial discrimination within Ireland @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR Minister @davidstantontd noting positive engagement of @gardainfo with diversity and integration strategies . See full strategy here: justice.ie/en/JELR/Migran…
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo 'In time', all Govt Depts will be responsible for Equality Budgeting (something @flacireland has discussed for many years!) No precise date on when this will occur by. #CERD19
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland Minister @davidstantontd now discussing positive aspects of Ireland's engagement with refugee resettlement with a focus on Syrian refugees in need of protection & the launch of community sponsorship for refugees (@NascIreland have been leaders on this!) nascireland.org/campaigns/comm…
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland Minister @davidstantontd now explaining the Government approach to the system of #directprovision and why the Government believes it is the best method of delivering supports to persons seeking asylum #CERD19
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland Minister @davidstantontd states that #directprovision is a 'wrap around' system, and notes the 2018 Reception Regulations was hugely positive. The Minister states the McMahon Report 2015 is the blueprint for the changes to #directprovision #CERD19
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland Minister @davidstantontd #CERD19 now discussing the introduction of the International Protection Act 2015. The Minister states that improvements in times for determining protection claims will start to be seen soon (my note: we've been told this ad nauseum since 1999...)
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland Minister #CERD19 also notes TWO new groups, an interdepartmental group of Govt departments @merrionstreet & group heading by Dr Catherine Day on international protection and #directprovision. No info (yet) on terms of reference of this group, or who are members of this group are
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland @merrionstreet Minister commits to reviewing Ireland's reservation to Article 4 of CERD (prohibition of racism and hate speech) #CERD19
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland @merrionstreet Now @salomembugua of @_IHREC providing #CERD19 with the IHREC report, and providing very NB reflections on how international issues DO impact on Ireland. Ireland has always treated Travellers as 'other' ihrec.ie/reports-intern…
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland @merrionstreet @salomembugua Sorry needed water 🚰🚰 picking up on Commissioner @salomembugua noting State failure to provide adequate housing in general, impacts even more significantly on Travellers and racial and ethnic minorities in Ireland #CERD19
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland @merrionstreet @salomembugua Commissioner @salomembugua noting significant capacity issues in #directprovision, the inadequate 'emergency accomodation' system and this should cease 'as soon as possible' #CERD19
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland @merrionstreet @salomembugua Commissioner @salomembugua stating @_IHREC 's policy (since 2014)- The State MUST move away from the system of #directprovision, in the meantime, must implement McMahon, and engage with local communities #CERD19
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland @merrionstreet @salomembugua Commissioner @salomembugua finishing by noting that human rights and equality "in all its diversity" must be respected, protected and fulfilled @_IHREC #CERD19
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland @merrionstreet @salomembugua Now the #CERD19 Rapporteur from the CERD Committee. This is a very significant part of proceedings, as may provide insights to what potentially will be included in CERD's Concluding Observations which will be released on 13 December 2019
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland @merrionstreet @salomembugua The Rapporteur notes the gender balance in the State's delegation (sometime fairly unique within international human rights treaty bodies), the growth in the Irish economy and the issue of Brexit, and the State continues to see this period as one of recovery from the recession
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland @merrionstreet @salomembugua Rapporteur requests (1) disaggregated data on racial and ethnic groups who are part of Irish society (2) training for those who collected identity (3) development of data systems to enable monitoring #CERD19
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland @merrionstreet @salomembugua Rapporteur asks why did the Black Irish and Black African category (Census 2016) reduce by over 1% #CERD19
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland @merrionstreet @salomembugua Now we get the regular treaty body questions- (1) why is #CERD19 not incorporated into domestic law? (2) Will the State withdraw the Art. 4 reservation/declaration (Note State committed a few mins ago to review this) (3) Human rights education to assist in eliminating discrim
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland @merrionstreet @salomembugua (4) Will there be a new action plan on combatting racisim and foster integration? (5) Will a body like the NCCRI (National Consultative Commission On Racism And Intolerance) be re-established?
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland @merrionstreet @salomembugua (6) Shortcomings in Equal Status Acts and issues relating to the Act not fully in according with Art. 1 #CERD19 - issue of descent or multiple/intersectional issues. Issue of whether immigration authorities compliance with Equal Status Acts
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland @merrionstreet @salomembugua (7) The issue of human rights training to all public authorities, including law enforcement officials, and all other public bodies (s. 42 of IHREC Act 2014) #CERD19 Committee requests specific info on implementation.
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland @merrionstreet @salomembugua (8) #CERD19 welcomes new anti-racism committee, and asks questions on training within law enforcement on human rights
@davidstantontd @_IHREC @WRC_ie @carolinefennel2 @HousingPress @welfare_ie @INARIreland @IrishCentreHR @gardainfo @flacireland @NascIreland @merrionstreet @salomembugua (9) Based on @IrishCentreHR #CERD19 Report - Rapporteur asks on issues of business and human rights, the reliance on coal from a rights violating mine, and what will State do in this regard?
(10) Further #CERD19 requests for information on racial and ethnic profiling with delivery of policing services- Travellers, Roma and persons of African descent. Will there be an independent audit?
(11) The 2014 removal of Roma children. Who was held to account for this racially profiled removal of the children? What lessons have been learned and system changes implemented?
(12) The issues raised by @MixedRaceIrish on redress for institutionalisation on mixed race Irish kids in institutions. What is State doing to ensure #CERD19 compliance?
(13) Hate speech/crime is an issue in Ireland #CERD19 discriminatory language (President canpaign), stats on racially motivated crime in Ireland, far right rethoric within online platforms in politics (all points raised by @drlucymichael in @INARIreland contribs today)
(14) Prohib of racist organisations under Art 4 #CERD19, CERD asks if Offences Against State Act could be used to proscribe such orgs....
(15) Traveller Ethnicity: What rights come with this designation ? #CERD19 Measures to encourage Traveller Community in public & political affairs?
(16) Cultural Rights & Education& Inclusion: How are Traveller cultures engaged with in education curriculum ? Travellers & Roma resources to ensure societal inclusion? The issue of child benefit for Roma? Educational & employment attainment by these communities?
(17) Educational Inclusion: is there a need to monitor whether Schools not granting religious preferences? #CERD19
(18) People of African Descent: Issues of racial Discrimination in employment. EU study Being Black in the EU:- Ireland recording highest amts of racial violence and harassment.
(18 cont) People of African Descent:- need to disaggregate data on discrimination in accessing/ within employment. Welcomes Ireland's (late engagement) with Int Decade
(19) Rapporteur now turning to asylum seekers, refugees and stateless persons. Noting positive developments #CERD19
(19 Contd) Problematic nature of #directprovision . People must be located within communities not segregated? #CERD19 Emergency Accom is very concerning- what will be done? Need to conduct barriers to effective access to labour market? Sexual & other Violence in #directprovision
(20) some incorrect statements from Rapporteur on some issues here re #asylum, may have misspoken. Problem is the State will now go into huge detail on these issues to correct the record, in order to not answer other Qs 😟#CERD19
(21) Questions on whether Ireland will sign and ratify UN Migrant Workers Convention (spolier- all EU countries have a soft understanding not to ratify this Convention) #CERD19
(22) Several Qs on Trafficking (apologies for not outlining these questions)
(23) Still catching up......
(24) Racism & Anti Semitism Education: NB questions on content of history education and role of ethnic minorities and Black persons (this issue raised by @NanaNubi of @INARIreland )
Pausing Tweeting for next 15 mins or so- continue to refresh #CERD19 hashtag. Will pick up Qs from when tweeting resumes.
And #CERD19 tweeting recommencing: Starting renumbering of
questions from individual Committee members.....
(1) Rights of domestic migrant workers & exclusion of s2 of Equal Status Act. Does this permit domestic employers from being discriminatory?
(2) #directprovision Q: If an asylum seeker from Donegal wishes to go to Dublin (for interviews etc) - what plans in place so the asylum seeker can go to Dublin as directly as possible?
(3) Hate Speech: This issue arose in 2011 #CERD19 What will replace the Incitement to Hatred Act 1989?
(4) What measures are Ireland going to adopt as regards #climatechange and intersections on race? Will Ireland achieve its targets, in order to reduce impacts domestically and internationally?
(5) #directprovision concerns around level of monetary allowance, the distance of DP Centre from towns, in particular issues relating to isolation of asylum seekers #CERD19
(6) Number of questions on racial profiling in Ireland of young people from minority backgrounds. Committee now going for a break #CERD19 tweeting resumes afterwards
(7) #CERD19 Committee member noting positive engagement by Ireland with CERD process. Qs on statistics and Traveller groups & persons of African descent. How many TDs, decision makers members of the Traveller community or persons of African descent?
(8) #CERD19 On Decade of Persons of African Descent- positive step to now engage.
(9) #CERD19 How do all the reviews, bodies work together? Will Ireland develop a National Plan Against Racism?
(10) Why is #CERD not part of domestic law? What is the reason for this #CERD19 ?
(11) How will Ireland engage with CERD's General Comment on segregation and forthcoming GC on racial profiling? #CERD19
(12) More questions on hate speech & Irish law and concerns around commitment of crime with racial intents/bias. What stats & mechanisms exist to ensure prohibition of hate crime/speech?
(13) What specific training exisits to prevent racial profiling by law enforcement authorities? #CERD19
(14) Are judges & lawyers trained on issues of race and racial prejudice? #CERD19
(15) #CERD19 Explain how private entities are held to account for racial discrimination? Prof McDougall asking about changes to Equal Status Act & removal from (then) Equality Tribunal to District Court
(16) Are employment practices in Ireland restricting minority persons, in partic women migrants, from gaining fair access to employment opportunities?
(17) Violence issues for some migrant women, and their legal protections within migration regimes in Ireland #CERD19
(18) #CERD19 Travellers and other minorities severely impacted by the housing crisis. How does the State monitor this issue?
(19) #CERD19 How does Ireland ensure inclusion of persons excluded from Irish society?
(20) Issues of redress within institutions for Irish persons who are mixed race #CERD19 ?
(21) #CERD19 On linguistic diversity, curriculum reform, how is Ireland's diversity expressed within education and public media?
(22) #CERD19 Committee noting hate speech of politicians and noting @INARIreland statistics on hate speech. Racism, in streets and online Asking State how it is to respond to this?
(23) On persons of African descent, what laws, protection mechanisms will be introduced to further protect this Community ? #CERD19
(24) What actions are being taken as regards the issue of racism in sport in Ireland #CERD19
(25) #CERD19 Can Ireland explain the place of people of African descent within school cirricula and within broader media? What positive & affirmative action can thr State outline?
(26) What monitoring does Irish govt conduct on actions of businesses abroad as regards racial injustice? #CERD19
(27) What perioidic State surveys on discrimination are conducted? Can State provide info on minorities in prison? #CERD19 will artifical intelligence abd automation impact more signif on minority groups?
(28) Racist motivation & extent which a trial judge 'can take' racial motivation as an aggravating factor in sentencing? How is this ensured?
(29) #CERD19 Statistics on 'aggravated circumstances' sentencing, not kept by Courts Service. Why?
(30) #CERD19 Legal Aid (discussed by @eilis_barry of @flacireland) & issue of social security, protection process, housing- limited rgt of appeal. Is legal aid available for judicial review?
(31) issue of child benefit and persons of Roma origin, how does the State ensure access for this community #CERD19
(32) When will vulnerability assessments under the 2018 Regulations be available? Further detail also requested on #directprovision
(33) Final Question! On issue of attack on Sinn Fein TD who had his car burned out for opposing racism. State's response requested #CERD19
Meeting adjouned. I know its 6pm but I'm getting coffee and chocolate 😂👍 #CERD19
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