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Jul 1st 2020
The S&P June '#Credit Conditions #NorthAmerica' report is an interesting exploration of current economic and financing trends:… #GlobalTrends #Macro #US #Canada...Some takeaways...(1/3) ImageImage
2/3 Shape of #Recovery by sector, Corporate earning vs GDP forecast & Fed driven financing conditions leads to surge in corporate bond issuance...#Macro #US #Risks #CorpCredit ImageImageImage
3/3 Overview of corporate downgrade trends by sector & overview of structured finance trends in #NorthAmerica...#GlobalTrends #Macro #CorpCredit #CLOs #Risks ImageImage
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Jun 30th 2020
The Fed Board of Govs 'Financial Stability Report' from May holds some interesting perspectives:… Some takeaways...(1/5)...The assets - where will these valuations be at in 2021? Which ones wld u want to hold? #Macro #US ImageImageImage
2/5 The liabilities...Outstanding #US Non-financial corp & household #credit...#CorpCredit at record highs % to GDP..High yield/Lev. Lending looking challenged b4 Fed stepped in...#Macro #Risks ImageImageImageImage
3/5 #US #CorpCredit & #LeveragedLoans quality deteriorated...Banks exposure to corporate borrowers via credit lines was at $3.6trln at the end of 2019, drawdowns increased as corporates hit turbulence in Q1...#Macro #Risks ImageImageImageImage
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Jun 27th 2020
The Fed 'Dodd-Frank Act #StressTest 2020' results provide some bland but interesting perspectives on what a "severely adverse" scenario would look like & how it would affect key financial institutions:… #GlobalTrends #Macro #Risks Some takeaways...(1/3) ImageImageImageImage
2/3 What a 2020 "Severely Adverse" scenario would look like according to the June #StressTests...#Macro #Investing #Risks #CorporateCredit #LeveragedLending #CLOs #Credit #Banks #ETFs ImageImageImageImage
3/3 What a "severely adverse" scenario would do to the key financial institutions according to the Fed's June #StressTests...#Macro #Investing #Risks #Banks #Credit ImageImageImageImage
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