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Jun 14th 2023
As was widely expected, the @federalreserve today halted the most aggressive policy rate #HikingCycle since 1980, leaving the Fed Funds range unchanged at 5.0% to 5.25%, a level that appears clear to us to be finally having an impact on the #economy.
We think today’s actions represent a “Hawkish skip,” which implies that #policy makers are seeking more #data before potentially hiking rates again in July, or September.
For our part, we think #ChairPowell’s comments at the press conference made it clear that the #FOMC is seeking to balance increasingly restrictive monetary policy with the high degree of uncertainty around the tightening of #CreditConditions
Read 15 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
S&P confirme la note de #crédit de la France à AA

PARIS (Dow Jones)--L'agence de notation S&P Global Ratings a confirmé vendredi la note de crédit long terme de la France à "AA", mettant en avant "la stratégie révisée d'assainissement budgétaire du #gouvernement"
qui a légèrement réduit ses objectifs de déficits. L'agence cite notamment parmi les éléments positifs, "la suppression progressive des aides à l'énergie en raison de la baisse des prix des hydrocarbures,
ainsi que l'impact des #réformesdesretraites et du marché du travail récemment mises en œuvre". S&P a cependant maintenu sa perspective sur la note à "négative", ce qui signale la possibilité d'un abaissement en cas de dégradation des comptes publics dans les prochains mois.
Read 5 tweets
May 10th 2023
Today’s #CPI report continues to depict #inflation that is just too high for most people’s good, especially the @federalreserve’s.
In fact, the report showed that #inflation remains remarkably sticky, which doesn’t correspond to virtually any practical thinker’s timeline of when it might be expected to start to come down further.
These elevated levels of inflation continue to be remarkably high relative to the many months with which the #economy has now operated with persistently higher #InterestRates.
Read 17 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
[1/🧵] I believe @bob_way has already gone way overboard with #ILP and all the complexities of explaining all that needs to be expressed. ❤️

Still, let me make a few remarks on the following topics 👇
• Infrastructure layers of #ILP
#XRPL Payment Channels
• "Ledger Graphs"
[2/17] — Infrastructure Layers of #Interledger

When it comes to the most recent version of the open #ILPv4 suite in universal mode (high volume, low value payments), the layering is as follows:

1⃣ Application
2⃣ Transport
3⃣ Interledger (Core Layer)
4⃣ Link
5⃣ Ledger
[3/17] — 1⃣ Application Layer —

This is the suite's first layer, and it contains the following protocol:
➡️ #SPSP (Simple Payment Setup Protocol)

📝 This is for #identifiers, which are comparable to email addresses and are used to make addresses readable.
Read 18 tweets
Mar 10th 2023
I wanted to thank @bob_way once more for this 4 hour Twitter space marathon.

Today I realized that I am still in the early stages of learning about #ILP and the #XRPL.

In case you missed it today, here are all the sources we discussed: 🧵👇
2⃣ — Local Exchange Trading Systems (#LETS)…
Read 11 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
The #AdaniGroups Saga- For Naive #Investors. A thread

I, Mr A(#Adani) have 100 chips. By #Law, I cannot own more than 75, so I hav 73 chips. 27 chips r sold in d market. Anther 15 Chips: My uncle buys them by pretending to b normal people. This is illegal, bt who will catch me?
So there are 12 chips left in the market. Out of these, #Funds like #LIC buys 9 chips. 3 chips are now left on the open market.

My #media, #political and PR management and #connections are excellent. There are whispers that I am related to the #king and #Government.
My uncle, disguised as a common man, #buys and #sells chips again, creating an impression of great demand. A plastic chip worth Rs 2 is given for Rs 10.
People compete to buy at Rs 12, 13. Then my uncle increases price and buys chips fr Rs 100 making me one of Investors Fav scrip
Read 11 tweets
Mar 5th 2023
[1/🧵] @DigiEuro interviewed @moderndosh and @AntonyWelfare on the @Ripple #CBDC-Manager software.

The underlying private #CBDC-ledger based on #XRPL was also heavily discussed.

I summarized the most of the interview for you, along with my personal comments. 🧵👇 Welcome to the Ripple Digital Currency Manager
[2/19] To begin, if you are completely unfamiliar with #CBDCs and the #Ripple solution, here is a nice place to start:
[3/19] One important reason for using a private version of the public #XRPL is that a central #bank needs to be able to control the #money supply.

Why use a private ledger ❓
▶️ Central banks and #governments must be able to mint and destroy #currencies. CBDC Hierarchy of Needs
Read 21 tweets
Feb 14th 2023
Thanks to @GeoffCutmore & @steve_sedgwick for the chat on #SquawkBox this morning!

Short and sweet today, but I hope it was of some interest. The notes I put together ahead of time will follow in this thread...
First of all, it's #ValentinesDay and SOMEONE is going to get massacred today when the #CPI is released, so naturally:-

Roses are red, violets are blue,
JayPow doesn't know
And neither do you.

#inflation's effects are not as universal as they were, but does that mean we can all now relax?

Read 15 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
ரொம்ப நாளாக எழுதணும் நினைத்த த்ரெட்.
இன்று நேரம் அமைந்ததால் பதிவிடும் வாய்ப்பு கிடைத்தது.
" கடன்"இந்த வார்த்தை பலரின் வாழ்க்கையில் மிகவும் பரிச்சயமான வார்த்தை (1)
இந்த கடனால் புதிய நபர்கள் அறிமுகமாவார்கள் , பழைய நண்பர்கள் விலகுவார்கள்.
ஒரு பக்கம் மகிழ்ச்சி , மறு பக்கம் துன்பம் என்று இதனால் இரண்டு வகையான உணர்வுகளையும் அதிகமாகேவே கொடுக்க வல்லது.(2)
அளவுக்கு மிஞ்சினால் அமிர்தமும் நஞ்சு என்பது கடனுக்கும் பொருந்தும். தன் சக்தி க்கு மீறி கடன் வாங்கும் பலர் சுனாமி அலைகள் போல அடித்து சென்று கடலின் கோர பசிக்கு இறையான சான்று இன்றும் உள்ளது சிலர் மட்டுமே கறை சேருவார்கள். (3)
Read 19 tweets
Jan 15th 2023
#Pakistan is going thru a complex #macro situation. At its heart is one symptom: the #CAD. Because the CAD has been perennial, this long-standing symptom translated into large foreign liabilities. Short 🧵👇
a) The #CAD shows that #Pakistan has been consuming beyond what it produces. At its heart, there’s another perennial deficit: the fiscal deficit.
b) To fix the #CAD, compressing #imports is futile (e.g. with the flood levy). You need either to reduce the fiscal deficit, or increase private saving well beyond investment. 👇
Read 10 tweets
Jan 3rd 2023
[1/🧵] #XRPLedger's Green ♻️ Agenda 2030 — Part 2/2

#XRPL, the leading and first prominent #DLT to achieve 💚 carbon neutrality 💚

Part 2 of this series will teach you all you need to know about the #eco-friendliness of #XRP, the digital asset. 🧵👇 Original Source:

This is typically a heated topic. That is why I will do my best to be neutral, clear, and factual. Expect no guesstimates or personal opinions on this subject.

Everything is stated exactly as it is! Source:
[3/26] If you haven't already, I highly recommend reading part 1 of this lengthy series to get a feeling of the magnitude of the undertaking that @Ripple is leading in this domain with the help of the #XRPL. 👇

Read 28 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
"Je ne pense pas personnellement que le #GrandReset soit inévitable
Nous aurons un long et dur combat contre le récit qui est poussé
Mais il y a bcp d'obstacles face au #WEF et aux #globalistes
Et on a vu, avec le Covid et sa réponse, que ce genre ⬇️
2 - ... de choses vit ou meurt avec l'obéissance du public
Et la chose la + importante que nous pouvons tous faire c'est de continuer à en parler, résister contre ces mesures, horribles, draconiennes et autoritaires dont le WEF est si friand
A la fin ils ne peuvent ⬇️
3 - ... l'implémenter que si le public l'accepte, sans l'adhésion du public, le GreatReset est mort
Les cadres opérationnels qui vont être nécessaires pour le #CBDC, l'#identité numérique, le #crédit #social à grande échelle, tout cela prendra des années
Alors nous avons ⬇️
Read 4 tweets
Oct 30th 2022
🧵 Is the American Dream dead? - a tweetstorm

This is a brain dump of .@RaoulGMI's 30+ years of knowledge, how the world works, and how his macro framework fits into it all ⤵️
1/ There's no denying that we're in a mess!

By the Law of Unintended Consequences, every time we try to fix A, we create problems B, C, D, E, etc.

We hardly understand these new problems unless there's hindsight to connect the dots...

So, how the hell did we get here?

Let's start by looking at the peak of the #British Empire:

It was the world's largest realm. But as with every empire, trying to control so many people across the globe has its price & #debt weakened its structure...
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Oct 20th 2022
1/n So many people try to think so hard whether a #Fed #pivot is coming and when, so they could "buy the bottom" while Fed is pivoting. When in reality, the #market (both #StockMarket and #credit) are so much more complicated and unpredicatble then that.
2/N Even though I cannot claim I can predict what the Fed will do, I think they'll most likely going to behave in waves, similar to the 70's. By that I mean waves of rising ->falling->rising IR.
3/N The reason for that is this is the most likely scenerio for inflation itself. The different components of inflation moving in different tempo (time frames). For example, shulter prices definently affected by IR, but it takes some time to affect... Image
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Jul 20th 2022
🚨 Check out this @TwitterSpaces on credit insights hosted by @profplum99 (Mike Green) with @Volatilysmile

Esp timely with iTraxx hitting 2 day tightening next to Covid levels when Fed started Corporate Asset purchase peogram.

#credit #swaps #bonds #defaults #CDS
🔥 iTraxx ramp

Real possibility of idiosyncratic risk for specific cos exposed to specific factors 👇

#credit #swaps #bonds #defaults #CDS #leveredloans #hedgefunds #pods #creditfunds
I received bunch of DMs about iTraxx.

For understanding the same, please check out this link:…

iTraxx indices are a family of European, Asian and emerging market tradable credit default swap indices.

#credit #swaps #bonds #defaults #CDS #leveredloans
Read 8 tweets
Jul 11th 2022
We are short $Sinch, a swedish telecommunications company. In our opinion, the company misstated its financial statements by billions, read the full report:…
As a tech company #Sinch expensed ZERO R&D costs in 2021. All while #Twilio expensed 28% of revenue in the same time, #Sinch self proclaims being profitable for years while growing its business, read the full report:…
At first glance, we found material misstatements of net profit and EBIT within #Sinch financial statements. Profit is misstated by SEK 34m and EBIT by SEK 22m, read the full report:…
Read 12 tweets
Jun 16th 2022
Des messages sur Twitter se gaussent de l'idée qu'un État puisse dépenser plus sans forcément s'endetter, ou augmenter le taux d'imposition. C'est pourtant possible par le mécanisme du #multiplicateur keynésien. Essayons de voir cela, en simplifiant bien sur. #Thread
Le principe du multiplicateur a été posé par Richard Kahn, à partir d'intuitions de Nicholas Johannsen, et cela à convaincu #Keynes de corriger son Traité de la monnaie (1931) pour écrire la #Théorie Générale (1936). 2/23 Image
Ce principe #macroéconomique est aujourd'hui utilisé en pratique et admis dans tous les modèles des grandes institutions (FMI, Banque Mondiale, banques centrales, gouvernements…), mais cette pratique se fait avec réticence, en raison de ses implications théoriques. 3/23
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Apr 27th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting the panel discussion with @doctorsumitseth @RVlahutin @sharads @aurora_ravi @Hiroakitanikkei and @erinwatsonlynn

Stay tuned for updates!

Join us using this link:

#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue
.@doctorsumitseth: e–KYC, e-signatures are an outcome of #digital transformation, where the last man standing has also benefited. This is the silent revolution that has transcended in India; from the #MissedCall economy to #4G penetration

.@sharads: #Internet committed the original sin: It became an advertising-supported web. It created an ecosystem where the big three companies have information about us on the internet.

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Apr 22nd 2022
Good discussion.
I’ve invested in different types of #credit/lending startups.
Credit is VERY hard but looks ‘easy.’
But I’ve asserted for years that it’s bigger (& more lucrative) than payments. Yet hugely underserved.
That may be a reason for the interest.
Access to cheap debt?
That’s just one variable in the credit equation.
No-file/thin-file credit histories reaffirm but complicate the opportunity.
Ability to pay & willingness to pay are not coterminous.
Consequences of default aren’t well understood across geos.
Better sightline infra is still a WIP.
Underwriting at scale is much harder than it looks. Truly automating this is holy grailish. Many startups are doing this w/ vibes, winks & inshallah. Excel gymnastics won’t save them.

There is a huge gap in the timing AND breadth of products offered vs those demanded or needed.
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Apr 10th 2022
What is Swix DAO? an introduction to crypto natives.
A 🧵

1/21 The #crypto markets are a great place for people and teams to innovate, to push the boundaries of previously accepted limits.
2/21 That is why I love this space and have committed my time and effort to learn more & more each day, both to find #money making opportunities, and to just see the satisfying growth of this community full of over achievers, idealists, geniuses, & curious people.
3/ That's why today I want to share with all of you the interesting project that we are building at Swix DAO, because I think that if you are anything like me, you would #love to find about this project.
Swix DAO is, as stated in its name, a Decentralized autonomous organization,
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Mar 13th 2022
Lot of #AMCs come up with different ideas, themes, sectors.

These are demands from #Investors as they have done well in recent past.

AMCs are manufacturers & will offer what is in demand.

Final choice to say YES or NO lies entirely with Investors based on their #NEEDs
What should investors choose and what should they ignore. A point by point guide on where and why to invest in certain #themes, #MarketCap bias, #Sectors, #AssetClasses etc.

What should be criteria for these selections and what should guide them to resist from Investing?
Lets start with #Debt:

Keep enough money as 1 year of your expenses as #EmergencyFunds in #LiquidSchemes

You already have enough exposure to debt as:

1. #PPF
2. #TaxFreeBonds
3. #FDs

No need for separate debt allocation if you are investing thru #AssetAllocation (AA) or #DAAF
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Feb 9th 2022
Limiting monthly losses is indeed one thing that casinos can do to protect consumers, but they are not obligated to do so in every jurisdiction.

Give Online Gambling Websites #credit
After all the negatives and potential dangers we have touched upon,… it’s time to give casinos a bit of a credit where such is due. While online gambling venues are certainly far from ideal and invite risks, dismissing them all together would be unfair. As explained earlier, these websites use many tools that allow… them to track data in real-time. That data can then be used to reliably enforce safeguards that will prevent gamblers from coming in harm’s way. Automated tools, checks, and partnerships with AML and KYC companies mean that online casinos can achieve a
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Jan 27th 2022
With @StateBank_Pak releasing dissaggregated #trade data for December, we have a picture of the full 2021, which, despite #supply #chain disruptions worldwide, was 'good' for #Pakistan. Short thread below:
1\ #exports grew by 30.1% in 2021 w.r.t. 2020, with a strong pick up in merchandise, but also substantive in services.

#trade #Pakistan
2\ To be sure, in #real terms, #Pakistan's #exports remain below its local max in 2011. So, no 'record exports' if we talk real terms and not values.
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Jan 26th 2022
What is #XRP? How might it affect #globaleconomics? Let us tell you everything you need to know about XRP at the Feb. 3rd @linqtoinc Learn:
The cross-border #payments we know today are slow, expensive, and opaque. It goes through the 600-year-old correspondent #bankingsystem facilitated by #SWIFT. In short, this takes a while.
#XRPpayments are nearly instant removing #credit and #liquidity #risk from the process, lowering bank costs considerably. The network finds the best price for exchange and liquidity, and customers are no longer locked in, eliminating the settlement risk.
Read 4 tweets

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