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Mar 18th 2023
#ChiefJusticeofIndia DY Chandrachud to deliver a talk at the @IndiaToday Conclave on 'Justice in the Balance: My idea of India. And the importance of separation of powers in a democracy'.

#SupremeCourt #SupremeCourtofIndia #CJI Image
On pendency, #CJI DY Chandrachud says, "We need greater efficiency...judge to population ratio skewed, lack of infrastructure in district judiciary main reasons."

#SupremeCourt #SupremeCourtofIndia Image
#CJI DY Chandrachud: Our judiciary is based on the colonial idea that people have to access justice. But it must now give way to the idea of justice as an essential service that we must provide to our citizens.

#SupremeCourt #SupremeCourtofIndia
Read 8 tweets
Dec 14th 2022
@KirenRijiju in Rajya Sabha: Presently under the leadership of Modi-ji, the budgetary allocation, the proactive support to judiciary, this is very well known...

#Parliament #ParliamentWinterSession
...No Court in India can say that they are wanting the support of the government of India, especially for infrastructure
#Parliament #ParliamentWinterSession
On questions regarding pendency in the Judiciary

@KirenRijiju: Most of the pending cases are in lower courts. Supreme Court has close to 70,000 cases.

I have made certain remarks in a very very good gesture to the Hon'ble Supreme Court...
#Parliament #ParliamentWinterSession
Read 11 tweets
Jan 12th 2021
(Farmers Protest)

CJI SA Bobde led bench to shortly assemble & deliver orders in the #FarmersProtests case. #SupremeCourt had indicated that it may stay the implementation of the #FarmActs
However, in a latest update, Senior Advocate Dushyant Dave told @barandbench that farmer unions have declined to present themselves before a #SupremeCourt appointed committee
To know all about the hearing before CJI led bench, do watch this 2 minute video by @DebayanDictum

#FarmersProtests #FarmLaws

Read 75 tweets
Mar 16th 2020
Former Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi nominated to the Rajya Sabha.

@rashtrapatibhvn #RanjanGogoi #SupremeCourt #ChiefJusticeofIndia #RajyaSabhaElections @rajyasabhatv
BREAKING: Former CJI Ranjan Gogoi nominated to Rajya Sabha [Read NOTIFICATION] @rashtrapatibhvn #RanjanGogoi #SupremeCourt #ChiefJusticeofIndia #RajyaSabhaElections @rajyasabhatv…
President has the power to nominate 12 members to the Rajya Sabha. Currently, 11 members include Subramanian Swamy, Boxer Mary Kom, Swapan Dasgupta and others. Here is the list.
@MangteC @Swamy39 @swapan55 @RoopaSpeaks @RakeshSinha01 #RanjanGogoi
Read 6 tweets
Jan 7th 2020
Read 200 tweets
May 9th 2019
The very Supreme Court of India that laid down the Vishakha guidelines to address sexual harassment at the workplace, has failed to uphold basic due process guarantees available to complainants. #chiefjusticeofindia #SupremeInJustice…
There have been countrywide protests by women activists & lawyers against the clean chit provided to the #chiefjusticeofindia without following basic procedure to guarantee justice. An independent and impartial inquiry committee is a pre-requisite for arriving at a fair decision.
The law on sexual harassment clearly mandates that employers must do all they can to assist complainants of sexual harassment. In denying her requests, the Supreme Court failed discharge this essential duty. #SupremeInJustice #chiefjusticeofindia…
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