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Feb 6th 2023
A lavoro mi capita il bimestrale dei #consumatori
Come non pensare a @marmaz ?
Un piccolo thread per facilitare la lettura dell'articolo "Più lenti più contenti" di Silvia #Fabbri
Rallentare la velocità sulle strade è possibile?
Qui si registra incremento di incidenti tra 2021/22 dove a morire sono i soggetti più deboli.
Interviene #Moledda di #FondazioneSicurstrada e parla di utenti della strada di valore.
Qui Matteo #Dondé spiega come la città a #30kmh possa fermare una strage quotidiana.
Il #governo taglia 94 mln dai fondi per le #ciclabili così i ciclisti possono morire e dare meno fastidio ai SUV e ai TIR.
P.s. velocità cittadina media ora di punta->20kmh.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 20th 2023
Ryann, Impractical Jokers Season 2, Episode 28—absolutely brilliant..

Mostly everyone’s going to eventually see what so many of the shows the many grew to love were doing/saying out in the open all these years..

The grocery store check out line skit, scanning the small
Child—What A Brilliant way to show what was happening in the dark for many years ..

Everything matters, down to the smallest detail ..
Down to the cloths worn & names of the business at, park etc—Truly A Masterpiece isn’t it?
I know you already know & many others have known
for A very long time, The World had to wake up & A nobody had to remember ..
Im Grateful for every one of you who’ve known all along, you held it together all these years
Read 17 tweets
Nov 7th 2022
@ANice24675304 So what You’re saying is, you would rather see all who have done those evil acts you listed be ‘Unforgiven’? Which I then would have made them not sing (flip on all other evil in the world) & continue Making everyone’s lives hell even worse than what everyone’s gone through?
@ANice24675304 You too would choose & Accept being ‘Unforgiven’ for what you have done in your life?

“When bad does good”?
How/#WHY do you think MANY evil beings chose to do good for humanity?
Just because you Don’t see it or hear about it, does not mean it hasn’t happened. ImageImageImageImage
@ANice24675304 Show me someone innocent in this world …

Where does that question come from?
- A heart of Stone?
- A Heart of Flesh ?

What is A #ROOT ?
If you NEVER forget the #WHY, Care about the #Why Along with the #ROOT, you begin to show mercy for those who-
Read 29 tweets
Nov 2nd 2022
Boots made in the USA on the Beach in Blue CkRaiNE …

Let me know when you see, know & understand how long it’s been KNOWN what [evil] was planning to do in the future/The now …

EVERYTHING that has ever happened in life has meaning, TRUTH LEFT HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT KNOWING
The lengths [pure evil] would go to continue staying in positions of power to keep humanity enslaved, dumbed down, truth hidden & to continue on terraforming this world into A world suitable for [pure evil] ..
Read 15 tweets
Oct 12th 2022
.@MrDrewENT —All that was needed, just A little bit of Noise …

Not to much noise to where it becomes ‘Distortion’ & not to little noise to where few care because it’s thought to be “Hate” or division …

A Happy Medium, Truth Spoken from the HAeRT Reigns ..

1 year & some
Months ago, 🎶 Joy to the world 🎶 was played on A mini #TOY Piano for the world with the world having no idea the #magnitude of what was being shown—1 Year later A #TOY Piano is found in A Slipknot song #YENEY

Now, You THE PEOPLE know I AM THE #SIN you’ve ALL been waiting
Read 7 tweets
Aug 24th 2022
The LTCM Crisis taught #Quants one thing in common.
Never trust the risk pricing/hedging models blindly.
The Black Scholes option model assumptions and the Value at Risk Metric both failed miserably.
The liquidity assumptions of the #VaR Model provided a false sense of security.
The most worrying thing is that if #LTCM which was a hedge fund managed by two @NobelPrize winners in Economics could not get things right, then what should one expect from humble risk practitioners like myself!?
imagine the amount of risk that is concealed by Black Box Models.
Always backtest and stress test your #risk models.
Not just the mathematical components, but also the semantics, the #hermeneutics, the syntax that is used for coding the automata, and the symbols which are shown on the analytical dashboard.
It is a big #CON industry at work!
Read 9 tweets
Jun 15th 2021
What's the point of doing a one-year industrial placement program, in addition to studying for a one year MSc Degree, if you won't get paid by the employer?
Be careful before you entertain con universities, which will charge you more, and trap you!
I see many universities lure international students, from the poorer parts of the world, by offering them greasy deals.
These countries, where students are allowed to work after graduation, do not guarantee paid decent jobs, or any jobs at all.
It is your luck that matters.
Better to invest in your home country, if you have the money in your a/c, and turn into an #entrepreneur, if you have the skills, the ideas, zest, zeal and the risk appetite to do well in life.
Why give your money to a con institution which offers a run-of-the-mill type degree?
Read 10 tweets
May 9th 2019

#DCI attention has been drawn to an upsurge in criminal cases involving the procurement & sale of #Gold in the country.

The Gold Scam has now reached alarming levels as unsuspecting foreign nationals are being swindled large amounts of money by the Fraudsters.
The @DCI_Kenya wishes to inform the general public and the foreign nationals in particular that they MUST ensure that they conduct proper due diligence on the person(s)they intend to engage in the gold buying business.
We urge the Embassies/High Commissions to advise their nationals coming in for business to be apprised of #Con business of gold going on in the country & first contact the the Dep’t of Mines & Geology for procedure that pertains to buying &selling of Gold & other Precious metals.
Read 3 tweets
Mar 2nd 2018
Over the past few months, several scam accounts have popped up that call themselves #resistance. Some ask for #donations to help impeach Trump. Some sell shirts, phone cases, etc. And there are others that ask for money for various causes. THREAD 1 #scam #donate #con #PSA
I’ve written about some before, I have a collection of threads about them here. 2… #fraud #con #ripoff #cheat
You can verify a charity’s non-profit status before donating. Donations to non-profits are always TAX DEDUCTIBLE, so get a receipt! 3
Read 22 tweets
Dec 19th 2017
A freind came across this last night. Who is this anonymous account asking for donations to support the resistance and get Trump impeached? We started looking into it. 1 #warning #ScamAlert #con #SCAM #fraud #fake #scheme #TuesdayThoughts
If you click on the link in that tweet () this is what comes up - a PayPal donation page to Maday Media. 2 #conman #DonTheCon #swindler #scams
A Google search for Maday Media brings up a Facebook page for a German media company. Maday Media is a media company in Germany. 3 #suspicious
Read 8 tweets

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