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Dec 18th 2020
1/5 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: National data released this week on opioid and stimulant-related harms is a tragic reminder of the broader impacts of the #COVID19 pandemic, including the worsening of the ongoing overdose crisis.…
2/5 Addressing this worsening crisis must start with our recognition that #SubstanceUse is a health and social issue. We must treat people who use drugs with dignity, compassion and respect, and help them get the supports they need:…
3/5 Including working collectively on efforts to promote accessibility of life saving #HarmReduction & treatment services, such as access to medications as safer, pharmaceutical grade alternatives to the toxic illegal drug supply.
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Sep 15th 2020
Hello there! I'm Zara and I'm 18 (almost 19). Im a care leaver from Devon, I have been in care since I was 13. I have a stay put arrangement which means I get to continue living with my foster family even though I'm 18. Im lucky because I have only had one foster family... 1/5
Throughout my time in care. They truly are amazing! I have just finished my a-levels at @NAbbotCollege and I achieved an A in health and social care and performing arts, and a B in photography, I couldn't be happier. My next step is university I will be going to... 2/5
@cardiffmet to study social work. I have decided I want to do social work based on my own life experience and I want to give back and help other young people just like I was who may not have had the best start in life. I've been inspired by the social workers Ive had... 3/5
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Aug 28th 2020
1/4 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Tragically, in many regions of the country, the COVID-19 pandemic is contributing to an increase in drug-related overdoses and deaths. #SubstanceUse #CarryNaloxone #StopOverdoses #EndStigma
2/4 There are indications that the street drug supply is growing more unpredictable and toxic in some parts of the country, as previous supply chains have been disrupted by travel restrictions and border measures during #COVID19. #SubstanceUse #CarryNaloxone
3/4 Public health measures designed to reduce the impact of #COVID19 may increase isolation, stress and anxiety, and put a strain on the supports for persons who use drugs. #SubstanceUse #HarmReduction
Read 4 tweets
Jul 21st 2020
1/4 Tragically, the #COVID19 pandemic may be compounding the deadly and ongoing #publichealth crisis of drug-related #overdose and death in Canada with increases in drug-related harms reported in some jurisdictions.…
2/4 The combined effect of disruptions to supply chains as well as supports and services place loved ones and members of our communities who use drugs at high risk of substance-related harms; we must maintain lifesaving supports. #HarmReduction…
3/4 Access to treatment and #HarmReduction services are essential to stop fatal overdoses from claiming more lives across the country. #StopOverdoses #Naloxone #EndStigma
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Jul 10th 2020
1/6 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, a Friday statement has been issued. You can read in full here:…
2/6 Resilience is a word that we have all come to understand in a deeper way as we face #COVID19 in our communities. It implies courage, tenacity and collaboration, and is the theme of the 2020 @AIDS_conference, which ends today.
3/6 A virtual event this year, the conference brought together the HIV community, scientists, advocates, health providers & others to celebrate the resilience of those living with & affected by HIV, and to discuss challenges & advances in the HIV response.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 18th 2020
1/5 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: In parallel with the COVID-19 pandemic, communities across Canada continue to struggle with historic rates of drug #overdose deaths & substance use-related harms. #ToxicDrugSupply #DontUseAlone #Naloxone
2/5 Changes in the illegal drug supply in the wake of #COVID19 may ↑ risk of #overdose for persons who use drugs. Using drugs alone is a major risk factor for fatal overdose and stigma can stop people from reaching out for help. #Naloxone
3/5 #EndStigma; be compassionate when it comes to addiction and drug use – you never know who is in need of an ally. Let your loved ones know you are there to support. #StopOverdose #Naloxone #GoodSamaritanLaw…
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Jun 18th 2020
1/3 Don’t use drugs alone. Even if you can’t physically be with others, video chat or call someone who can call 9-1-1 (or local emergency line) in case of an #overdose.

Learn how to recognize the signs of an opioid overdose:

2/3 The #stigma around substance use can prevent people from getting the help they need.
3/3 #Addiction is not a choice, it’s a treatable medical condition.

It’s more important than ever to show compassion and help #EndStigma.
Read 3 tweets
Jun 17th 2020
1/3 People who use illicit drugs could be at increased risk of fatal #overdose during #COVID19.

Never use drugs alone. Always have someone nearby or connect to someone virtually who can monitor you & be ready to call 9-1-1 (or local emergency line) if needed.

2/3 Now more than ever, it’s important to check on your friends and family who use drugs.
3/3 Overdoses often happen alone at home and #stigma stops people from reaching out. Let your loved ones know you are there to support.


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Jun 11th 2020
1/6 ↑ in drug #overdose deaths reported by BC and other areas of 🇨🇦 are deeply concerning. BC Coroners Service reports that the number of illicit drug toxicity deaths in May 2020 is the highest ever recorded in a month in BC.…
2/6 The #GOC remains committed to working with partners across 🇨🇦 to provide resources, supports and services for people who use drugs during #COVID19 and beyond.
3/6 Income, housing and access to care are key determinants of health for all Canadians, and are particularly important during #COVID19. Inequities prevent populations from achieving their full health potential.…
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Jan 30th 2020
1/5 I am concerned about the growing number of reports of #racism and stigmatizing comments on social media directed to people of Chinese and Asian descent related to #2019nCOV #coronavirus. #EndStigma
2/5 It is understandable that our fears increase during times like this. However, we need to remember that cohesion in our collective efforts is important.
3/5 Everyone has a part to play in preventing the spread of the virus. The Chinese community and all travellers from affected areas are a key part of these efforts. #2019nCoV #coronavirus
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May 9th 2019
Did you catch Steve Allen, our new state behavioral health director, & Margie Stanton, our Health Systems Division director, at @OregonFSN's Children's Mental Health Awareness Day at the Capitol? If you missed it, here are a few highlights! #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth #EndStigma Image
Steve Allen, our new state behavioral health director addressed the crowd: "As parents, we all want the same things. We want our children to be safe, healthy & happy. But some families face more barriers than others & we need to do more to help them succeed." #MentalHealthMatters Image
"Parents, foster parents and grandparents – your unrelenting advocacy and fierce love for your children are your super powers. Young people – your determination and resilience are your superpowers." - Steve Allen, state behavioral health director Image
Read 8 tweets
Nov 2nd 2018
My name is Lelena.

I am a #ChronicPain patient.

I am required to pee in a cup monthly to show #compliance to my #LowDose #opioid regimen.

I am painted as despicable, helpless, & #unclean by the powers that be.

I am a modern-day #Leper.

#EndStigma #PainLeper
Newsflash, America:

I'm not JUST a #ChronicPain patient.

I am not helpless.

I am not #unclean.

I am not #despicable.

I don't just use #pills to overcome my #SeverePain.

I refuse all #stigma, misconceptions, assumptions, and #labels.

I am an #Overcomer.
I will be criticized for calling myself a #ChronicPain patient.

People will say: she wallows in illness. She enjoys it! She IDENTIFIES with her pain.

Wrong. It is part of my reality. I must face it & battle it daily.

And I do. Despite all the negativity I face from others.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 18th 2018
Mental illnesses are brain based medical illnesses which affect the way we feel, think and behave, but most times we find that people excuse their general disinterest in the topic of mental illnesses by calling it an invisible illness. This is a thread. #KeeptalkingMH #endstigma
A key part of the definition above highlights that these illnesses also affect the way we behave, hence proving that indeed it does present with physical components, #KeeptalkingMH #IamMentallyAware #EndStigma
and that most times when we push the narrative of invisibility it’s either because we don’t want to see these physical symptoms are we aren’t knowledgeably equipped to identify them. So, Here’s some help: #KeeptalkingMH #IamMentallyAware #EndStigma
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