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Jan 31st 2023
NEW: Many congratulations to @texmed, @AdamCorley, & @TxRadSociety on launching their *fourth* #NoSurprisesAct #lawsuit against @HHSGov, @CMSGov, @USTreasury, & @USDOL.

This filing challenges the government's decision to impose a 600% increase in administrative #IDR...

...fees and the requirement to batch by the same #CPT code.

⏰ Time is running out, and #regulators must be compelled to stand up and operate a fully-functioning, fair, accessible, & *timely* IDR process, just like the law prescribed.


#NSA #fixitnow #badreg #IDRE
Read 8 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
Can the European Union ban Russian gas imports?

Answer: Faster than you might expect, but it comes down to great leadership & setting the right priorities!

Let's go - Part 1 of a total of 25

1/n 🧡
#UkraineRussiaWar #EuropeanUnion
Basics first: How much gas does Europe need to replace (not just the EU, UK et al too)?

Answer: Europe purchased 150 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas from Russia, imported from 3 pipelines & 15bcm in the form of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) by sea.

2/n Source: Burggraben
Why is it important to cut Russian gas?
Because it finances Putin's genocide in Ukraine which in turn pushes gas prices up. That destroys businesses and - for heaven's sake - creates food shortages with a subsequent refugees crisis.

3/n #foodshortage
Read 26 tweets

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