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Feb 20th 2023
#CDC Changed #VinylChloride #Toxicity Info 11 Days Before #Derailment | Feb 20
- After 17 yrs of inactivity, and just a couple weeks before the train derailment in East Palestine #Ohio, the CDC decides to update its #toxicological profile on Vinyl Chloride…
Inside Job? #CDC Changed #Toxicity Info For #VinylChloride 11 Days Before #Derailment | 4d ago
- Recently, #MarineCorps Base Camp #Lejeune in N #Carolina suffered severe #health issues after being in contact with contaminated #water at the base.…
What are the odds that East #Palenstine, #Ohio was one of the 1st cities that partnered with MyID medical bands back in October 2022?
Read 7 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
NEW: Many congratulations to @texmed, @AdamCorley, & @TxRadSociety on launching their *fourth* #NoSurprisesAct #lawsuit against @HHSGov, @CMSGov, @USTreasury, & @USDOL.

This filing challenges the government's decision to impose a 600% increase in administrative #IDR...

...fees and the requirement to batch by the same #CPT code.

⏰ Time is running out, and #regulators must be compelled to stand up and operate a fully-functioning, fair, accessible, & *timely* IDR process, just like the law prescribed.


#NSA #fixitnow #badreg #IDRE
Read 8 tweets
Oct 29th 2022
#1. The Feds on the #TBDWG have controlled every recommendation & every sentence of the Report to Congress for 6 years. This #FAC was THE chance for #lyme truth to be disclosed after 40 YEARS but the Feds’ role was to keep the false controversy going. 2/
#TBDWG & other efforts that R actually controlled by the Feds like #lymeX (it IS #HHS,not a non-profit) recommend new #lyme efforts but it’s recommended all those efforts be controlled by the very agencies (& In Turn individuals) that reversed #lymeDisease facts & made test fail.
#lymeDisease medicine will NOT be allowed to progress until the corrupt & FALSE #lyme controversy is exposed. It was known in the 1980s & 90s that lyme was a serious & disabling illness that causes neurological, immune & neuroimmune illness & an antibody test=false negatives. 4/
Read 14 tweets
Oct 13th 2022
#ParaQueConste Ingresos mínimos de 23 mil $$/año debe tener patrocinador de algún familiar que desee emigrar de Venezuela a EEUU.
Gobierno gringo aceptará hasta 24 mil venezolanos pero sus "sponsors" deben "mantenerlos" por 10 años o hasta tener la ciudadanía estadounidense.
El mecanismo para venezolanos que deseen vivir en EEUU, anunciado ayer por administración Biden, se basa en que el migrante no reciba beneficios de fondos públicos: cupones alimentos, asistencia Medicaid, Seguro Ingreso Suplementario y asistencia temporal a familias necesitadas.
Para ser patrocinador económico de un migrante su ingreso debe ser de al menos 125% por encima del nivel de pobreza. Esta referencia es determinada anualmente por el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos #HHS y varía según la cantidad de miembros del grupo familiar.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 2nd 2022
It’s noteworthy #NevrePoilievre marched with ubiquitous & extremely dodgy character, Paul Alexander. Many have heard his name by now, but it’s important to note how Alexander keeps turning up. He wasn’t just a Trump appointee, he was handpicked by Michael Caputo. #Freedumbers
Michael Caputo created controversy, even within the Trump administration. Caputo has ties to both Putin & Roger Stone. So how he came to personally pluck Alexander, an obscure part-time instructor in 🇨🇦, to help him bully scientists at #HHS, is still a mystery to me. #cdnpoli
Paul Alexander shows up again & again. He was a central figure in #FluTruxKlan 1, & shows up again in #CoupTruxKlan 2.0. #cdnpoli #FreeDumbConvoy
Read 6 tweets
Mar 2nd 2022
.@WHCOVIDResponse briefing coming up at 10:30amET with someone different today: #HHS @SecBecerra, who's joining @CDCDirector Walensky, #NIH Fauci, Jeff Zients to discuss a roadmap to enable US to move forward safely & sustain/build on progress #COVID19😷
.@WHCOVIDResponse #COVID19 briefing seems to be running a bit late to get started.

#COVID19vaccines #MaskUp #HHS #NIH #CDC
#HHS @SecBecerra, @CDCDirector Walensky, #NIH Fauci & Jeff Zients together in same room today at #COVID19 briefing! That's a change, too!

#MaskUp #COVID19vaccines 😷💉😷
Read 36 tweets
Feb 9th 2022
Drug Abuse Among Doctors: Easy, Tempting, and Not Uncommon

This has to be one of the revelations about the medical profession that deserves special attention. #DrugAddictedDoctors… via @medscape
It's a dirty job. #DrugAddictedDoctors
Thank you, #CDC for keeping this record.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 20th 2022
⚖️ LEGAL LOOKOUT 1: We’ve read with interest the amicus brief below filed by 24 health policy experts in the @texmed v. @HHSGov lawsuit, as we filed one, too.

Without any further digging, though, we can see off the bat that a majority of the so-called experts who signed

(1/8) ImageImageImage
onto this brief are funded by the #insurance industry.

We respect and cherish the fact that everyone party to a significant #policy debate like this one over #regulatory implementation of the #NoSurprisesAct has a voice.

But, a question to @RonaldKlain, @SecBecerra, and

@BrooksLaSureCMS: How can you reconcile the fact that the administration’s #regulations rely on these bankrolled academics and experts while also claiming that these regulations help #patients and our #healthcare system? This is an alternative reality.

Read 19 tweets
Aug 13th 2021
We issued the following statement this a.m. on the @UHC-@zackcooperYale-@Yale #surprisemedicalbill "research" scandal.

Read here ➡️

To ensure that forthcoming #NoSurprisesAct regs are implemented fairly and to protect #patients nationwide, we will...
...continue to shine a bright light on this trickery.

According to our President Christopher Sheeron, "We have long believed that this #Yale study, and several others that have shaped this debate over the past several years, was blatantly concocted out of the public eye by...
...insurers. Rose Adams' unveiling of this nasty truth is welcomed enthusiastically by #patients, #hospitals, #physicians, and many others who are sick of the #health #insurance industry's dirty tricks.

"As regulators at #HHS, #CMS, and other federal agencies continue...
Read 17 tweets
Aug 11th 2021
⚠️ GROSS COI REVEALED: In an extraordinary and fantastically written investigative report, @theintercept's @rose_n_adams unveils how @UHC co-opted @zackcooperYale's #surprisemedicalbill study, all while #Congress embraced it as "academic" and "unbiased" work to write #SMB law.
1⃣ This lays bare how #UnitedHealth has manipulated #surprisebill "research" to enrich itself at the expense of all #patients and the frontline #medical providers risking their lives over the past few years of #Covid.

2⃣ The study was foundational in the #SMB debate, and...
...Congress was duped. We believe that Congressional #investigations are now warranted by the #House and #Senate #Judiciary Committees. @HouseJudiciary @JudiciaryDems

3⃣ This work from Prof. #Cooper and his @Yale team was cited *10 TIMES* in the first #regulation issued by...
Read 19 tweets
Jul 17th 2021
I am perplexed how #RogerChou can not only sit on the #CDCOWG but is a lead author. He recused himself at the #CDC meeting due to #COIs bc of his work as ‘expert witness’ in Purdue litigation but is lead author 🤷🏻‍♀️ @CDCDirector @CDCInjury could you explain how this is ethical? 1/
Listening to the #CDCOWG from perspective of #caregiver & advocate was disheartening. For me @CDCDirector assurances that #patients voices were heard was meaningless. She may say that we’ve been heard but then how are so many feeling as we haven’t been? Why are the #legislation 2
of these guidelines continuing? Why are those who have benefitted from #opioid #pain medications being removed, shamed & stigmatized? Why is care not individualized? It’s very clear our #voices have not been heard. There is nothing that was said that eased my concern for 3/
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Jul 3rd 2021
@PattyMurray @SenatorCantwell @RepAdamSmith
📞 Rep (202) 224-3121

Biden actively facilitating illegal immigration across border is a crime❗️

OUR TAX DOLLARS😡 giving Illegals an iPhone📲
Bus Fare, Air Fare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Public Housing, schooling AND CASH $ ImageImage
@PattyMurray @SenatorCantwell @RepAdamSmith
📞 Rep (202) 224-3121

Biden actively facilitating illegal immigration across border is a crime❗️

TAX DOLLARS😡 Illegals an iPhone📲
Bus Fare, Air Fare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Public Housing, schooling AND CASH
@PattyMurray @SenatorCantwell @RepAdamSmith
📞 Rep (202) 224-3121

Biden actively facilitating illegal immigration across border is a crime❗️

TAX DOLLARS😡 Illegals an iPhone📲
Bus Fare, Air Fare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Public Housing, schooling AND CASH
Read 13 tweets
Jun 25th 2021
MUST READ: *Terrific* letter to @SecBecerra, @SecYellen, and @SecMartyWalsh signed by 97 Members of Congress and spearheaded by @RepTomSuozzi and @RepBradWenstrup.

They urge @HHSGov, @USTreasury, and @USDOL to not only reflect congressional...

...intent in their rulemaking by ensuring a balanced process to settle payment disputes between #health plans and providers, but also ensure an #IDR process that captures the unique circumstances of each billing dispute and does not cause any single piece of information to be...
Read 11 tweets
May 7th 2021
Good news from #HHS: we are at the LOWEST THREAT LEVEL in the US that we have ever been in the entirety of the pandemic, when looking at cases + positivity rate + inpatient + ICU together (#vaccineswork). Taking each at time:…
-Test positivity: Last 7 days test positivity rate is lowest it has been during the pandemic: 4.0% (Light Green)
-Cases: 97 cases per 100k for the Last 7 Days down -11% from previous 7 days (Orange)
-Inpatients with COVID-19: At 5% (Light Green)
-ICU for COVID: 11% (Yellow)
Still only 3 states outside of the Light Green or Dark Green Zone on Inpatient Beds (MI -- orange, MD, yellow, PA -- yellow). Keep following these metrics to see the pandemic recede with the increasing roll-out of vaccine & decide when public health emergency over in US
Read 4 tweets
Apr 23rd 2021
#BREAKING: Catholic & Anglican nuns, Roman Catholic dioceses, Baptist & Lutheran churches and other religious ministries just asked #SCOTUS to protect them against the State of New York’s mandate that all employers cover abortions in their health plans.…
It all goes back to the 2011 #HHS mandate—the same one the Little Sisters of the Poor have been fighting for a decade. In 2017—when the Little Sisters were already 2 #SCOTUS victories in—NY created a similar state-wide mandate, but this time requiring coverage for abortion.
NY’s mandate narrowly exempts religious entities that primarily employ and serve those of their own faith, but religious orgs that employ and serve people regardless of faith must pay.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
This happening today: Confirmation of @XavierBecerra to lead #HHS.

Will @POTUS @JoeBiden soon thereafter identify his nominee to lead #FDA?

#pharma #biotech
Also today, #NIH Fauci, @CDCDirector Walensky & #FDA Peter Marks are back on Capitol Hill -- virtually -- today along with @DavidAKesslerMD to testify this time at @HELPCmteDems on #COVID19 starting at 10amET… #COVIDvaccinations #vaccines #CDC
The House @AppropsDems Commerce, Justice, Science & Related Agencies Subcommittee also examines #COVID19 outbreaks at federal prisons at 2pmET… #MaskUp
Read 77 tweets
Mar 9th 2021
#Vantaa tarjoaa koronamigranteille verenohennusta:
Jopa Puolustusvoimat apuun | 2.3.2021
– Positiivisille pitäisi soittaa vuorokauden kahden sisällä, että voidaan kysyä vointi ja miettiä hoito, kuten verenohennus ja onko ruokaa, kun on eristyksissä.…
#Vantaa #GSK #Pfizer #AstraZeneca #Moderna #Fimea ovat saaneet vastuuvapauden seurauksista ja jakavat miljardivoitot, sopimuksen mukaan.
- Eläkeläisten dramaattisen vähentymisen seurauksena, kaupunki myös säästää, huomattavia summia.
Read 20 tweets
Feb 22nd 2021
Why are hordes of Latino #IllegalAliens suddenly appearing in your town?

Well, because Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) will now work to have Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) release illegals further into the U.S. — away from Texas border towns:…
Why are hordes of Latino #IllegalAliens suddenly appearing in your town?

Well, because Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) now works to have Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) fly illegals across the U.S. after they’ve invaded:…

Why are hordes of Latino #IllegalAliens suddenly appearing in your town?

Well, because Democrats are literally importing illegals and flying them up into the interior of the U.S. after they’ve invaded over the Southern border:…

#DeportThemAll #HHS #NGOs
Read 4 tweets
Jan 25th 2021
#BREAKING 5 Days ago, underreported:
Federal Court struck down @HHSGov’s #Transgender Mandate.

The argument by @BECKETlaw: this regulation violated federal law, protecting a doctor’s conscience if a procedure violated religious/medical ethics. (Thread)

Did you hear about this?
NB: This may be a hot-button topic and one that could potentially trigger individuals.
Request to keep the thread civil, and have compassion for all sides.

Important to focus on the merits and elements of the case.

Full ruling, here:…
Read 4 tweets
Jan 5th 2021
Here's #WarpSpeed's Slaoui again #gaslighting.
No, it wasn't just 20M #COVID19 #vaccines doses "available" or "allocated."

Watch how Slaoui squirms when clips replayed of him, Azar, Trump all saying 20M vaccinated by end of 2020.

And then Slaoui goes on to lie again here.
#WarpSpeed's Slaoui Dec. 2: "We will be able to distribute enough vaccine to immunize 20 million people in the U.S. in December — that's 40 million doses."

They failed. They've not distributed those #COVID19 #vaccines doses.

It's Jan 5 & only 15.4M delivered/4.5 administered.
Does #WarpSpeed's Moncef Slaoui have any credibility left?

After Slaoui lies on national TV & then is confronted with clips of him stating he said 20M people vaccinated/immunized by end of 2020, he brushes it off with "So," & then lies again.

#COVID19 #vaccines
Read 6 tweets
Jan 3rd 2021
The U.S. surpassed 350,000 reported deaths from #COVID19 last night.…

And Trump, Pence & Alex Azar are doing what about it today?

Where is the accountability for these deaths?

As of yesterday #CDC says 13,071,925 doses of #COVID19 #vaccines distributed but only 4,225,756 administered.…

Recall, Alex Azar pushed back against any additional funds for states to administer vaccines. #HHS was also slow to distribute #CARESAct funds.
Fauci on #ThisWeek: "There's no running away from the numbers."
"The deaths are real deaths."

Meanwhile, Trump remains in denial & continues to undermine #CDC's #publichealth experts.

#COVID19 #pandemic #vaccines
Read 13 tweets

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