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Most recents (24)

Remember "#DeathPanels"? @SarahPalinUSA promised that #UniversalHealthcare was a prelude to a Stalinist nightmare where unaccountable bureaucrats decided who lived or died based on a cost-benefit analysis of the cost to keep you alive versus how much your life was worth.

1/ An industrial meat grinder,...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

Palin was right that any kind of healthcare rationing runs the risk of this kind of calculus, where we weight spending $10,000 to extend a young, healthy person's life by 40 years against $1,000 to extend an elderly, disabled person's life by a mere two years.

Read 33 tweets
“Premeditated Manslaughter Coordinated at the Highest Levels” – Part 2 -Psychopathic democide might be eligible for forgiveness in rare circumstances, but blanket amnesty is not in the cards for crimes against humanity - by @TraderStef #Nuremberg2 #Amnesty… Image
#Nuremberg2 #Amnesty? - “Plandemic 3” Trailer – Seeing Through The Propaganda…
#Nuremberg2 #Amnesty? #democide - Jr. covering for daddy, sooo late and behind the curve by a couple+ years, is pathetic - not humble
Read 99 tweets
NEW: Many congratulations to @texmed, @AdamCorley, & @TxRadSociety on launching their *fourth* #NoSurprisesAct #lawsuit against @HHSGov, @CMSGov, @USTreasury, & @USDOL.

This filing challenges the government's decision to impose a 600% increase in administrative #IDR...

...fees and the requirement to batch by the same #CPT code.

⏰ Time is running out, and #regulators must be compelled to stand up and operate a fully-functioning, fair, accessible, & *timely* IDR process, just like the law prescribed.


#NSA #fixitnow #badreg #IDRE
Read 8 tweets
[THREAD] N’ayez pas peur de migrer vers #Shopify !

Un #CMS qui a fortement évolué ces dernières années en renforçant son équipe de senior #SEO. Le produit est encore tant décrié par les #agences SEO. Voici mon retour d'expérience !
Arguments principaux des clients : Solution simple, complète et pas chère : Sans développement, le CMS propose beaucoup de solutions natives ou avec des modules complémentaires paramétrables sans coder.
Équipe restreinte : Un #webmaster suffit à faire 95% des actions techniques. Plus besoin d’énorme équipe IT pour faire évoluer la solution et gagner en visibilité organique.
Read 16 tweets
🧵 Mini-hilo reflexivo 🧐

Nos tocó realizar una Auditoría #SEO para la web de una inmobiliaria.

Como siempre en todo proceso de auditoría, al ser un trabajo en equipo nos gusta conocer al proveedor del sitio web ya que vamos a estar auditando el SEO del #CMS de ellos.

Tengo (exactamente) 14 años como consultor SEO y (sin exagerar) cientos de auditorías realizadas en este tiempo. Son documentos que me dan orgullo presentar, muy completos, con muchas horas arriba, accionables y con datos a medida... 100% valor agregado!

Si algo me di cuenta en todo este tiempo es que (por desgracia) existen dos formas de tomar una auditoría SEO por parte del equipo encargado del sitio web.

Para ser claro, pensemos en caminos "A" y "B".

Read 8 tweets
[7:38AM] #CMS #3MB #Obalende #TrafficUpdate

High influx on 3rd mainland bridge all the way from Adekunle inward Adeniji but slow and steady from Adeniji down to Simpson under the bridge but ascending Osborne road is good, good movement from Obalende bridge inward Onikan bridge.
Onikan bridge descending Flag house is slow moving traffic, CMS bridge inward UBA bridge is good.
Return Journey, Apogbon bridge inward CMS is good but slight delay by Odunlami due to the manual alternating by Inner Marina.
From Nitel intersection inward State house enroute Officers mess is good, appreciable movement from McWen bridge down to Bonny. Fast movement from Obalende bridge and the strech of Ilubirin inward Adeniji down to Adekunle on 3rd mainland bridge.
Read 4 tweets
#ΕλληνικόΠολεμικόΝαυτικό (#ΠN)🇬🇷⚓️

Un 🧶 relatif aux programme #RMV / #MLU de la classe Hydra (4) et programme corvettes :
➡️ « Δομή Δυνάμεων 2021 – 2034 » / « Structure des forces 2021 - 2034 » récemment approuvée. La flotte de surface (2021 - 2034) s'articule toujours sur une « trame frégates » de 12 unités auxquelles s'ajoutent désormais 6 corvettes.
➡️ Renouvellement de la flotte de surface s'appuie sur 3 programmes, selon l'équation dévoilée en 2019 :
▪️ 4 000 M€ pour 4 frégates de facture neuve
▪️ 400 M€ pour #RMV / #MLU de la classe Hydra (4)
▪️ 500 M€ pour la cession de 2 frégates
Read 13 tweets
#Søværnet 🇩🇰⚓️

➡️ Nuit 4 au 5 mai ( : le « Niels Juel » (2011) - après avoir embarqué (3 mai) des RIM-66 Standard Medium Range (SM-2MR) Block IIIA (90 mn) - a tiré « pour la première fois » un SM-2 au polygone Andôya Space Defence (Nord de la Norvège).
➡️ La frégate « Niels Juel » (2011) - classe Iver Huitfeldt (3) - est la première à bénéficier des modifications matérielles (système de combat (#CMS) Terma C-Flex ), etc) pour mettre en œuvre le SM-2 MR Block IIIA et procédera à de nouveaux essais (essais d'intégration avec
maquette inerte d'ores et déjà menés) devant conduire à la validation de la capacité opérationnelle de défense aérienne de zone d'un groupe naval constitué vis-à-vis des aéronefs et des missiles anti-navires aérobies (=/= Integrated Air and Missile Defence (#IAMD) : balistique).
Read 10 tweets
#Søværnet 🇩🇰⚓️

➡️ Le Forsvarskommandoen (Commandement de la Défense) annonce l'embarquement sur la frégate « Niels Juel » (2011) de RIM-66 Standard Medium Range (SM-2MR) Block IIIA (90 mn) dans l'optique de mener les essais et tirs de validation (…). ImageImageImage
➡️ La frégate « Niels Juel » (2011) - classe Iver Huitfeldt (3) - est la première à bénéficier des modifications matérielles (système de combat (#CMS) Terma C-Flex ), etc) pour mettre en œuvre le SM-2 MR Block IIIA et procédera à de nouveaux essais (essais d'intégration avec
maquette inerte d'ores et déjà menés) devant conduire à la validation de la capacité opérationnelle de défense aérienne de zone d'un groupe naval constitué vis-à-vis des aéronefs et des missiles anti-navires aérobies (=/= Integrated Air and Missile Defence (#IAMD) : balistique).
Read 11 tweets
Thread 🧵: Reflections of a Parent/Caregiver After Six Years Implementation of CDC Guidelines (warning long but I am very interested in feedback)

Since babies, my kids, have intimately known #pain. At one time their #pain was intermittent & #acute. Sadly, they now struggle 1/
#chronicpain & are young adults. Our kids 1st 13/16 years of life, our family had a #safetynet, their #pediatrician. He was highly intelligent, compassionate, he challenged the system & in the most authentic sense #partnered with families. #Pain was not a major concern when 2/
the kids were under his care. The nature of their disease often brought us to the ER & hospitalizations. The hospitalizations resulted due to inability to manage #pain, dehydration, & other issues caused by a flare in their #disease. My husband & I attempted to minimize the 3/
Read 45 tweets
1/Thread #IDAS ενα οπλο που θα μας απασχολησει τα επομενα χρόνια με την εισοδο σε ενεργο υπηρεσία με τα Τουρκικα Υποβρύχια #U214 (γνωστα και σαν Τ214 λογω εγχωριων υποσυστηματων). Βασίζεται στον γνωστο μας #IRIS T εχει ομως αρκετες τροποποίησεις και για να εκτοξευτει από Υ/Β
2/Η αρχη λειτουργίας του αφορά έμμεση ανιχνευση μέσω σόναρ της θέσης του αντιπαλου #ASW ελικοπτέρου μεσω ανιχνευσης της ποντισης του dipping sonar του. Έπειτα οι παράμετροι βολη περνάνε στον πυραυλο απο το #CMS του υποβρυχίου και γίνεται η υδραυλικη εκτοξευση απο Τ/Λ σωλήνα
3/Σε ασφαλή απόσταση ξεκινα ο κινητηρας του και μολις ξεπερασει την επιφανεια της θαλασσας ενεργοποιουνται τα πτερυγια ελεγχου, κατευθυνομενος προς το στόχο. Καθόλη την διαρκεια της εμπλοκης γινεται καθοδήγηση με οπτική ινα (οχι fire&forget) ενω ο IIR ψαχνει να κλειδωσει το στόχο
Read 11 tweets
#AboutRSS 电报频道上的 “与 RSS 有关的 Coding 向 #教程 分享” 已发布 6 期,同样开个 #Thread

「基于 Liuli 构建纯净的 RSS #公众号 信息流 」…

「Add RSS Feeds to Your Website to Keep Your Core Readers Engaged」

「给 #hexo #博客 新增 RSS 功能支持」
Read 51 tweets
⚖️ LEGAL LOOKOUT 1: We’ve read with interest the amicus brief below filed by 24 health policy experts in the @texmed v. @HHSGov lawsuit, as we filed one, too.

Without any further digging, though, we can see off the bat that a majority of the so-called experts who signed

(1/8) ImageImageImage
onto this brief are funded by the #insurance industry.

We respect and cherish the fact that everyone party to a significant #policy debate like this one over #regulatory implementation of the #NoSurprisesAct has a voice.

But, a question to @RonaldKlain, @SecBecerra, and

@BrooksLaSureCMS: How can you reconcile the fact that the administration’s #regulations rely on these bankrolled academics and experts while also claiming that these regulations help #patients and our #healthcare system? This is an alternative reality.

Read 19 tweets
Here is the thread for the #CMS vaccine mandate argument, which is starting now. First up is Brian Fletcher, the principal deputy solicitor general, who is arguing for CMS. /1
Fletcher argues that vaccination of medical staff is best way to protect Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries and that CMS carefully considered and rejected fear of staffing shortages and alternatives. /2
In response to a Justice Thomas question, Fletcher says CMS did not rely on just general rulemaking authority but also specific statutory authority for each category of healthcare provider. Trying to head off criticism of OSHA's actions. /3
Read 64 tweets
Good morning and welcome to my live tweet of the #SCOTUS #VaccineMandate oral arguments, brought to you by @ahahospitals.

We're nine minutes out from the Court taking the bench. First up today will be arguments on whether to stay the #OSHA vaccinate-or-test mandate. /1
All of the justices except Sonia Sotomayor will be in the courtroom for oral argument today. Justice Sotomayor, who is diabetic, will be participating from her Chambers by phone. Also, Ohio Solicitor General Ben Flowers will argue by phone as he tested positive for COVID. /2
We'll hear first from Scott Keller, who will argue for a coalition of businesses led by @NFIB. Then is Flowers for a coalition of States led by Ohio. And arguing for the government and in defense of OSHA will be U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar. /3
Read 96 tweets
1/Thread: Ενδιαφέρουσες λεπτομέρειες για τον προτεινόμενο #ΕΜΖ των Ελληνικων #ΜΕΚΟ απο την #LM @LockheedMartin. Το κόστος φθάνει τα 2.5 δις $ και στη λιστα περιλαμβάνονται:
-Αναβαθμιση 8 #Phalanx σε 1Β Baseline 2
-Εγκατασταση 4 #CIWS MK49 #RAM
-Ανακατασκευη πυροβολων Mk45 mod2
-Εγκατασταση συστματος αντιμετρων #Sylena κατα βληματων και #CANTO κατα τορπιλων
- Εγκατασταση ανακατασκευασμενων (μεταχειρισμενων δλδ) πυροβολων 20mm Narwhal 20A
-Εγκατασταση #TRS-4D radar
-Εγκατασταση συρομενου σοναρ #LFATS
-Εγκατασταση σοναρ μεταβλητου βαθους VDS #Captas 2
-Εγκατασταση συστηματος #Link16
-Εγκατασταση #CMS #COMBATSS-21
-Εγκατασταση ανθυποβρυχιακου συστηματος SQQ-89 ASW System
-Εγκατασταση IFF mod 5
-Εγκαταση συστηματος ΗΠ της #ELTA και οχι #SEWIP
Read 12 tweets
9 OSINT Tools, you might have come across.

Read about them below, it's a thread 👇.

Let me know if I missed an awesome OSINT Tool.
#OSINT #infosec
1. Maltego: Specializes in uncovering relationships among ppl, companies, domains, and publicly accessible information on the internet. It’s also known for taking the sometimes enormous amount of discovered info and plotting it all out in easy-2-read charts and graphs.
2. Mitaka: Available as a Chrome extension and Firefox add-on, #Mitaka lets you search over six dozen search engines for IP addresses, domains, URLs, hashes, ASNs, #Bitcoin wallet addresses, and various indicators of compromise (IOCs) from your web browser.
Read 10 tweets
How’s #HFPP affecting the care of patients w/#pain? Was there public input when this partnership was formed w/#CMS #payers, #LE? We start with info links & near the end of the thread, an example of one payer’s efforts to fulfill their part.
#cpp #opioids…
Read 14 tweets

Am I looking at the wrong documentation or something?
This says to determine published state, I should look for publishedRevision.…

2/ But when I look at this, publishedRevision is not a property listed here. Just revision.
3/ I ask, because I have an app that's fetching an "Entry" entity from @contentful that I know is in "Draft" state. And another that is "Published". But the draft one as well as the published both have the revision property...
Read 4 tweets
We issued the following statement this a.m. on the @UHC-@zackcooperYale-@Yale #surprisemedicalbill "research" scandal.

Read here ➡️

To ensure that forthcoming #NoSurprisesAct regs are implemented fairly and to protect #patients nationwide, we will...
...continue to shine a bright light on this trickery.

According to our President Christopher Sheeron, "We have long believed that this #Yale study, and several others that have shaped this debate over the past several years, was blatantly concocted out of the public eye by...
...insurers. Rose Adams' unveiling of this nasty truth is welcomed enthusiastically by #patients, #hospitals, #physicians, and many others who are sick of the #health #insurance industry's dirty tricks.

"As regulators at #HHS, #CMS, and other federal agencies continue...
Read 17 tweets
⚠️ GROSS COI REVEALED: In an extraordinary and fantastically written investigative report, @theintercept's @rose_n_adams unveils how @UHC co-opted @zackcooperYale's #surprisemedicalbill study, all while #Congress embraced it as "academic" and "unbiased" work to write #SMB law.
1⃣ This lays bare how #UnitedHealth has manipulated #surprisebill "research" to enrich itself at the expense of all #patients and the frontline #medical providers risking their lives over the past few years of #Covid.

2⃣ The study was foundational in the #SMB debate, and...
...Congress was duped. We believe that Congressional #investigations are now warranted by the #House and #Senate #Judiciary Committees. @HouseJudiciary @JudiciaryDems

3⃣ This work from Prof. #Cooper and his @Yale team was cited *10 TIMES* in the first #regulation issued by...
Read 19 tweets
I posted this yesterday with parents permission. I wanted to expand on this video a bit.

1st, a big part of me feels very uncomfortable with posting. Just like a big part of me felt uncomfortable about posting about my kids experience (w permission). It feels exploitive. 1/
Yet, when I share experiences of #caregivers & or #patients (who had given me permission to share) those experiences were/are often questioned or I’ve been excused of exaggerating. Or like many others called a #shill for #Pharmaceutical companies. I am a mother, who 2/
witnessed first hand the harms of pain ignored, not treated, under treated or labeled as #psychosomatic. I remember very vividly how my kids would arch their backs in pain & scream. How helpless I felt. I have seen the repercussions of this #harm & am absolutely obsessed 3/
Read 15 tweets
MUST READ: *Terrific* letter to @SecBecerra, @SecYellen, and @SecMartyWalsh signed by 97 Members of Congress and spearheaded by @RepTomSuozzi and @RepBradWenstrup.

They urge @HHSGov, @USTreasury, and @USDOL to not only reflect congressional...

...intent in their rulemaking by ensuring a balanced process to settle payment disputes between #health plans and providers, but also ensure an #IDR process that captures the unique circumstances of each billing dispute and does not cause any single piece of information to be...
Read 11 tweets

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