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May 15th 2023
"Navigating the Economy of Freebies: Benefits and Risks"🧭💰

People have been arguing about whether or not free things from the government are good for a long time.🗣️💬

Let's understand both sides of the coin in this 🧵from an economic point of view.👇

#Freebie #FreebieAlert Image
1) Let's start with an important point:

It's crucial to distinguish between freebies and welfare programs.

In my view, a welfare program is something that can benefit a country in the long run, both economically and by improving the lives of its citizens.
Hence, in the long run, states should invest resources & allocate capital to sectors such as:


This will aid in the creation of additional employment opportunities and the sustainable, long-term reduction of poverty.
Read 12 tweets
Mar 31st 2023
I recently dropped a thread on @Starknet airdrop and some of you bookmarked but didn’t carry out the tasks.

Well, the aftermath is a story for another day... 🤔

Today I’d be threading on some LIKELY airdrops to occur that MOST PEOPLE OVERLOOK.

A thread 🧵
#airdrop #freebie
I wouldn’t want to bore you by telling you an airdrop is a sort of marketing done by projects to incentivize early adopters/users of their platform. We already know that.

So I don’t take much of your time, lfgggg🚀
1️⃣ @coingecko
@coingecko is one of the world's largest independent crypto data aggregator. With over 11,040 tokens listed, users can create a portfolio/watchlist, demo trade, check out token price and charts, find best marketplaces where trading occurs, etc

In recent times,……
Read 11 tweets
May 17th 2022
Just In: #DelhiHighCourt dismisses a PIL moved against 'direct cash transfer' promises made by political parties in their election manifestos.
The matter was heard before the bench of the Acting Chief Justice Vipin Sanghi and Justice Navin Chawla.
Court said, "We are not sitting in an appeal against Supreme Court's judgment. In our view, freebies and direct cash transfer promises are the same. What difference does it make if the political party promises the goods/services or transfers the money for it?
Read 6 tweets
Apr 15th 2021
🥳To say thank you for my 200 followers I uploaded another #freebie🎁. I also want to thank @Sketchfab for the great support. It's great that artists are supported like this.💙

#3D #3DArt #GameArt #IndeGameDev #Mech #Tank #Cinema4D #Octane #Substance
Here are more renderings, rendered with Octane in Cinema4D, of the mech.
It is rigged, but not the hydraulic stamps. You have to do that manually with constrains in your favorite 3D tool.
#3D #3DArt #GameArt #IndeGameDev #Mech #Tank #Cinema4D #Octane #Substance
I am absolutely no animation artist (As you can see) and animate only very rarely, so have mercy on me.
But I don't want to withhold the rendering from you. If someone can animate the freebie better, I would be happy to get a version of it. #3DArt #GameArt #IndeGameDev #Mech
Read 5 tweets
Aug 31st 2019
Follow along as Oliver and I see what we can see and do for $20 @mnstatefair. Pre-paid for a ticket (and he is free), 🚲 to the nearest free park and ride... Image
Walked by @ks95 just in time for a free @JonnyPops. $20 remain. Image
#AllStarStuntDogs show at the #northwoods stage. $20 remain. @mnstatefair Image
Read 21 tweets
Jul 3rd 2019
After the #MetPolice tried & failed to frame me & after ex #MetPoliceUK turned private investigators @Surelock_ tried & failed to frame me & my mum, attempt number 3 was #EE & #UKMail. I had never used @EE but they made me their customer

#SwitchtoO2 #o2 #Vodafone #Three #LBC
#EE said I had ordered mobile phones & sim cards & #UKMail said they had delivered them to me (with me showing my passport) at home. I did neither. I didn't order any mobiles & I didn't receive any mobiles. It was a complete stitch up

#dontbuythesun #c4news #r4today #itvnews
Read 33 tweets
Aug 3rd 2018
It's a criminal offence to falsifying a legal instrument. But if the #MetPolice / #LBRUT do it, then there is not even an investigation. 12 years of silence. Evidence to prove it -

#skynews #lbc #theresamay #uk #bbcnews #coverup #c4news #worldnews #ukgov
Welcome to the #Metpolice who also changed & falsified my arrest details. Have a look at the evidence here as it's all easy to prove & that's why it's never addressed

#R4today #corruption #coverup #leadership #values #corevalues #bbcnews #skynews #itvnews
Read 97 tweets

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