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Dec 6th 2022
#Margasira #Pournami is reckoned as #DattaJayanthi; He is called #Dattaatreya (Datta + Aatreya) because, pleased with the penance of #Athri Rushi, Lord #Vishnu gifted himself (#Datta) to the sage Athri as his son. +
As per #Bhagavatha Purana #Dattatreya was the sixth incarnation of Lord #Vishnu born to Sage #Athri Mahamuni and #Anasuya.
#DattaAtreya was #Yogapravartaka roopa of #ParamaAtma #Vishnu.

PrAhlada Rajaru, Kartyaviryarjuna, YaduRaaja, Alarka Rushi were disciples of Lord Dattatreya. +
Read 8 tweets
Oct 14th 2022
Am 17. Tag beschäftigt sich der #UNAhanau erneut mit dem verschlossenen Notausgang in der Arena Bar. Es werden insgesamt 7 Zeug*innen geladen. Unter anderem @ForensicArchi (@counterinv) und OB Kaminsky. Außerdem das Bauamt der Stadt Hanau.
Entweder wir oder @nsuwatch_hessen
werden später eine Zusammenfassung des Tages twittern, zwischendurch auch mal wenn es die Kapazitäten erlauben.
Der erste Zeuge ist Robert Trafford, Forschungskoordinator des interdisziplinären Teams von @ForensicArchi // @counterinv.

Zu Beginn seines Statements stellt er fest: Wäre der Notausgang nicht verschlossen gewesen (...)

Read 38 tweets
Aug 30th 2020
John Piggott (8/30/33-7/2/88) deviling daughter Jill. To all those mourning the death of a beloved parent, my brother Jamey & I promise: your parents' love will always sustain you. When we pick up their legacy & carry it on in our lives, we never really lose those we most love. Image
💙 @janpurcell2 I love that photo of @JameyP21. The other one I think of as "Fun with Daddy, 1961." As in:

"Settle down, Birdie."

(Yeah, well how 'bout stop yelling "FOX"? I'm #three.) 💙
@JameyP21 you look a LOT like Daddy in that photo!
Read 3 tweets
Apr 13th 2020
#30 more persons tested #positive for #covid-19 in #Agra on Monday, taking the district tally to #134. @pra0902 @timesofindia @sthakurtweets @kazimtweets @rajvsaxn @harisukumar @shady2k8
Update: #4 more tested #positive, taking the district tally to #138.
#CautionYesPanicNo #CoronaUpdates: positive cases in #Agraregion:
Agra : 138
Mathura :4
Hathras :4
Mainpuri :2
Aligarh: 1
Read 6 tweets
Mar 9th 2020
I am quite surprised to see the reaction around here to the slump in oil price.

It was inevitable from the moment China — the world’s 2nd largest economy & 2nd largest consumer of oil in the world at more than 14%— was bugged down by #Covid19.

I am surprised @ our Surprise.
Last week, after reading the news of a #COVID19nigeria Break by the @nassnigeria , I wondered if before thinking of themselves, our lawmakers in the @NGRSenate & @HouseNGR asked the Executive @NigeriaGov to present them with economic impact of the global health crisis. Well...
Read 8 tweets
Sep 25th 2019
27. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany
#Yemen #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrime #Holocaust #YemenCantWait #YemenHolocaust #WorldHypocrisy
1-20. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany 🤨👇🏼…
21. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany 🤨👇🏼…
Read 224 tweets
Jul 3rd 2019
After the #MetPolice tried & failed to frame me & after ex #MetPoliceUK turned private investigators @Surelock_ tried & failed to frame me & my mum, attempt number 3 was #EE & #UKMail. I had never used @EE but they made me their customer

#SwitchtoO2 #o2 #Vodafone #Three #LBC
#EE said I had ordered mobile phones & sim cards & #UKMail said they had delivered them to me (with me showing my passport) at home. I did neither. I didn't order any mobiles & I didn't receive any mobiles. It was a complete stitch up

#dontbuythesun #c4news #r4today #itvnews
Read 33 tweets

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