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Most recents (2)

Oct 19th 2022
The French Want Their Money Back From Zelensky !

Massive protest against #Zelensky and #Macron, EU policies, #NATO, and the rising costs of living in France.
Western media has censored this
140,000 people took part in the France protest.
There were calls for France to withdraw from NATO.
Leftists and trade unions organized protests against soaring living costs, inflation EU NATO
#France #Paris
Major Anti-NATO Protests in #Italy
#NATORussiaWar #Ukraine
Read 7 tweets
Sep 3rd 2022
100000 demonstrate in #Prague Czech Republic. They hold the EU solely responsible for the European economic disaster and the rise in energy bills.
They dont want to #FreezeForUkraine

Protesters threaten strike and coercive action if government doesn't resign by Sep 25
Massive Demonstration in #Prague Czech Republic against government and soaring Gas and Electricity prices. They dont want to #FreezeForUkraine
They hold #EU solely responsible for the European economic disaster and #inflation
Demand government resign by Sep 25
"This is not our war" "We will Not Freeze and Starve For Ukraine"
anti-government rallies taking place in #Prague, #CzechRepublic
They hold #EU solely responsible for the European economic disaster and #inflation
Demand govt resign by Sep 25
#FreezeForUkraine #StarveForUkraine
Read 7 tweets

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