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Nov 18th 2022
🧵 1/7
@RishiSunak the NHS doesn’t need more money … it needs to better manage/better spend the money it has.

@DHSCgovuk planned spend for 2021/22 on England = £190.3bn - majority (£136bn) passed to NHS England & NHS Improvement for spending on health services… 💰
How is that not enough for England’s 56m population? 🤯

c.40% of this is spent on treating preventable conditions! Yet the NHS fails to execute a strategy that truly prioritises prevention… 🤦🏽‍♂️
Take CVD as an example: economic analysis suggests that if all detected individuals were managed according to NICE guidelines, the total saving would be £61bn & 5.2m CVD cases prevented!

The amount of waste in public services is criminal… 🗑
Read 8 tweets
Oct 16th 2020
Agree. There is a lot more to unpack and there are not simple policy or regulatory fixes. If you think the feds coming down hard on what the population uses to connect and communicate, you’re not a student of history, sociology, psychology, etc.

@sinanaral in @HarvardBiz
I hear all the old, harmful ideas repeated by many who should be at cutting edge of technology. Whereas what @DrvanTilburg describes, if merely digitized to “control” social media, will not work, will harm #SoMe #AI #SciComm #professionalism
From the #healthcare lens there are these potential issues of #AI and #bias including as relates to #COVID19. Yet 30% of business are now using #ArtificialIntelligence in some form. Horse out the barn.

So what is the answer? Ban? Control?


@JordanBazinsky @HealthITNews
Read 14 tweets
Jul 8th 2020
Our #FutureOfPharmacy started with a few key tenets about how we believed the future might evolve
As we explored trends and research and discussed it with different thought leaders, another key issue was the role of the pharmacist. We saw three future roles
Read 12 tweets
Mar 1st 2020
After 72 hours of hacking, it is time for our 9 hardworking teams to pitch to our multi-disciplinary judges with leadership roles in @AUBMC_Official, @AUB_Lebanon and the Business world: Bassam Tabshouri, Dr. @ZaherDawy and Dr. Salim Chahine. #aubHacks #futureofHealth
Team 1 Nexam is a smart examination table for Neurologists designed by Medical Doctors and Engineers
Team 2 Approximize has developed a predictive analytics engine to optimize the pricing process of insurance policies #aubHacks #FutureofHealth
Read 14 tweets
Feb 17th 2020
Medical Doctors, Biomed Engineers and PhDs from @AUBMC_Official & @AUB_Lebanon participated in the #HealthInnov! opening workshop
@AUBMC_Official @AUB_Lebanon Dr Salim Chahine presented our programs and encouraged the teams to participate in the #FutureofHealth Hackathon ( and the AUB President's Innovation Challenge (
@AUBMC_Official @AUB_Lebanon Karl Asmar shared the inspiring story of @medicusai where they were able in just 4 years to grow to 118 employees across 6 countries including Lebanon and build partnerships with major industry players such as Roche to help people understand their health through smart analytics
Read 5 tweets

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