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Jun 22nd 2020
Last year, #LayleenPolanco died while detained at Rikers Island. Newly released footage show that after Polanco suffered a seizure, prison guards waited an hour and a half before calling for help. What did they do instead? They laughed at her. #SayHerName…
#LayLeenPolanco was a Black trans woman who was detained because she couldn't afford bail. She was kept in solitary confinement, which is itself a form of torture. Prison officials knew she suffered from epilepsy yet they laughed instead of getting her quick medical attention.
#LayleenPolanco's story should make your blood boil. We have every right to be furious not only at the prison guards who laughed and let her die but also the racist & transphobic criminal justice system that was responsible for her being locked up in the first place. #SayHerName
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Jun 9th 2020
curious to see how anti-trafficking organizations who say #BlackLivesMatter are going to handle the demands by Black folks for abolition [that Black sex workers have been asking for through organizing around the decriminalization of sex work for years]. #DecrimNow
Black sex workers and survivors have been saying that increased policing harms us and our communities, and anti-trafficking organizations, including the ones who *say they care* about Black lives, ignored us. but there's no way around it—the people want #AbolitionNow! #DecrimNow
We've given the data + talking points over and over again and there's not really a way around it at this point. Either you're with Black folks' demands for #abolition + the decriminalization of the ways we survive, or you're not. Policing/jails inflict sexual and gender violence-
Read 6 tweets
Jun 3rd 2020
(hella long) THREAD on #bailreform & #PoliceViolence
Here’s the deal: last year NY passed bail reform legislation that mandated pretrial freedom for 90% of folks going through the system. It was a huge win for black people, poor people & the movement to end pretrial jailing.
It also SIGNIFICANTLY checked the power of law enforcement to use pretrial jailing as a tool to terrorize black NYers. The reforms meant that tens of thousands of people now couldn’t be jailed and held hostage just based on an arrest.
Pretrial jailing is a direct extension of police power. The #ExoneratedFive, #KaliefBrowder, #LayleenPolanco are all examples of black people who suffered horrible violence and tremendous consequences from being locked up pretrial as a result of racist cops & racist arrests.
Read 14 tweets
May 28th 2020
A Black tgnc person named #TonyMcDade was killed by police in Tallahassee, FL on Wednesday. I think of #LayleenPolanco dying in her cell at Rikers Island the first week of #PrideMonth 2019.

#TransLiberation demands #Abolition…
BLM organizers have long noted that while masses turn up in the wake of police murders of Black men, it's a struggle to get a small crowd to turn up for Black women. It's hard to get any attention at all when Black TGNC people are killed. #TonyMcDade #BlackTransLivesMatter
It's more complicated than mere homophobia and mysognoir in Black communities--though that's part of it. Yet it's also about entrenched discourses about who police target and kill that leaves out survivors, women, TGNC people, and many others. #TonyMcDade #BlackTransLivesMatter
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Jun 25th 2019
At @rubendiazjr's hearing tn on the mayor's jail plan. @CrimJusticeNYC is in the building, as is the CEO of Diego Beekman, which sued the city regarding the proposal. @nonewjails_nyc and @JustLeadersUSA are here too, along with Rev. Wendy Calderon of @BronxConnect, among others.
The BP says he hopes to hear from every person here who wants to speak. Started exactly on time (thank you) anticipating a long list of speakers.
Testimony has not started yet, but folks at home/at work/in transit can follow along at
Read 23 tweets

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