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Nov 6th 2018
My absentee ballot didn’t come so I’m taking an all night bus to NC, voting, and flying back to be at work at 11 in DC. Stay tuned as I live-tweet my venture into madness for the sake of civic duty. #VoteSaveAmerica #iguess
To pump myself up for this trip I’m listening to @PodSaveAmerica. Why? Because @jonlovett @jonfavs @TVietor08 and @danpfeiffer are personally responsible for this trip (and will help me stay strong as I try to get home to vote).
In the part where folks usually promote their soundclouds I just wanna say: if you’re in NC, please vote to #nixthesix amendments. Also, I’m a @HealthCareVoter and I hope you are too.

more after I pack as much as will fit in my backpack.
Read 29 tweets
Oct 22nd 2018
Can someone explain to me when the @GOP stopped ignoring fiscal responsibility?
Can someone explain to me why @GOP claimed to be the party of Moral Values but continues to support a person like @realDonaldTrump?

Can you explain to me why you wouldn't want another party in power for the Senate or House when you believe in the Constitution and checks and balances?

Read 50 tweets

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