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Mar 18th 2023
🧵#NamamiJagadgurum 008 on the #Jayanthi of Sri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava #Narasimha Bharathi #Mahaswamiji-33rd #Sringeri #Jagadguru

It may be fairly said without fear of contradiction that Sri Jagadguru had gone through every branch of #Sanskrit #Literature and retained

most of it in his memory. The most knotty points HH would unravel in a marvellously easy way to the intense admiration of his audience. The Sastras were Jagadguru’s playground & would revel in them as often and as much as he could. Besides, the Sastras HH was adept in Kavyas

and dramas also. It was a very favourite pastime with HH to repeat what are known as Antadi Slokas. More than a dozen Pandits may range together against the Jagadguru and still he would be a match to them all. HH would repeat from memory Slokas by thousands and all his

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Mar 6th 2023
🧵#NamamiJagadgurum 006

Sri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava #Narasimha Bharathi #Mahaswamiji the 33rd #Sringeri #Jagadguru

"There was no branch of knowledge which Sri Jagadguru did not know and that too Sastraically."

HH was grand in simplicity.People would give anything and

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everything to get HH’s blessings. All comforts that love or money could secure were at HH’s beck and call. Still HH was perfectly indifferent to them. HH never cared for them. Not only did HH not care for them, but HH actually did not know the value of them as it is

understood by us. HH did not know the difference between one Rupee and one lakh of Rupees. HH considered both as valuable as the mud HH was treading on. HH would very often lie down on the bare ground and as often wander in lonely forests and derive therefrom

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Feb 26th 2023
Ahobilam is the place where #Vishnu in the form of #Narasimha killed the Rakshasa Hiranyakashipu in order to save his bhakta Prahlada.

Ahobilam temple Bhagwan' Murti is said be installed by bhagwan Venkateswara himself before his wedding.

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The upper Ahobilam has a Ugra (angry) form. There are several Narsimha temples in the surrounding hills like Pamuleti Narasimhaswamy, which are popular among local populations.

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Narasimha appears in different forms as Ugra Murthi(aggressive form), Shanta Murthy (tranquil form), Yoga Murthy (in penance) and Kalyana Murthy with his consort Sri Chenchu Lakshmi.
The Temple has 450 steps to make it to the top.

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Jan 17th 2023
With entry of #Saturn (#Shani Mahatma) into Kumbha (Aquarius) Rasi in the Zodiac, there will be changes in Shani #Gochara like Sade-Sath, Ashtama/ArdhaAshtama Shani etc. for individuals reckoned from Moon sign (Janma Raasi)

How to gear up for Shani Gochara/Dasa ? small -🧵
This thread is not for giving predictions. It is only an attempt to understand Saturn/Shani Mahatma in a novice way.
one should possesses/develop qualities of....
discipline, hard work, diligence, patience, steadfastness, perseverance, honesty, judgment, compassion, charitable nature, service oriented, selfless sacrifice etc. ++
Read 15 tweets
May 14th 2022
#Vaisakha #Sukla #Chaturdasi is reckoned as Sri #Nrusimha Jayanthi the day Bhagawan #Vishnu manifested in a very ferocious, rare, unique and fascinating form #NARASIMHA;

Specific purpose of this avathara was,

protection of his devotee #PraHlada from his demon father #Hiranyakasipa;

#establish a point & to make true the words of his devotee " existence (#omnipresent) of God everywhere"

> Prahlada’s episode proves that, God is #Bhaktavatsala; +
To kill the demon Hiranyakasipa, Lord Vishnu had to take this rare form in order to counteract/provide an antidote to the boons Hiranyakasipa had.

The boons were; ++
Read 13 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
I am flabbergasted to study that South Korea, which has outstanding macroeconomic statistics, is lagging behind other countries in terms of creating jobs for young people!
Why is that?
Actually, Macroeconomic Statistics are not always very helpful.
They give you the overall aggregate picture, which might help look at the larger picture.
What lies underneath that canvas is the real truth.
Excellent GDP Growth Rate track record since the 1990s opening up of the economy by #Narasimha Rao Govt.
The huge build-up in FOREX Reserves.
Massive growth in #FDI and Portfolio Institutional inflows.
But, the Avg. Indian struggles to find decent work, if any at all.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 1st 2018
Beyond the Veil - The #Ayyappan Sankalpa — A Long Thread !
The #SabarimalaTemple is many centuries-old and hosts an ancient deity, Sastha — #Ayyappan the main Vigraha (idol) of the temple, the deity is worshipped in the form of a Naishtika Brahmachari
This temple is not a prayer hall but is an energy centre; the Vigraha of #Ayyappan is not the representation of a God who is omnipresent, but as a source of energy (Chaithanya) from a mystical dimension.
Read 58 tweets
Sep 13th 2018
Historical Buddhist statue at the Mes Aynak site in #Kabul, #Afghanistan, #Buddhism
Centuries old "Ekamukhalinga " ( Lord Shiva) in #Afghanistan , now in #Kabul Museum !
Read 79 tweets
Jan 26th 2018
First pit-stop on my #ExploreUP journey, Bhitargaon in #Kanpurdehat. Amidst squalor, in a village seemingly over-run by a combo of buffaloes & pigs, stands what may be north India's oldest existing temple. This brick temple dedicated to Vishnu dates to Gupta period, 6th century.
#ExploreUP: Having read abt a Lodi-era tomb at #Kalpi, #Jalaun dist, I expected it to be in line with the octagonal Lodi-Sur era tombs elsewhere in India. It turned out to be quite different. Locals call it the Chaurasi (84) gumbad.
#ExploreUP: The tomb @ #Kalpi, was described as that of a 'Lodi Badshah'. Aware that of the three Lodi rulers, two buried in Delhi & third in #Panipat, was puzzled abt the Kalpi person. Turns out to be a brother of Ibrahim named Jalaluddin who propped himself as ruler for a while
Read 52 tweets

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