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Jul 31st 2022
#Taliban in #Nimroz Province of Afghanistan, clashed with #Iran border guards, today.
Iranian officials blamed Taliban for initiating the #clash.
More details will come soon.
Taliban confirmed the incident in Nimroz, blaming Iran border guards for starting the clash.
According to the IEA border forces commander in Nimroz, one Talib was killed and another one wounded in today's cash. He didn't provide info about casualties to the Iranian border guards.
According to some pro-Iran sources, the clash on border between Afghanistan and Iran was started, after the Taliban wanted to raise/install their flag, in an area which was not AFG's territory.
Read 8 tweets
May 11th 2021
International Affairs /1-1
#Myanmar #Burma 🇲🇲
Myanmar's Generals
Run A Nearly Sanction-Proof
Long Before Seizing Control
Of The Streets
by @oanhha @jwf825
& Khine Lin Kyaw
MAY 11, 2021
International Affairs /1-2
#Myanmar #Burma 🇲🇲
- Area : 676.5K km²
- Population : 53.6 M
- Capital : #Naypyidaw
largest city : #Yangon
- #Bamar 68%
- #Shan 9%
- #Buddhism 88%
- #Christianity 6.2%
- #Islam 4.3%
#Burmese Image
International Affairs /1-3
#Myanmar #Burma 🇲🇲
- GDP (PPP) : US$355 B
Per capita : US$6.7 K
- #InformalEconomy :
one of the biggest in the world
- Rich in precious stones :
#Rubies 90% of world's
#Sapphires #Pearls #Jade
- #Tourism
- #Agriculture Image
Read 50 tweets
Sep 24th 2018
Kabul based daily @Etilaatroz claims that it has obtained documents showing that the number of registered voters in 11 districts in different provinces exceeds the number of populations in those districts. #Afghanistan #Elections (1)…
.. Estimated population of Bagrami district of #Kabul: 60,464, estimated voters: 27,678, voters registered by the IEC: 83,909
Estimated population of Khak-e Jabbar district of Kabul: 15,655, estimated voters: 7,156, voters registered by the IEC: 18, 927
.. Estimated population of Tala wa Barfak district of #Baghlan: 32,977, estimated voters: 15,070, voters registered by the IEC: 35,245

Estimated population of Shawak district of #Paktia: 6,032, estimated voters: 2,725, voters registered by the IEC: 8,730 (3)
Read 8 tweets

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