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May 13th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+444 (13/05) PdS2 - Théâtres

1/Front X, Hyp. Z, charnière
2/Dniepr, rive gauche, #Crimee, première
3/Arrière-scène, dernière

Tanks, utiles, n'est-il pas ?

Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez loupé la chronique N°DLXIII-II de #GuerreEnUkraine, la voici👇


1/Front X, Hyp. Z

(i) TDB


🟠Test & modelage de la ligne de front, généralisé

🟠Préparation dans la profondeur, débuté
•détruire PC, EW, DM, logistique
•effondrer la chaîne du carburant

🟠Opérations de déception, débuté

🔴Mouvement d'offensive, Front X, Axe Y
Read 22 tweets
May 12th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+443 (12/05) PdS2 - Théâtres

1/ Des nombres et des hommes
2/Front X, Hyp. Z
3/Dniepr, rive gauche, #Crimee

"I'm a poor lonesome cowboy, and a long long way from home..."

Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez loupé le journal CDLXI-II de #GuerreEnUkraine, le voici👇


1/ Des nombres et des hommes, rapport de forces

Qu'entend-on par rapport de forces ?

Beaucoup prétendent qu’il faut que l’offensive soit lancée dans un rapport d’au moins 3:1 (3 fois plus d’attaquants que de défenseurs) mais cela vaut "ceteris paribus sic stantibus"
Read 15 tweets
May 11th 2023
Welcome to the #UkraineRussiaWar news thread for Day 442 of the full invasion.

All the news in one handy place, updated throughout the day, sprinkled with my analysis.

Busy yesterday? Catch up with a click and scroll of Wednesday's news, here⬇️

Fairly quiet again overnight. But a couple of stories inside #Russia's borders to highlight

In #Kursk region there were power cuts after reports of shelling in the village of #Tyotkino

Local officials say 5 rockets from #Ukraine hit the electricity substation in the settlement.
Earlier, #Russia claimed a council building was attacked by drones in #Bryansk region.

The Governor said "a UAV of the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at an administrative building in the town of #Starodub."
There were no casualties.

Read 43 tweets
Jan 10th 2023
Day 321 of #Russia's war. There's been outright war in Europe for every month of the past year after the unprovoked aggression started with bombs and the invasion of #Ukraine last February.

Follow all the news around the war, updated here in this thread throughout the day⬇️
I'll start in the now traditional fashion by giving you the link for yesterday's thread in case you missed anything in the #RussiaUkraineWar

First bad news from #Kramatorsk in #Donetsk region.

It's been confirmed that two people died when a Russian missile hit their car as they were travelling on the road.
Read 40 tweets
Sep 18th 2020

One of the worst #ecodisaster in the #Arctic Circle happened in May in #Norilsk 🇷🇺
Studies have since found issues with other fuel tanks🛢️

This #Sentinel2🛰️🇪🇺 image shows that contaminated soil🖲️🚧stored around the Ambarnya river has been removed Image
Read 3 tweets
Aug 18th 2020
“No other country in the world has ever created anything like this in the Arctic. By creating a brand new gas production center beyond the ArcticCircle, Russia has proven its leadership in the Arctic” Alexey Miller, chair of Gazprom

about his ticking #CH4 bomb on the #permafrost Image
This is the permafrost line in Russia.

(source: Permafrost-affected soils and their carbon pools with a focus on the Russian Arctic, Zubrzycki et al 2014) Image
This is the location of #Norilsk diesel disaster, where a fuel tank sat on thawing permafrost and broke its legs, so to speak.

With marked Yamal Peninsula as main origin for gas, and an attempt of added permafrost line according to the previous pic. Image
Read 13 tweets

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