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May 2nd 2020


An explosive secret document exposes the machinations of the Chinese government.
Beijing lied to the world about the corona virus!
This emerges from a 15-page secret service document, as reported by the newspaper "The Daily Telegraph"…. The dossier thus shows that the government has covered up the Corona outbreak - with devastating global pandemic consequences.
The author of the document is the so-called "Five Eyes": an alliance of leading intelligence agencies from the #UnitedStates, the #UnitedKingdom, #Canada, #Australia and #NewZealand.
Read 11 tweets
Nov 10th 2019
What does #justice mean on a damaged planet?

Remembering the #Ogoni9, murdered on behalf of @Shell in the Niger Delta, 10 years ago.

And perhaps taking a moment to question the dominant narratives of #climateaction via Ken Saro-Wiwa's daughter, Zina.…
@Shell "The idea of β€˜big E’ #Environmentalism is shaped by a certain group of thinkers in the #West. It is currently #framed predominantly through the issue of #carbon emissions, at least on an international level...…
"Rising sea levels and climate change, all desperately important and overlapping issues; but Environmentalism is a #broadchurch. The concerns of big environmental groups don’t necessarily #speak to and for #others in other parts of the #world."…
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