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Jun 2nd 2023
1️⃣ "Recognize the divine spark within all beings." 🙏
Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught us "Na ko bairee, nahee bigana" - There is no enemy; there is no outsider. Let's embrace the beauty of diversity and see unity in all. Spread love and acceptance! ❤️ Image
2️⃣ Guru Angad Dev Ji emphasized the significance of education and literacy. "Let there be one language of the learned and the illiterate," he proclaimed. Education is a catalyst for growth, empowerment, and understanding among people. #EducationForAll #GuruAngadDevJi Image
3️⃣ Guru Amar Das Ji highlighted the value of selfless service, or "seva." "Selfless service is a treasure of virtue," he taught. By serving others without any expectations, we can create a positive impact in our communities and uplift those in need. #Seva #GuruAmarDasJi Image
Read 10 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
"This long Malthusian cycle brewed the ideological alchemy of Good #Science and the Civilizing Project. Each moment produced new scientific and imperial regimes that simultaneously mapped, secured, and justified ever more extensive and violent...… #society
... appropriations of unpaid #work/energy for capital. Every moment of enclosing waste (the commons) involved grand movements creating #waste on the frontiers. In this long #history of natural law, Good #Science has been mobilized not only as a “productive force” but as the...
... ideological cement for securing the “general interest”. Thus decisive ideological function for successive #class compacts between ruling strata and the scientific, administrative, and military strata ...
Read 23 tweets
Nov 25th 2022
What's happening? Image
A moral society puts people first.
Not wealth.
Not power.
Not nation states.
Not archaic forms of govt or law.
Not royal families or venerable castes.
Ordinary people.

Intelligent Ethics by Luke Andreski…

#humanism #environmentalism #hope
Neoliberal propaganda?
Corporate lies?
Media bias?
Had enough of it yet?

Ethical Intelligence
Luke Andreski…
#understanding #reality #perception #truth
Read 7 tweets
Aug 3rd 2022
🧵 Tonight's SFI Community Lecture by 2x Miller Scholar @Andrea_Wulf begins in just a few minutes!

Follow this thread for the streaming link and highlights from the talk. (Sorry, but this recording will not be available to view afterward...)
Talk starts now with an intro by SFI Prof @C4_Computation:

Q - Flack: "Some of you might wonder how a talk on Humboldt connects to #ComplexityScience."

A - Humboldt: "Knowledge of the chain of connection....the perception of these relations."
Who was #AlexanderVonHumboldt?

"A man who was so restless he said he was chased by 10,000 pigs... He spent his entire inheritance on a five-year voyage of South America. They called him 'The Shakespeare of the Sciences.'"
- @andrea_wulf
Read 12 tweets
Jul 19th 2022
THREAD: So if you love #fishing and your water, something to consider. I have bald eagles, trumpeter swans, pelicans, herons here on the Lower #Wisconsin #River. Lead kills #birds. I lose probably more than my share of jigs and hanging with the @riveralliancewi got me thinking.
I am more pragmatist than activist, but #environmentalism hits home as you watch eagles soar as you fish pristine, delicate waterways. The 92 miles LWR is mostly in conservancy, and is recognized as a @RamsarConv Wetlands of International Importance.
So I cultivated a local guy who makes lures out of his garage. Very skilled fisherman too and I have learned a lot from him out on the water. Had him cast me this initial run of jigs out of tin bismuth alloy.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 8th 2022
Hey Twitter! It's been a while. I used to write here all the time hanging out with #scifichat, #comicschat, #litchat, talking about #science, #tech, #autism and a dozen other topics which broadened my horizons and let me share my diverse interests in almost everything.
Then my life got incredibly busy. My son went to high school and coupled with his #autism, our lives became super-complex. I lost my job and my car gave up the ghost after four years of @Uber. Then the unthinkable, my wife experienced #renalfailure.
4 years ago, she underwent an operation for #peritoneal #dialysis. This form of at-home dialysis would let her take care of her renal needs at home avoiding the need for external #hemodialysis centers. In hindsight, this may have saved her life.…
Read 26 tweets
Oct 13th 2021

New edition of

FREE eBook 15–19 Oct…
#politics #power #propaganda
I think it’s time we talked….

Luke Andreski
Short Conversations: During the Plague

Populism. Privilege. Propaganda. Power.

eBook FREE ‘til Oct 19…
Read 12 tweets
Jan 16th 2021
Apr.2020 #Pandemic At Center of #Globalist & #Psychological
#Warfare Against #Freedom.

📽 #UN #WEF Globalist admit Coronavirus is at the centre of the wheel for #Global #Governance…

#ClimateTax > #ClimateHoax
#COVID > #Agenda2030 ImageImage
Apr.2020 #US #CoronavirusReliefBill had 'Digital Dollar' in it but was stripped out. On #DigitalDollar* website (Digital Dollar Project states it is partnering with Accenture) led by David Treat

* was going to create a federal reserve digital dollar

/1 #BiteSizeChunks
Digital Dollar: David Treat Snr MD & co-lead of blockchain / NY Fintech Innovation at Accenture, also serves on board for #ID2020 alliance, #WEF #4IR Global #Blockchain Council member, program advisor Chamber of digital commerce, & WEF digital ID

/2 #BiteSizeChunks
Read 25 tweets
Aug 22nd 2020
#GlobalDealForNature, #NatureNeedsHalf, #VoiceForThePlanet, #30x30, #CampaignForNature (#Wyss, National Geographic),

- all marketing serves elite sought financialization of nature; the corporate capture of the commons.

#WEF #WWF #GDP #NaturalCapital #PES #Privatization
#VoiceForThePlanet is the sister marketing campaign of the #NewDealForNature. At helm of both campaigns are #WWF (atrocities against #Indigenous) working in #lockstep w/ World Economic Forum founded/headed by Klaus Schwab. Founding partners include UN - partnered w/ WEF in 2019.
The National Geographic Society markets the Global Deal for Nature, New Deal For Nature, & the Campaign for Nature w/ the #Wyss Foundation (billionaire Hansjörg Wyss). The Society operates via National Geographic Partners - a joint venture w/ #Disney.

Read 23 tweets
Mar 28th 2020
“These are facts that are important for every LDS woman to know. It’s amazing that these aren’t currently part of the legacy of what it means to be an LDS woman. Very few people know these facts.” — Neylan McBaine, co-founder and CEO of @BetterDays2020

#MWEGconf #firsttovote Image
“We can be good stewards just by living gospel principles.” — Shannon Ellsworth with @LDSEarthSteward

#MWEGconf #environment #sustainability #gogreen #savetheplanet #environmentalism Image
Read 19 tweets
Nov 10th 2019
What does #justice mean on a damaged planet?

Remembering the #Ogoni9, murdered on behalf of @Shell in the Niger Delta, 10 years ago.

And perhaps taking a moment to question the dominant narratives of #climateaction via Ken Saro-Wiwa's daughter, Zina.…
@Shell "The idea of ‘big E’ #Environmentalism is shaped by a certain group of thinkers in the #West. It is currently #framed predominantly through the issue of #carbon emissions, at least on an international level...…
"Rising sea levels and climate change, all desperately important and overlapping issues; but Environmentalism is a #broadchurch. The concerns of big environmental groups don’t necessarily #speak to and for #others in other parts of the #world."…
Read 3 tweets
Jun 6th 2019
#Socialism and #environmentalism are a perfect match. Socialism can’t result in anything but poverty, misery, and death. Environmentalism says precisely that is what’s necessary to “save the planet.” Thus, environmentalism sets a standard of success that even socialism can pass.
If socialism wins, then a few generations from now, some of our starving descendants, walking among the ruins of capitalist civilization and inspired to try to recreate some of the wonders of the past, will be stopped by environmentalism’s taboos against “harming the planet.”
The planet they will be afraid of “harming” will be one whose remaining inhabited areas are covered by and reek of the stench of human and animal waste, as was the case in the towns and villages of the Dark Ages.
Read 4 tweets

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