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Jul 11th 2022

EVM is the defacto standard among blockchain developers with a huge community for support. This has led other EVM-compatible chains to explore this system and non-EVM chains to buidl EVM-compatibility layers on top of that.

Let’s take a deep dive into this 🧵

After launching with limited success, the so-called “Ethereum killers” are building solutions on top of the chains to support EVMs. For instance, Polkadot’s Moonbeam, @NEARProtocol Aurora, @cosmoshub Evmos & @solana Neon.

What is EVM?

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is responsible for defining the rules for calculating a new valid state from block to block. The #EVM is a robust sandboxed virtual stack within each Ethereum node, responsible for contract bytecode execution.
Read 25 tweets
Apr 16th 2022
🚀✨ Layer 2 Landscape #15 ✨🚀

(1/22) Lots going on in the #L222 #Layer2 #Ethereum space this week! Settle in, I've got a long thread for you! Without further ado, 🧵👇
(2/22) @argentHQ did some research on ZK rollups so you don't have to. Check out this 🧵with some ZK rollup basics!
(3/22) There's a bit of a disagreement going on about whether Celestiums are similar to Layer 2 rollups. I agree with @dankrad that the security guarantees of Celestiums are not comparable. What do you think?
Read 22 tweets
Feb 6th 2019
#Crypto developer bull market can be seen in @ZeppelinOrg's #OpenZeppelin downloads, w/ thousands of daily downloads and 400,000 total in 2018:
The team's newer @zeppelin_os is showing similar momentum, though earlier in its lifecycle. ~7% week-over-week growth for the 2nd half of the year.
As #crypto investors have been fleeing, developers have been flocking, drawn to these "can't-be-evil" platforms where the permission to innovate is endless.
Read 3 tweets
Jun 19th 2018
2 years ago, the DAO was hacked and we learned the importance of security in smart contract development the hard way. We created #OpenZeppelin to fill this gap
As of today, #OpenZeppelin libraries were downloaded 100,000+ times, leveraging a community of 4500+ developers. Still, smart contract development remains a difficult and inefficient endeavor, analogous to the early days of computing
We are now making @zeppelin_os the canonical smart contract development platform — improving the experience of developing, deploying* and managing** decentralized applications
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