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Jun 19th 2023
#layer2 还没发币的项目有很多,比如自带流量的 #Scroll ,他即不PUA,也不让你其他无用功……

最近发现他联合 #Degame 平台发起了一个 NFT GAMING SUMMER-2023活动,活动将提供价值约300,000 U的奖励,包括游戏资产、NFT、项目代币等。

🩸我们来看看怎么撸:… Image
1⃣ 进入DeGame(链接如下),点击主页

· 选择“Gaming Summer”
· 进入“Gameta”社区… Image
2⃣ 点击任务和奖励,将基本任务都做完(任务3天后截止) Image
Read 5 tweets
Jun 15th 2023
🪂The Ultimate Scroll Airdrop Strategy🪂

Follow this strategy and increase your airdrop chances. #scroll #airdrop #strategy

1/8 Image
❔What is Scroll❔

#Scroll is a zkEVM-based zk-Rollup for Ethereum with native compatibility for existing protocols on Ethereum. That means devs only need to redeploy their contracts. 🔥

aaaand @Scroll_ZKP also raised 80mio$ from large vc's incl. @polychain & @sequoia

2/8 Image
Currently Scroll is only on Testnet, however it already makes sense to interact with it.

➡️ head over to their website & join the Alpha Testnet

Read 6 tweets
Jun 9th 2023
⚡️ zkSynth has just launched a testnet on #zkSync & #Scroll, and you don't want to miss this opportunity.

Cost: FREE
Potential gain: $2,000 💰

Be early to the party and act fast ⏱️ 👇 Image
1⃣ Request some Goerli ETH. Image
2⃣ Transfer your ETH from Goerli to ZkSync Era testnet. Image
Read 10 tweets
May 31st 2023
⚡️ Early testnet on zkSync & Scroll by zkSynth

💰 Potential airdrop 💰

@zkSynth is a Synthetics Protocol for the ZK Ecosystem built on @zksync

A few days ago, the project launched a testnet in the #zkSync & #Scroll networks

🧵 Image
What to do?
- Take a test $ETH from the faucet (list of faucets in our Discord)
- To transfer tokens to the zkSync network, use the official bridge ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
May 25th 2023
🔒 Zero Knowledge: A Game Changer! 💡

Let's talk about zero-knowledge proofs and why they're an absolute game changer in the tech world.

At @nextblockexpo we got Raza Zaidi, the genius dev from @Scroll_ZKP, dropping some knowledge on us.

#nbx #scroll Image
@nextblockexpo @Scroll_ZKP In a zero-knowledge proof, the prover can prove a statement to the verifier without revealing any extra info, except for the fact that the statement is true.

It's like flexing your knowledge muscles without giving away the secrets. 🤫💪
@nextblockexpo @Scroll_ZKP This groundbreaking protocol has massive implications for privacy, security, and trust in digital transactions.

It's like having a secret handshake that proves your authenticity without spilling the beans. 🤝✨
Read 4 tweets
Apr 24th 2023
Did you miss out on the #LSD bull pre Shanghai Upgrade?

No need to worry, as Cancun - an upgrade that directly benefits Layer2(L2) tokens is coming.

Want to see your investment skyrocket like many did during $LSD spring?

Let me tell you how👇:

#Ethereum #Crypto Image

What benefits will Cancun bring and how will it impact L2s?

In simple words, it will make L2s 10-100x faster and cheaper.

How is this possible?

Fundamentally, L2s are required to submit L2 txs to L1 (Ethereum) in order to achieve the same level of security as L1. Image
Before #Cancun, L2 txs were stored in the L1 txs calldata. However, this method is expensive and calldata has limited space.

After #Cancun, L1 will be stored in a new place called "blob"(don't google it) . Blob storage cost is way cheaper and have a bigger space. Image
Read 19 tweets
Apr 19th 2023
📜 A step-by-step guide on how to interact with Zada Finance testnet on Scroll

@ZadaFinance is a cross-rollup order book DEX built on #Scroll

@Scroll_ZKP raised $80M from Polychain, OKX Exchange, Maple Leaf Capital, Geometry DAO and others

A Thread 🧵 Image
Here we go!
- To get started, take test tokens from the faucet
- Add a Scroll test network via Chainlist ImageImage
- Send ETH to the Scroll network via bridge
- Go to the website and connect your wallet ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Mar 31st 2023
融资 5000万美元的Scroll再不交互就晚了!
#scroll #Layer2 #Airdrop

@Scroll_ZKP 是一个EVM等效的 zkRollup,用于扩展以太坊,总融资8000万美金,估值已达18亿美金,据说Scroll的诸王将在今年第三季度开启,目前已经进入测试的最后阶段,再不交互可能就来不及获得空投了; Image

🌟添加Goerli测试网和Scroll Alpha测试网 ImageImage
2⃣获取goerli ETH
🌟去goerli 测试网水龙头获取goerli ETH


Read 9 tweets
Mar 27th 2023
Scroll #Airdrop Strategy🎯

Scroll has raised a total of $80M in funding💸

Will There be a Token in future?👀
Maybe, but we have to do some actions to get their Airdrop in Future🎁

You should not miss this one 💎
A complete thread 🧵👇 Image
🔴Scroll is a zkEVM-based zkRollup on Ethereum that enables native compatibility for existing Ethereum applications and tools.

🟠their mission is to scale Ethereum through decentralization without sacrificing any of Ethereum’s inherent security features. Image
The project left the PreAlpha Testnet phase and entered the Alpha Testnet phase. The next step is Mainnet, and with this account, the airdrop task will probably be determined by Q3/Q4! Image
Read 16 tweets
Mar 25th 2023
People make thousands of dollars from the $ARB airdrop.

However, if you miss it, don't worry.

Check out these new L1s that have yet to launch a token 🧵 Image
1/ @zksync

zkSync is an L2 scaling solution that reduces cost and speeds up transactions while still inheriting the @ethereum security and finality by using ZK Rollups technology.

Vitalik once said that ZK Rollup is a technology that will do much better than OR.
What does zkSync offer?

• Transaction fees are 50 times lower than the main network on Ethereum.
• Friendly with smart contracts.
• Protected over 5 million transactions.
• Up to 2000 TPS.
Read 17 tweets
Mar 24th 2023
Your opportunity to make that 6-figure earning is in this thread, where you will discover:

📌 Defi updates where you can use it to your advantage
📌 Projects giving out WL
📌 All airdrops you will need to know

🧠🧵 Image
1/ 📌 Defi updates where you can use it to your advantage

Catching with all the Defi news is overwhelming and staying onto pof them is so PVP.

So here's they key ones you can take advantage of 👇 Image
2/ $GRAIL thesis continues strong @matrixthesun have a strong conviction for it too.

GCR bought more $GRAIL 6 days ago. Its timely to review his position again, if you want to follow the whale.

Read 25 tweets
Mar 23rd 2023
#Arbitrum airdrop today should be worth $5,000+ for many - $ARB promises to be BIG but $ZKS could be BIGGER 👀

#zkSync have raised $458 million in funding

Arbitrum raised $120 million for comparison

Its the start of airdrop season, here are 6 to look out for 🧵👇
$ARB drops today to users & DAOs on the #Ethereum layer-2 platform.

Average user received around 625 $ARB tokens, approximately $625 to $1,250 according to pre launch trading prices

Here are another 5 potential airdrop opportunities for this year.
#zkSyncEra is a layer-2 rollup on #ETH based on zero-knowledge (ZK) proof technology.

@VitalikButerin reckons that zk-based EVM-compatible rollups could be a game-changer technology.

zkSync, raised $200m in Dec 2022 in funding round led by Blockchain Capital and Dragonfly
Read 8 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
Arbitrum #ARB airdrop might be worth $2000-$50000 per recipient. And you missed it?

You can make millions of dollars from #airdrop if you follow my list
I have compiled them in one thread for your convenience

Here are the following 8 projects 👇
#zksync #starknet #sei #scroll Image
1. zkSync (@zksync)
- A layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that uses Zero-Knowledge (ZK) rollups to achieve trustless and low-cost transactions.
- zkSync has raised $258M
2. StarkNet (@Starknet)
- Starknet is a Validity Rollup Layer 2. It provides high throughput, low gas costs, and retains Ethereum Layer 1 level of security
- StarkNet has raised $260M from Paradigm, Sequoia, Pantera…
Read 10 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
现在全网撸毛攻略满天飞,有 #Scroll#Lens#Sui#Starknet#Zksync 这些都是好项目,我就不重复了!

讲讲新东西, #Base。前不久Coinbase 利用OP模块化做了自己的L2,虽然官方说不会发币,美其名曰符合美国法律。但利益面前,谁不逐利?而且目前Coinbase还跟美国监管闹的不愉快! Image
上周末跟加密圈伙伴交流,让我深受启发, #DYDX ,当时官方说不发空投。朋友跟我说:越是官方说不空投,我越要撸它。最后这单撸了不菲收益。

利用这个思路,我早上开会,思考了一下 #BASE 。把它定到了布置日程中!

一旦Coinbase利用新主体,转移到海外,其实发币已经不需要SEC说了算了! Image
OK,现在来讲讲撸 #Base 的方法。

1.首先肯定得注册一个 #Coinbase 钱包。自家人自家门,权重肯定会高一些。里面有一个用户名,后期可以用户名转账(记得防女巫)!

链接: ImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Mar 19th 2023
✨📯Updated Interaction on $Scroll without REMIX 💃📜

(I'll do so on other necessary networks. Turn on Notifs 🔔)
🧧 Add liquidity
🧧 Mint token
🧧 Burn token
🧧 Sell token
🧧 Remove Liquidity

Don't forget to Retweet + Tag frens 🫡 Image
It requires Zero funds! unlike Arbitrum 🫂

If you missed the previous post, visit here. it requires zero funds so no excuse! 📜

Now, Proceed.....
Visit the #Scroll explorer here:…

✨Make sure you have recommended 0.1 $ETH bridged to scroll (but not compulsory)

⚠️ Dont know how to bridge?? visit the previous Article in the second slide

📜 Start from 1, and input half of your balance Image
Read 8 tweets
Mar 19th 2023
The recent announcement of the #Arbitrum airdrop has generated a lot of noice lately. This airdrop will probably become the largest in the crypto history

But what about the #Starknet token?🤔

In this 🧵 I'll provide an update on the #Stark token and its potential #Airdrop

Let's take a look at:
1⃣Stark's tokenomics
2⃣Will Starknet distribute an airdrop ?
3⃣Which criteria can be used for the airdrop?
4⃣The current state

Arbitrum's token launch date (March 23) and eligible users for the airdrop were recently announced:

This event is expected to attract many users and airdrop hunters to L2 who don't have tokens like #zkSync, #Scroll, #Taiko, and ofc Starknet

Read 6 tweets
Mar 9th 2023
1/🧵 Zapraszam do poradnika, w którym poruszę temat rozmieszczania Smart Contractów w ramach dodatkowych akcji na różnych sieciach.

Jest to element, który z powodzeniem może dać nam szanse na wyróżnienie się z tłumu i zakwalifikowanie na ewentualne #airdrop(y).

Do pracy! Image
2/📑 Wątek źródłowy
Sposób rozmieszczania SC za pomocą aplikacji #Remix został pierwotnie zaczerpnięty od użytkownika @0xFastLife i podany jako przykład działania w poradniku o @BuildOnBase 👇
3/🧵 Przykładowe wykorzystanie
Tę metodę możemy z powodzeniem wykorzystywać także dla innych sieci! Nie dla wszystkich było to od początku oczywiste, więc warto to podkreślić.

Na potrzeby tego poradnika będę działał na głośnej ostatnio sieci jaką jest #Polygon #zkEVM! Image
Read 16 tweets
Mar 8th 2023


@Scroll_ZKP is a zkEVM-based zkRollup on Ethereum that enables native compatibility for existing #Ethereum applications and tools

#airdrops #airdrop Image
2/ This is not the first time I talk about #Scroll, I had made an airdrop tuto on December 10th, but at that time nobody was reading me 😅

Need to make a new one today because there is some news 🗞️
Let's see that first, then I present you an airdrop strategy
3/ Scroll has recently launched its alpha testnet, so the old strategies are no longer up to date

They just raised $50 million in new funding, the project is estimated to be worth over $1.8b, airdrop 🪂 could be insane !…
Read 13 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
Your first $100k in crypto can be made through airdrops.

Let me share a list of the biggest upcoming airdrops in 2023-2024.

Each of them has the potential to change your life.

A thread👇🧵 Image
This thread covers:

• Arbitrum
• Layerzero
• ZkSync
• Starknet
• Aztec
• Sui
• Scroll
If you're looking to score big on airdrops, consider top industry projects with the largest funding.

The list of champs:
Read 12 tweets
Mar 6th 2023
🚨 L2 Scroll CheckList: New Raising / Mystery Role / and So Much FUN

@Scroll_ZKP, one of the biggest L2 networks everyone is so excited about has raised a new $50M🤑 funding round, because of that we have looked at all you can do TODAY🤩

⭕️ Like and RT
#AlphaInsiders 🕵️‍♂️⚡️🪂🧵 Image
Everything in this thread is intended as educational material, not financial advice for any individual. ALWAYS DYOR. Image
Let's start this with great news,
⭕️ Scroll reaches $1.8 billion valuation in the new funding round.
Scroll raised $50 million in new funding.
#Scroll is now valued at $1.8 billion, a source with direct knowledge of the matter told The Block.
🔸… Image
Read 6 tweets
Jan 29th 2023


@muxprotocol Suite is a complex of protocols with features that will offer optimized trading cost, deep liquidity, a wide range of leverage options and diverse market options for traders

#Airdrop #Airdrops
2/ MUX announced yesterday that they are now live on Scroll PreAlpha Testnet 📜

@Scroll_ZKP is a zkEVM-based zkRollup on #Ethereum that enables native compatibility for Ethereum applications and tools

Already presented #airdrop strategy for Scroll 👇

3/ @muxprotocol launched their V2 platform which aggregates trades from various DEX perp platforms, starting with @GMX_IO.

To summarize, it's a leveraged trading aggegrators that offers zero price impact trading, up to 100x leverage, self-custody, and aggregated liquidity 🔥
Read 16 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
Hope you all have a great Monday!

A step-by-Step guide on "How to Intreact on @Scroll_ZKP Pre-Alpha Testnet to be eligible for future rewards

A complete thread 🧵👇

#Airdrop #zkEVM #Scroll
@Scroll_ZKP What's Scroll?

Scroll is a zkEVM L2 solution that aims to give users unlimited scalability, lightning-fast confirmation latency, full decentralization, and trustless privacy.

Scroll’s goal is to scale the existing EVM with cheaper and faster transactions.
@Scroll_ZKP How is Scroll different from the other Layer 2s?

Scroll is different from other Layer 2s because it works directly on Layer 1 and can be used with Ethereum dApps and other Layer 2s.

Scroll also uses GPU power in a different way to make zk-proofs off-chain.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 25th 2022
@Scroll_ZKP Pre-Alpha #Testnet (Potential #Airdrops)

#scroll is an EVM-equivalent #zkRollup to scale #Ethereum.

The current architecture consists of three infrastructure components namely Scroll Node, Roller Network and Rollup and Bridge Contracts.
Follow, Like/RT
🧵👇 Image
Scroll Node: Constructs L2 blocks from user transactions and passes messages between L1 and L2.

Roller Network: Generates the #zkEVM validity proofs to prove that transactions are executed right.

Rollup and Bridge Contracts: Provides data availability for Scroll transactions. Image
There is no confirmation of an airdrop yet but scroll having #Decentralization being it's priority give indication for a possible #Airdrop, also that's a good way to build a community and have wide adoption.

Lets Dive into the testnet procedure Image
Read 6 tweets
Nov 23rd 2022
🚨 Scroll's Pre-Alpha Testnet / Airdrop Speculation

@Scroll_ZKP is A native zkEVM Layer 2 Solution for Ethereum. The Pre-Alpha Testnet is now open to all and everyone has a chance to test the project.

⭕️ Don't forget to like and RT / Let your frens know
#AlphaInsiders 🕵️‍♂️⚡️🪂
Everything in this thread is intended as educational material, not financial advice for any individual. ALWAYS DYOR.
⭕️ What's Scroll?
#Scroll is a new Layer-2 solution aiming at providing unlimited scalability, lightning-fast confirmation latency, full decentralization, and trustless privacy. It does so by building upon zk-Rollup and high-performance off-chain distributed systems.
Read 10 tweets

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