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Mar 26th 2023
The Grand #Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (#GERD).

A thread.
If you happen to look at the news in the last couple of weeks about it, you will find a lot.👇

For the casual reader, what these news articles Don't tell you WHY exactly #Egypt and #Ethiopia are locked in these bitter disagreements over the #Nile water use via the #GERD.
Quick background:

The #Nile river is shared by 11 countries. Of its total annual flow contribution, #Ethiopian rivers including #Abbay (Blue Nile) that #GERD is being built accounts 85% or ~77 Billion Cubic Meters (BCM). The rest of the Nile countries accounts ~15%.
Read 26 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
#Thread on what was happening in the world during passage of #Kaliyuga "A Celestial Clock Reset" caused by planetary conjunction dating 18th Feb 3102 BCE
#Archaeology #Astronomy

1/26 Pic Src https://www.deviant...
During 3100-3200 BCE lot of Geological, Meteorological, Weather, Oceanological, Civilisational changes occurred. It was very tumultus. Hindu Epoc #Kaliyuga Started during this period only

Meteor Showers & Comets recorded 3100 BCE
• 4 comets one month apart made terrestrial orbit intersections with the Earth-Duncan Steele
• Comet Proto-Encke made its closest pass to the Earth
• Fall of dust veil all over the world - Tree Rings in Ireland and England

3/26 ImageImage
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Apr 16th 2022
🚀✨ Layer 2 Landscape #15 ✨🚀

(1/22) Lots going on in the #L222 #Layer2 #Ethereum space this week! Settle in, I've got a long thread for you! Without further ado, 🧵👇
(2/22) @argentHQ did some research on ZK rollups so you don't have to. Check out this 🧵with some ZK rollup basics!
(3/22) There's a bit of a disagreement going on about whether Celestiums are similar to Layer 2 rollups. I agree with @dankrad that the security guarantees of Celestiums are not comparable. What do you think?
Read 22 tweets
Jul 9th 2021
1⃣Nothing is more important to🇪🇬than the #Nile, which runs through the nation’s history & economy. The Nile is fed by two main tributaries, the White and the Blue Nile which meet at Khartoum,🇸🇩. The Blue Nile, originating in Lake Tana in🇪🇹, is the source of most of Egypt's water.
2⃣It has been more than 10 years since Ethiopia announced to build Africa’s largest hydroelectric dam on the Blue Nile. Since then, the prospect has loomed as an existential threat over Egypt.
3⃣Was the GERD a good idea? Possibly not.
Egypt’s Nile Delta, approximately 1m. above sea level, is already slowly sinking, thanks in part to the tectonic plates but also to a reduction in the amount of sediment being deposited in the delta (possibly due to Aswan High Dam too).
Read 22 tweets
Jun 8th 2021
Today's forecasts for #NorthAfrica, and the #HornOfAfrica follow.

This 1st image shows the monsoon spreading westwards across the Bay of Bengal. I think it is relevant to the rains in Africa but you will need to wait till the final tweet to see how.

#Ethiopia #Sudan #GERD #Nile
The strength of the West African Monsoon continues to grow as you can see in the animation above. During the current active period (See also #EuropeBigWet) the Sahara is forecast to reach a point where there is water over most of the great desert. Here are 10d rainfall forecasts.
Read 21 tweets
Apr 8th 2021
(1/22) Our new paper @NatureEnergyJnl ( proposes a solution to break the deadlock in negotiations between #Ethiopia 🇪🇹, #Sudan 🇸🇩 & #Egypt 🇪🇬 on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (#GERD) on the #BlueNile – with help of #solar and #wind power. Thread👇 Image
(2/22) The #BlueNile (Abay) is highly seasonal, with extreme differences in flow between dry and wet months. #GERD’s reservoir is so large it can store the full annual flow & deliver #hydropower at a stable rate throughout the year - suppressing the river flow #seasonality. Image
(3/22) Delivering hydropower w/o seasonality makes loads of sense from Ethiopian perspective, but overhauls natural timing of water reaching #Sudan & #Egypt. Behind many disagreements on #GERD lies downstream countries’ fear of s/o upstream having control over #BlueNile flow… Image
Read 22 tweets
Feb 11th 2021
(1/11) This term, I’ve taught a seminar @IslamicSt_UniFR called “Little Ice Ages and Mighty Microbes. What Environmental History Can Tell Us about the #MiddleEast”. These are some of the things that I’ve learned. A thread. #twitterstorians #environmentalhistory
(2/11) The Arab invasion of #Iran led to a cotton boom – until the 11th century. Then a “big chill” made agriculture detract. Leading Sunni scholars moved elsewhere &bimportant madrasas closed. This helped to eventually convert Iran into Shi’i-majority lands in the 16th century.
(3/11) The “golden age” of the Ottoman Empire saw the conquest of Egypt. With grain (incl. rats/fleas) now being shipped in huge quantities from Alexandria to #Istanbul, the capital became a constant “plague hub” (which, in turn, dramatically increased Ottoman medical knowledge).
Read 11 tweets
Sep 27th 2020
#WorldRiversDay: Some Amazing Facts on the Mighty Streams Flowing Across India…

(📸: IANS)
India is a land of 9 great rivers, which serve as lifelines for billions of people. Among all, the Ganga is one of the largest flowing rivers in the country, while the other mighty rivers include the Godavari, Krishna, Brahmaputra, and Indus.

#WorldRiversDay2020 #WorldRiversDay
The sacred river

The Ganges or Ganga is a perennial river, originating from the great Himalayas and flowing throughout the year. It lives on the melting snow of the mountains.

#WorldRiversDay2020 #WorldRiversDay
Read 14 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
Not sure how on the radar this is for you but the #Chinaflooding season starts in 13 days and it’s already a catastrophe.

An interesting analysis of the situation.

#msm not covering this.

@paul_furber @paulmuaddib61

Read 145 tweets
Jun 29th 2020
Tomorrow, June 30, streets all over #Sudan 🇸🇩 are expected to be flooded with protesters as opposition groups, civil society organisations and resistance committees have called on their followers to renew the energy of the 2019 Sudanese Revolution.

#مليونيه30يونيو Image
#Sudan 🇸🇩: the capital city #Khartoum today.

The spirit of the 2019 Revolution has returned to the streets for a day.
#مليونيه30يونيو Image
#Sudan 🇸🇩: pro-democracy rally in te town of #Damazin, capital of #BlueNile state.

#مليونيه_30يونيو ImageImageImage
Read 18 tweets
Jun 29th 2020
Take away from the US Ambassador’s speech at the UN Security Council today “… further call on all countries to refrain from making any statements or taking any actions that would undermine the good will necessary to achieve an agreement”.
Transition of the diplomatic statement: Do not fill the dam before an agreement is reached. #Nile #GERD
Read 3 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
1/2. There is nowhere to retreat or no turning back for Ethiopia at this stage, expect proceeding with completion of the final phase of the GERD & start filling the dam with or without agreement as the Ethiopian FM has insisted though such unilateral action might draw criticism.
2/2. Al-Sisi has two options. Accept the inevitable and try to secure concession OR opt for not signing any legally binding agreement (Sudan in this case will take same stand). This will leave the contest open-ended enabling Egypt to take up the issue at convenient time in future
Read 3 tweets
Nov 9th 2019

My take on the latest saga relating to the #GERD, mainly focusing on the key element of the official joint statement of #Egypt, #Ethiopia, #Sudan, #US & #WorldBank which was released following the meeting held in the US on 6th of November 👇

The key word is "INVOKED" 1/9
#Egypt achieved its main goal by getting #Ethiopia to agree to invoke Article 10 of the 2015 Declaration of Principle should the ministers of the tripartite failed to reach an agreement by 15 January 2020. Ethiopia shouldn't have attended the meeting, let alone an agreement. 2/9
The fundamental question is: why is #Egypt now keen on invoking Article 10 of the 2015 Declaration? Why not in the past? It's been nearly five years since this Declaration

Let me start with the basics by identifying the critical item that would raise eyebrows in Article 10: 3/9
Read 10 tweets

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