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Oct 9th 2022
This is to remind to do a thread explaining why I am exasperated & disappointed with significant stakeholders pushing "PDA Profile of ASD". It is about how they are acting like the Tories in disrespecting (& ignoring) things the probably should be accepting!
So, I will be doing a thread comparing actions of those significantly responsible for pushing "PDA Profile of ASD", with the Tories...
So, what do I mean by the Tories disrespecting things they should probably accept?

Many of you will be aware of the economic harm the Tories have inflicted on the UK, mainly by Kwarteng's mini budget.
Read 68 tweets
Jun 29th 2022
@PDASociety @YIMAN38111877 @cariadasd @pdadaduk @LauraKerbey @martinimarie @realdoll03 @PDAParenting @PdaParents Both our children are school-refusing;
Both Autistic - their needs/adjustments at school not being met at/in school;
Daughter has PDA profile. She’s reached crisis, trauma stage of Autistic burnout (we know this *now*) & are reducing all demands; 2/19
@PDASociety @YIMAN38111877 @cariadasd @pdadaduk @LauraKerbey @martinimarie @realdoll03 @PDAParenting @PdaParents But the reducing of demands is complicated by the very different needs of my autistic son;
Daughter finds it increasingly difficult to leave the house;
So we’re here, all the time, no respite. Distressing, hard, overwhelming & burning us out. *ALL* of us, the whole family; 3/19
Read 19 tweets
Apr 23rd 2022
“ME/CFS: What Psychiatrists & Psychologists need to know” by @DoctorsWithME (March 2022)…

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #NeuroME #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #CFSME

#ME/#CFS is a chronic, complex, multi-system biological illness with often devastating consequences. It affects all age groups including children, and all social classes. About 75% of sufferers are female”

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #MEcfs #PwME #CFSME #ChronicFatigueSyndrome
ME/CFS “has a worse quality of life score than many other serious illnesses including cancer, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis and MS. 25% of patients are housebound or bedbound.”

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE #SevereME
Read 10 tweets
Jan 11th 2022
Die geburtshilfliche Periduralanästhesie
(#PDA, EDA, PDK, #Schmerzkatheter,…)

#Geburt #Anästhesie #FOAM #Geburtshilfe #elternbubble Eine schwangere Frau, die auf der Seite liegt
Dieser Thread ist für Laien. Werdende Mütter (und Väter), die nicht wissen, was man tun kann und was passiert. Fragt! Ich (und meine Bubble bestimmt auch) versuchen alle Angst auszuräumen!

Wenn ich grobe Fehler gemacht habe, macht mich darauf Aufmerksam 😉

Gerne RT🦜
Während der häufig mehrstündigen Wehentätigkeit kommt es in der Regel zu wirklich extremen Schmerzen (Schmerz ist immer subjektiv und mehr als die reine „Aua“-Wahrnehmung!).
Es ist einfach harte Arbeit (im englischen „Labor“!!).
Read 21 tweets
Sep 4th 2020
⭐ Parent Blaming & PDA ⭐


Unless you have an #autistic child with #PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) - it's very hard to fully understand the difficulties & complexities of day to day life - both for the parents/caregivers & the child
Please don't rush to judge - parent blaming is such a toxic yet common & sometimes automatic occurrence
It takes a little more effort, but pls take the time to listen, understand & remove your assumptions - when you come across a seemingly 'bad' parent.
There will always be a reason why a parent may appear to be 'too soft' towards the child;
Why they're not 'disciplining' their 'naughty' child.
Not every child responds well to 'traditional' parenting & due to the #PDA child's extremely high #anxiety, other approaches are needed
Read 9 tweets
Jul 3rd 2020
Read about our @NatureEcoEvo comment on how to prepare a growing #postdoc workforce in the @nationalpostdoc #POSTDOCket! The nb of postdocs has doubled in 30 years, but faculty positions nearly not changed. We propose 5 key points to better prepare us for a wide range of careers:
1.Align career development with job markets: a survey found that #STEM PhDs lack skills essential for the current #career landscape. #Postdocs need to be encouraged by advisors & departments to invest time in professional development.
#phdchat #beyondprof…
2. Sustain wellness & work-life balance: a happy worker is a productive worker! No #postdoc should lack access to healthcare, sick leave or parental leave, we need more transparency about benefits & recognition of #mentalhealth consequences of short term contracts & relocation.
Read 11 tweets
May 12th 2020
This interview covers many of the issues I have with the current approach to #PDA research. There needs to be a debate to establish consensus over its required evidence levels:…
Some parts of PDA can have good quality research, otehrs like its PDA strategies need RCTs to become widely accepted (i.e. more than carer based research of @ONionsLiz).…
Historically autism has had poor quality research, PDA should not be set at these levels; but should be used to set bench mark for what is good practice by researchers.…
Read 16 tweets

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