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May 27th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Steven Brust's "Tsalmoth"; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ The Tor Books cover for Ste...
I'm at @HTLGIFestival in #HayOnWye:

28/5 1130h: The AI Enigma…

29/5 12h: Danger and Desire at the Frontier…

Next, #Oxford!

29/5: @blackwelloxford's 1930h w/@TimHarford:…

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Steven Brust's "Tsalmoth": Swords, sorcery and swooning romance, in a series that is tantalyzingly close to completion.

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Read 21 tweets
Jul 6th 2021
Even the most cursory glance at the economic situation of people with disabilities in Canada paints a bleak picture. Disparities in income, wealth, and economic opportunities have widened since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the proposed....1/7
Canadian Disability Benefit has yet to become a law, it serves as an important reminder to analyze and understand the economic challenges faced by those with disabilities. 2/7
#disablethedifference #disability #disabilitystudies #disabilityinclusion #disabilityrights
Read 7 tweets
Jun 21st 2021
#ncsen #ncpol 15M for PFAS research. dozen new positions to investigate emerging compounds. #ncga
Funding for GREAT program w 30M + 700M in federal funds for rural broadband. #ncsen #NCGA budget
#ncsen budget does not do #medicaidexpansion but uses #ARP funds to allow for #Medicaid extended #postpartum coverage for up to 12 months #NCGA also adds 1000 #innovationswaiver slots for #peoplewithdisabilities
Read 3 tweets
Aug 14th 2019
My first presidential address to the @MineralAreaCC faculty and staff went very well! Such great people to work with, I can't wait to meet them all. I was able to present my vision for the future of MAC today and some of my key points are in this thread, enjoy! #POMAC
@MineralAreaCC Salary Equity

Making a basic cost-of-living increase each year a priority goes a long way in valuing people. Money doesn't equal happiness in employment, but feeling valued does. Knowing your place of employment cares enough to make this a priority is priceless. #POMAC
@MineralAreaCC Accessibility and Tuition

Currently, @MineralAreaCC has one of the lowest tuition rates in the state. This is important for accessibility of our low income region and helping students leave without debt.

Read 13 tweets
Jan 23rd 2019
Today we honor the life of Ed Roberts - a pioneer in the independent living movement who challenged paradigms and pushed for community integration of people with disabilities.…
On his birthday, we honor the work of Ed Roberts, who inexhaustibly championed the rights and humanity of disabled Americans from his time as a student activist transforming UC Berkley into an accessible campus, to founding the World Institute on Disability.
Ed Roberts revolutionized the independent living movement, crafting what we know it to be today. While much progress has been made, there is more to do and honoring his legacy means continuing to fight for #peoplewithdisabilities.
Read 3 tweets

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