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Oct 3rd 2021
Not nearly enough attention has been paid to how the media this year has reported on trans issues - openly hosting TERFs as reputable sources, constantly painting trans people as a threat rather than a vulnerable minority, and refusing to center trans voices on our own lives.
In retrospect it will be obvious how this sort of reporting was an intentional and transphobic choice. In retrospect this treatment will be considered highly immoral.
But in the meantime, trans people are dying.
Trans people aren't that many. The highest estimates place us at about 5% of the total population. This means that we are especially dependent on allyship for survival.
Allies; you are failing us.
Read 12 tweets
Aug 11th 2021
A lot of why I run this account, with as much honesty as I can muster, is because I truly believe that by being openly and passionately myself, I can help humanize trans people against the literal armies of those who want to dehumanize us.
I make myself vulnerable, often to those exact people who want to dehumanize and villify me, in order to show you that trans people are real. We aren't a hashtag, or a wedge issue, or a fetish. We're living, breathing human beings, with hopes and fears and lives we live.
I try to keep this account positive. I try to showcase trans joy, and success, and how much love trans people have to give.
But I'm afraid.
We're all so, so afraid.
Read 26 tweets
Mar 30th 2021
If you only do one thing for #TransDayOfVisibility RT this.

Trans children in the United States are under unprecedented attack right now.
If you live in one of THESE states, bills to criminalize trans existence are moving through your state NOW.
Info to help in reply: A United States map with the following states highlighted in
HERE you can find info on what bills are a threat, how far they are in the legislative process, and who to contact about them. Contact your reps and advocate for trans existence. It is life or death for trans kids right now. Please.
All performative allyship in the world won’t save lives. This simple action could.

Please RT and contact your representatives. Please.

#ProtectTransLives #ProtectTransYouth #ProtectTransWomen #ProtectTransKids #TransDayOfVisibility #TransWomenareWomen #TransWeekOfVisibility
Read 11 tweets
Mar 30th 2021
Tw eugenics, queer phobia, violence, medical abuse

The curious thing about anti-queer eugenics is that they will never actually work; being queer is not heritable or contagious. Anti-queer eugenics attempts operate on the false belief that we can be eliminated.
These crusades never succeed at eliminating queer people (it’s not possible, we will always be born into every population); but they do succeed at driving us into hiding. For the perpetrators of these actions, that is often good enough.
They often argue that this is “proof” that they’ve eliminated the “evil influence” or that queer people chose to be queer all along.
You can’t eliminate us. You can only make us suffer from your cruelty.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 28th 2021
Hey idk which cis “ally” needs to hear this, but it is literally never acceptable to out someone as trans without their consent.
Also outing someone as trans to “prove” how progressive you are, no matter who they are, is selfish and dangerous. It is not allyship in any capacity.
Also telling anyone a trans person’s deadname without their explicit consent, for any reason, is an act of transphobia. No exceptions.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
Welcome to the S&P 30 Days Challenge #TowardAbolition! Take 2 actions every day until July 4 in solidarity with communities everywhere resisting fascism, state violence, gender-based violence and racial capitalism! Use #TowardAbolition to let us know you're participating.
DAY 1 Action 1 #TowardAbolition

Support @supporthosechi #FreeLeLe campaign! In honor of #PRIDE and #IWD2020, let’s get #AlishaWalker free. "LeLe" is a Black sex worker who was criminalized for self-defense against sexual violence.

Toolkit w/ directions:
Like many, Alisha Walker is being punished, criminalized for surviving. There are countless others just like her.

Use: for numbers, sample tweets, scripts & call/email/fax/bombard @GovPritzker to demand he #FreeLeLe #FreeThemAll!

Read 66 tweets

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