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May 1st 2022
Scott Morrison made an announcement about reducing PBS Medicines. Trouble is he INCREASED them on Jan 1st, 2022, during a Pandemic #auspol @Mark_Butler_MP Image
Anyone see the Irony here. On the same day Morrison announces cheaper medication and healthcare - He cuts Heart scans, ECG’s from #Medicare Rebates. #LNPCutsToHealth… ImageImage
The moment Liberals Distracted Voters, while they Cut #MRI’s, sleep apnea, #spinal fusion, skin lesion treatments and #Allergy Testing in 2018.
#LNPHealthCuts @RACGP @gedkearney #Medicare #auspol2022 Image
Read 11 tweets
Mar 30th 2022
"In Australia, the #RACGP continues to recommend that GPs prescribe #GET and #CBT for ME. Fatigue clinics continue to operate, risking continued harm to ME patients and people with other post-viral illnesses, including #LongCovid" #mecfs
"What I didn’t know at the time, was that ME patients were fighting to interrogate the notion that #GET and #CBT – were effective.
"It turns out, a group of psychiatrists in the UK had altered the evidence in the major scientific study advocating the use of GET and CBT for ME, changing the thresholds for what counted as recovery."
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