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Oct 25th 2022
Russia keeps claiming that Ukraine is going to nuke Russia. M Zakharova even said its going to be made to look like a Russian weapon. Lavrov took these allegations to his counter parts in the UK, US and France by phone. All three used diplo-speak to tell him to get bent. Then
called Stoltenberg to alert him. The diplo-speak we got of the read out translates to: Chumprov is gonna find out real quick. I am sure there were more calls. No doubt Xi or his FM got several. Lavrov begging for support and western FM's asking if Xi really wants to preside over
China poisoned with the fallout of Russia's war. Interestingly, after NATO laughed in his face Lavrov vowed to take the issue to the UN. DO IT!: Show the receipts! He can't of course. Ukraine does not have "dirty bombs" and has asked the IAEA to do an emergency inspection of its
Read 26 tweets
Feb 7th 2022
🧵Quick Streaming Thread 🧵
Audience engagement—or the viewer conversation and attention surrounding a given title—is NOT a reflection of viewership. But it does help to measure viewer consistency/loyalty and, importantly, title awareness, which can help attract new subscribers. Chatter is free marketing!
According to @Diesel_Labs, which measures audience attention/engagement, these are the top 2021 streaming originals based on engagement and the top '21 streaming break outs (titles that saw dramatic increase in engagement after limited pre-release conversation/hype). ImageImage
Read 12 tweets
May 31st 2021
I wonder what they told it? Image
@Grady_Booch why the self declaration for OOP?
If anyone tells you that you can't ignore your problems forever, just remember that they are quitters.
Read 976 tweets
Mar 30th 2021
Had a brain wave / brain fart today - Don't know which?!

Recently re-read x2 #books that seem pretty consequential to modern day news cycles 📚

- #JohnPerkins #ConfessionsOfAnEconomicHitman

- #BillBrowder #RedNotice

Both began their careers for #Boston based consulting co's
#Boston #USA is part of that #IvyLeague playground 🧐

#MIT & #Harvard are in close proximity - Like #Oxford & #Cambridge in the UK (those prestigious institutions also synonymous with producing spy's & leaders)!

Perkins worked for #ChasTMain
Browder for #BostonConsultingGroup
If you look at geo-political history from 1980's - today... These two fella's have really played their part!!

Both books are great by the way... well worth a read!

- #JohnPerkins = #SouthAmerica & #CentralAmerica
- #BillBrowder = #US #Russia #UK #EU ... possibly the world!? 🌐
Read 12 tweets
Feb 11th 2020
QUESTION: In the book "Red Notice: A True Story of High Finance, Murder, and One Man's Fight for Justice" @Billbrowder tells a thrilling tale of the ridiculous lengths the #Kremlin has gone to try to get him in custody. So, what is a #RedNotice? Follow this thread for the answer. Image
ANSWER: Red Notices are issued by @INTERPOL_HQ, the International Criminal Police Organization. It's made up of 194 member countries.
A Red Notice is a request to law enforcement worldwide to locate and provisionally arrest a person pending extradition, surrender, or similar legal action.
Read 7 tweets

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