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If only. I feel like I remember a woman who spent 3 or 4 years of her life, all day every day, advocating that (as well as robust manual audits and backup paper poll books) on Twitter… #HandMarkedPaperBallots 1/
2/ She had amazing gifs too.
3/ She advocated passage of an election-security bill called the #SAFEAct, which was authored by Ron Wyden. Image
Read 11 tweets
Experts defend Arkansas' #SAFEAct, sponsored by @RobinLundstrum, as necessary to protect kids from experimental transgender medical interventions, @gn_richards reports.…
.@FRCdc's Jennifer Bauwens said it is medical malpractice for a clinician to day, "If you do not transition, you will commit suicide." As a psychologist, Bauwens said, "I look at this body of work and I'm flabbergasted."
"Puberty is not a disease," former @ACPeds Exec. Dir. Michelle Cretella noted. "The absence of puberty is a recognized disease. ... Even temporary use of puberty blockers can cause permanent harm."
Read 4 tweets
Meet Delilah, one of the starved down mares we rescued with her foal, from Thursday's auction. Thanks to the loving donations of wonderful people, (& NO thanks to the kill buyer who ran the bids up obscenely high 🤬), we were able to bring this poor mare & her 3 - 4 month old-
old colt, Bodie, home to our rescue.Delilah is skin & bones everywhere but her round belly, which is clearly full of worms. We have to be very careful with deworming her so we don't kill off too many worms at once and possibly lose Delilah. We have her on a re-feeding program- Image
where we feed her many small meals of alfalfa, tifton hay and complete feed nuggets around the clock. We can't overload her body with too much food at once; her digestive tract and her organscannot handle free choice hay like all the other rescue horses here at the ranch enjoy.- Image
Read 9 tweets
Gee. Who warned again & again about the damn barcodes printed on machine marked paper ballots (as opposed to pen & paper). I did! And, of course, @MarilynRMarks1, @jhalderm, @rad_atl, @SEGreenhalgh, @TheBradBlog, etc. (PS. ES&S uses them too.) #BanBarcodeVoting 1/
In fact, I believe I published the first article warning about barcodes on ballots. 2/ #BanBarcodeVoting
I published it on Medium first. 3/
Read 44 tweets
Because of Trump’s firehose of falsehoods, no one discusses how Rs killed the #SAFEAct election-security bill or how Trump's corrupt Post Master General kneecapped the USPS or how Rs won all those state races that weren't audited meaningfully or at all. 1/
2/ Full presentation.
Read 9 tweets
I’m old enough to remember when Marsha Blackburn blocked legislation that would have banned internet connectivity to voting systems & required rigorous manual audits for all federal races in 2020. #MarshaBlackburn #ModemMarsha cc: @MarshaBlackburn 1/
3/ The bill was called the #SAFEAct.…
Read 4 tweets
I told @SpenserMestel (who wrote this misguided piece) that non-expert David Becker—who spread the myth that vote tallies can’t be hacked bc voting machines supposedly never connect 2 the internet—has prevented election security reform. He left it out. 1/…
Instead, he cited Becker in support of the anti-transparency agenda of his hit piece. Which is odd because he said he had heard this about Becker already from at least one other person & that he would ask Becker how he got it so wrong. Did he ask him? Who knows? 2/
In my opinion, lack of transparency—including failure to message that REPUBLICANS had killed election security legislation b4 the election & the failure to declassify info re: the attack on the 29-6 election—are what enabled Trump to play victim. 3/
Read 33 tweets
This should have been the Democrats’ number one talking point in response to Republican claims of vote hacking in 2020. I have posted this on Twitter umpteen times since the election. My guess is that Democratic leadership overrode Wyden. 1/
Instead, Democratic leadership ran with the misleading “most secure election ever” talking point. The talking point misled bc it failed to mention that the bar was exceedingly low. I provide more detail on this issue in this Medium piece. 2/…
3/ From my piece.
Read 13 tweets
Mike Lindell is a grifter & an empty suit. But @rawstory itself falsely claims that if the voting machines themselves don’t connect to the internet, “the ‘hacker’ wld have to go to each electronic voting machine in each polling place in every state.” 1/…
In fact, @rawstory’s claim is one of the original (since debunked) lies that drew me to election security advocacy in the first place, as I wrote here. 2/…
If you want something shorter, I wrote this a few years ago. 3/…
Read 16 tweets
@FrankFigliuzzi1 @NicolleDWallace @DeadlineWH @MSNBC Trump’s lies do not justify ignoring legitimate election security concerns. Championing untrustworthy elections —& not knowing the difference between trustworthy & untrustworthy results—undermines democracy. 1/#HandMarkedPaperBallots #RobustManualAudits #TransparentChainOfCustody
@FrankFigliuzzi1 @NicolleDWallace @DeadlineWH @MSNBC 2/ We never got the election-security protections in the #SAFEAct, which the GOP blocked. We cannot afford to have such a short attention span.…
Read 15 tweets
The Reason We Do What We Do….
This little 6 month old boy was at Kaufman Killpen all alone, scared & unhandled. When we saw him we just couldn’t look away. We knew we had to get him out of there & fast. Once we got him out of there he spent time in quarantine & has made it home.
I had the opportunity to meet this sweet boy this past weekend where he and I formed a bond of love and trust. I am humbled by the bond I formed with him. The peace and calm I felt from bonding with him was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.
I walked into his pen with another member of the rescue and he handed me his lead rope. I stood there quietly waiting for him to see that all I wanted was to love him and not hurt him. I stood next to him, waiting for him to feel the love I had for him.
Read 11 tweets
Here's the new For the People Act (Freedom to Vote Act). In one respect, it's better than the earlier versions in that it requires that all voters have the option to mark their ballots by hand (with a pen) AT THE POLLING PLACE. #HandMarkedPaperBallots 1/…
I and others in the election-security community requested this change. (See example below). 2/
Here's the exact new language in the new bill. Credit to @TheBradBlog who originally spotted the need to make this change several years ago when similar language appeared in the #PAVEAct and #SAFEAct. 3/
Read 16 tweets
This article seems 2 blame the Big Lie in part on too much transparency re: election-system vulnerabilities. IMO, this is a bad take. Had the national media amplified these concerns b4 the election, TFG wld not have been in position 2 hijack the issue. 1/…
I don’t mean to imply that the media ignored election-system vulnerabilities entirely before the election. But attention was at best sporadic. 2/
Everyone should have been made aware BEFORE the election that ES&S is connecting ballot scanners to the internet & that the GOP blocked @RonWyden’s #SAFEAct, which wld have banned this & required robust manual audits for all federal races. 3/…
Read 22 tweets
Do you see this poor horse? Sadly tonight, we will probably see him at the auction again.💔 He is stuck in the "slaughter pipeline," purchased by a horse trader who will continue to take him from auction to auction, exploiting him, trying to get the price he wants.😭
(*Part 1)
The first time we saw this poor boy, was at an auction over 2 months ago. He was fat and shiny and looked well cared for.❤ He did not sell, the trader wanted too much money for him.😭 Each time we see him at the auctions, his condition looks worse.😭
(*Part 2)
We would love to get him out of the pipeline of misery but we do not have $2,000 to save him.😭 This breaks our hearts seeing a once vibrant pony riding a child around in a halter, change to dull, thinner & sunburned with a chain & bar across his nose to control him💔
(*Part 3)
Read 6 tweets
This is an overly simplistic quote. There are absolutely situations where a forensic examination of election systems is warranted. For example, the DHS shld have conducted such an assessment of Durham County, NC’s malfunctioning e-poll books immediately after the 2016 …. 1/
… election because the intelligence community had learned that the vendor, VR systems, had been breached. Instead, it waited almost three years, which was wholly unacceptable. 2/
We must not react to Trump’s lies by pretending that systems are more secure than they are or that only crazy people would have concerns. We must not back ourselves into a corner where we cannot examine questionable results bc to do so wld make us look like hypocrites. 3/
Read 7 tweets
Rs killed the #SAFEAct, which wld have required robust manual audits 4 all federal elections & banned paperless voting machines & internet connectivity. Yet Rs are the ones complaining about election security & Ds are playing defense?! @TheDemocrats must get back on OFFENSE! 1/ Image
Seriously. I will never understand why @theDemocrats haven’t reminded voters of Republicans obstruction re: election security every damn day. 2/…
I will never understand why Democrats refused to use talking points to promote the #SAFEAct. I practically begged them to! 3/
Read 12 tweets
Dear @TheDemocrats. Pls remind voters that Rs blocked the #SAFEAct election-security bill. Pls propose a standalone bill requiring robust manual audits 4 all federal races starting 2022. If Rs agree, great! If they don’t throw it in their faces every damn day. TY.
Read 5 tweets
Mike Lindell realizes he has no proof that Trump really won. He & others who claimed otherwise lied. So now he’s trying to flip the script. He hopes we forgot the GOP’s blocking of legislation that wld have required robust manual audits 4 all federal races. Rs wrote the rules. 1/
3/ The bill to which I refer is the #SAFEAct. Republicans killed it and Trump was happy to let them do so.
Read 5 tweets
We are in a tough place re vote by mail, not bc I think it is beset by fraud, but bc it is difficult to prove a secure chain of custody with mail flowing in every day over the course of many days. Rs will use any uncertainty to undermine future results (but only if they lose). 1/
That said, vote by mail uses #HandMarkedPaperBallots, which may deter hacking of central tabulation systems. Vote by mail also avoids long lines and vanishing polling places. We are in a bind. 2/
I still feel the answer is to champion as much security as possible and to put Rs on the defensive for thwarting security measures before the election. 3/…
Read 9 tweets
Part of the reason “fraudits” have spun out of control is that official audits are inadequate. In 2018, the left-leaning CAP gave AZ a “D” on election security, based in part on its lame audit law. Ironically, Maricopa’s audits are somewhat better than the rest of the state. 1/
The non-right wing media is ignoring the sorry state of official audits. But that sorry state is already a matter of official record. We can’t fight fraudits by pretending Arizona’s official audits are great because they aren’t. 2/…
When elected officials pretend otherwise, they are lying. And when people learn their government has lied to them, they become much more vulnerable to tinfoil theories like #BambooGate. 3/
Read 16 tweets
.@SenateDems & @HouseDemocrats shld specify what HR1 & SR1 wld do. Broad claims re: voting rights are ineffective. The only provisions I’m aware of involve dark money, funding audits (but not requiring them), & requiring paper (but touchscreen voting ok). They need talking points
If you’ve seen talking points, pls post below. Thx!
This is an example of talking points, which I & others used to message the #SAFEAct. Why don’t @SenateDems & @HouseDemocrats use talking points? IMO, voters wld push harder & more effectively if they knew what was actually in HR1 & SR1.
Read 5 tweets
Covering up the Big Lie with half truths of our own (“most secure election ever”) was a losing strategy all along. Anyone who studies the issue for a few hours will see that we didn’t get the reforms we needed to call the election truly secure. 1/…
Tolerating the lies from Jim Comey, the chairman of EAC, & the head of the DHS (who falsely claimed that vote tallies are safe from remote hacking bc voting machines supposedly don’t connect to the internet) was also a huge mistake. 2/
The further we stray from the truth ourselves, the more people will suspect US of being liars too. 3/
Read 11 tweets
Other than those who follow me on Twitter (or Wyden), almost no one knew about the #SAFEAct & what was in it (a ban on internet connectivity & mandatory robust manual audits for all federal races in 2020.) This messaging failure allowed TFG to play victim. IMO. 1/
The Democrats are still messing up by not reintroducing the #SAFEAct or another standalone bill just focused on audits in 2022. Seriously. That Bill might even get some Republican support. Worst case, if they oppose it, you use that to show they are insincere about integrity. 2/
Maybe I’m wrong. But this is my strong opinion on strategy. I am not equating Ds with Rs. Rs are rotten to the core. I worry Ds are not good enough negotiators or messagers to defeat them. 3/
Read 19 tweets
Dear @SenateDems and @HouseDemocrats:You’re losing the narrative by fighting lies w/ misleading half truths. It is time to stand again for real election integrity. It is the only way. Reintroduce the #SAFEAct requiring robust manual election audits 4 ALL federal races in 2022. 1/
2/ Be LOUD this time. @RonWyden should never have been the only one to discuss election-security concerns publicly. He had it right. The rest of you did not. Level with the American public bc you will continue springing leaks if u try to stop GOP lies w/ half truths.
3/ They will find your half truths and expose them, and it will make YOU look shady and suspicious. Just do the right thing. Stand for truth. It is the only way out. TY.
Read 4 tweets

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