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Jan 10th 2021
What is the relevance of viral load in #COVID19 disease severity? A very talented @YaleMSTP student @SilvaJ_C found that saliva viral load to be a better predictor of disease than nasopharyngeal viral load. Here is a thread to explain the findings. (1/n)…
I preface by saying that numerous fantastic studies by many have demonstrated nasopharyngeal viral load to correlate with disease severity and mortality, while others do not find such correlation. Here are some of these studies. (2/n)
Being at @yale, the birthplace of #SalivaDirect and everything saliva bc of awesome colleagues like @awyllie13 @NathanGrubaugh @VogelsChantal et al, we had access to both saliva and nasopharyngeal (NP) samples from the same patients to do direct comparisons. (3/n)
Read 13 tweets
Oct 24th 2020
I’m glad tests are becoming more available... but not like this. Not for $130!!! 10x more than cost!

I’ll say it here, #COVID19 has become commoditized. Labs are making millions of $$$ bc people are desperate. This is not how public health should work…
This is for a saliva based PCR test. The test actually likely costs <$10.

Add overhead for staff and the lab. Maybe - MAYBE - get to $25. But $130. This is extortion in my opinion.
#SalivaDirect on the other hand (as one example) has made a strong concerted (and so far successful) effort to drop prices and raise awareness that these exorbitant prices need not exist

Not surprising - they are not-for-profit and doing what’s right

@awyllie13 @NathanGrubaugh
Read 5 tweets
Aug 22nd 2020
Een aantal maanden verder in de crisis door #COVID19. Wat is er ondertussen allemaal nieuw bekend in de wetenschap🔬🧬?

Een samenvatting en duiding aan de hand van literatuur en populair wetenschappelijk nieuws die ik de afgelopen maanden heb opgepikt in zo'n ±110 tweets. 👇🏻
Wat ik ga in grote lijnen ga behandelen:

▪️Huidige status
▪️Symptomen en ziekteverloop
▪️Verspreiding en besmettelijkheid
▪️Vaccins en medicijnen
▪️Neveneffecten van de maatregelen
Ik pretendeer geen expert te zijn, want dat is niemand bij een nieuwe ziekte. Maar ik probeer het vanuit mijn achtergrondkennis begrijpelijk te maken voor de leek.

Net zoals in deze draad van maart waar ik toen beknopt alle relevante info in plaatste.
Read 113 tweets
Aug 18th 2020
1/n An overdue thread on #SalivaDirect...

No doubt many of you heard of it, either on this platform, or on the news. It generated a lot of buzz in the media, and not all of it is true. Lets walk through these, and how to get it set up in your lab.…
2/n We apologize for the delay in getting information out on this. The FDA issued our EUA on a Saturday, and a media onslaught came before we could get ahead of it. This received much more attention than we ever imagined! We are working through our hundreds of emails...
3/n: Our mission is to remove capitalism from surveillance. We want to make available cheaper tests, and we believe that companies shouldn't overly profit from this. That is why we offer our protocol for free, and we are working with labs to implement cost and time saving steps.
Read 20 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
BREAKING: a saliva #COVID19
test developed by @YaleSPH researchers has recieved emergency use authorization by the FDA. #SalivaDirect is fast, inexpensive, and non-invasive. It can be a game changer for accessible testing.…
With the FDA’s emergency use authorization, the #SalivaDirect testing method is immediately available to other diagnostic laboratories that want to start using the new test, which can be scaled up quickly for use across the nation — and, perhaps, beyond.
"This is a huge step forward to make testing more accessible,” said Chantal Vogels, a @Yale postdoctoral fellow. Congratulations @VogelsChantal, @awyllie13, @NathanGrubaugh & team. And shout out to @NBA for their participation in making this happen.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 22nd 2020
Excited to announce our new study to develop and validate an inexpensive and sensitive saliva-based method for #SARS_CoV_2 testing in partnership with the @NBA.

Will be led by @awyllie13, @hmkyale, & myself from the @YaleSPH side.…
We'll be using our new #SalivaDirect protocol developed by @VogelsChantal + @DougBrackney. We'll have sensitivity data and a study design overview available on our website soon.…
Our study has 2 aims:

On the lab side, we are preparing #SalivaDirect for FDA EUA, and are validating with many different vendor reagents to drive down costs and not add supply chain bottlenecks. We are not seeking to commercialize any aspect. Our goal is to get this to $1/test
Read 9 tweets

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