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Dec 26th 2020
I really haven’t made a detailed list of everything I did in the #TTRPG sphere this year. But all in all, I think it was a productive year besides all the problems.
I published #LostInTheFantasyWorld, a #Visitation #Fantasy game I developed playing with my 5 year old kid!

I made my first #SoloRPG inspired by @pangalactic #WretchedAndAlone engine, called #LostInTheDeep. It’s pretty much a homage to the last #MinesOfMoria expedition. And I have plans for a few more of these!!!
I’ve also published a few accessories for #LostInTheFantasyWorld, such as a #ColoringBook and a few pamphlets to help Mentors create adventures and scenarios! I got to work with the amazing @devilmonkey77 for this!
Read 10 tweets
Nov 22nd 2020
#selfpromosaturday for my late night #TTRPG, #PodernFamily, #artists, and #writing lovelies! Drop your hype and links! Share your lovely stuff with us! Like, rt, follow, comment to each other, be excellent. #SelfPromotionSaturday #TRPG #RPG #gamers #fantasy #horror
#Motif Story Engine seamlessly enables #solorpg, #GMless, and #noprep play. Use it with your favorite #TTRPGs, like #DnD or #SavageWorlds. Simple 3d6 system with rich results. Includes patches for twists & turns and running mysteries. #TTRPG #IndieGameDev…
No Angels Live Here, an occult detective agency #TTRPG supporting everything from single player #solorpg mode to classic #GM tables. Player facing system without NPC rolls. Explore a supernatural world and join the fight against the Dark! #IndieGame #Motif…
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May 25th 2019
1) RPG THREAD: brief one but I do like to warn the non-gamers. I will say BLADES IN THE DARK is worth picking up for how its really codified the mission/arc structure for a campaign. You still need to toss in backstory, but ...
2) in 15 sessions my crew has broken into a police station to steal evidence with a pop star meetup/union rally as cover, delved into the haunted section of the city, pulled a bank deposit box heist, won a turf war with Martian art and an AR fighting tournament ...
3) infiltrated a stockholder meeting in order to pull an elaborate con to move control to allies, while accidentally getting into a shootout with mercenaries, broken into the local space elevator to reveal corruption ...
Read 6 tweets
Jan 21st 2019
So I found out a friend of mine was using some pirated pdf @Wizards_DnD products to plan his next campaign. Found out he had no intention of purchasing, nor did he feel bad because they were a "big company." Here is why that pisses me off:

#dungeonsanddragons #CriticalRole
I am CEO of a really tiny RPG company that is desperately trying to break even on our products. We do this for love, for sure, but things cost money. Not only that, as much as I thought I did, the main thing that I have learned is how much work it takes to make even small things.
Right now we are working on a #savage worlds setting called #ArchonsofNikud and it is going to cost us thousands of dollars and untold thousands of person hours to make. It is hard to describe the blood, sweat, and tears that will go into this project.
Read 14 tweets

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