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Nov 1st 2022
🏦Banknifty ⭕️BTST option buying strategy⭕️
🧵Follow the thread to understand all the rules
#StockMarket #Nifty #investing #trading #crypto #sharemarketindia #education
⭕️Things we'll use and follow while applying strategy
🟢Williams Fractals indicator
🟢MACD Indicator
🟢Trade to be taken between 3:10pm to 3:30pm
🟢Should Exit on next day opening before 9:30 am
🟢Select strike price above 0.3 and below 0.6 delta
⭕️When to buy call option
🟢Look for MACD lines completely below zero line
🟢Look for blue line crossing above zero line
🟢Mark the candle with above condition
🟢Look for a fractal close to the candle close value
🟢If current candle closes above fractal candle high the buy call
Read 5 tweets
Sep 15th 2022
Lessons that the stock market always teaches us: -

Go through the thread below to know more about it... #sbi #banking #India #trading #investing #sharemarketindia
In recent years, Indian stock markets have experienced a significant uptick. The Nifty recovered from the panic-induced trough reached in March 2020, when it was nearly 8,000 to 18,600. So, it has given us enough lessons to be learned.
1. Avoid attempting everything and everywhere at once:
Decide on a look, then stay with it. Your chances of failing dramatically increase if you frequently alter your appearance to fit the most recent trends.
Read 16 tweets
Sep 14th 2022
SBI joins Rs 5-trillion market cap club
The 3rd largest list bank and 1st largest Government owned bank in market cap
Some interesting facts about the SBI:

Go through the thread below to know more about it...
#sbi #banking #India #trading #investing #sharemarketindia
1.The largest Indian banking & financial service organization in India is the State Bank of India. SBI is another shorthand for it.

2.SBI's headquarters are in Mumbai.

3.It is the largest State-owned bank.
4.In 1806, the Bank of Bengal was founded in Kolkata. It was India's first presidential bank.

5.In 1840, the Bank of Bombay was founded.

6.In 1843, the Bank of Madras was founded.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 13th 2022
Skills that are must for a share market trader:
What about the benefits trading can provide you with on a personal and professional level?

Go through the thread below to know more about it...
#trading #investing #sharemarketindia Image
The skills needed to succeed in the world of investing are frequently discussed in books and lectures.
Everyone is interested in learning the secrets to success and the skills they must acquire in order to acquire it.
One cannot simply start trading and immediately start making money. It requires application of a wide range of techniques, ongoing strategy development, and ongoing analysis.
Learning to trade and invest in a variety of markets is a great way to develop many hard and soft skills.
Read 17 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
One sector that you could bet on for the future?


[A brief thread for readers] 🧵

#sharemarketindia #finance #investing #sector #fundamentalanalysis #indiandefence Image

India has been constantly ⬆⬆ it's defence expenditure over the years. Budget for 2022, valued at USD 70.6 billion, represented an increase of 10% compared to the previous year’s allocation. This is expected to drive growth of this sector.
In recent years, the 🌎 has faced two severe events: COVID 19 and THE RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR.

COVID-19 affected the Indian economy, its impact was not felt much on the country's defence sector. But, the Russia-Ukraine war has accelerated the prospects of Indian Defence Sector. ⬆
Read 13 tweets
Jun 25th 2022
Challenges such as slowing growth, supply chain disruptions, soaring inflation, rising interest rates & fears of recession present an opportunity to transition to new ways to gain market share.

Read what #Infosys Chairman @NandanNilekani said🔽…

Read what Infosys Chairman @NandanNilekani said at the company’s 41st Annual General Meeting 👇…

#Infosys #IT #Employment
Infosys Chairman Nandan Nilekani addressed shareholders at the company’s 41st Annual General Meeting.

Read on🔽…

#Infosys #IT #StockMarket #ShareMarketIndia
Read 5 tweets
Jan 16th 2022

#Thread 🧵

VISION: To become the FASTEST GROWING Indian chemical intermediates company.

Three Approach:
3⃣ IMPORT Substitution

1/ Image
1⃣ Right to WIN

"We are very focused on ensuring that what we invest in, it is something that is sustainable in the medium/long term & wherever possible we tie up with good anchor customers so that but we should be able to manage the biz. in the worst of times,." Image

2⃣ INTEGERATION - Like a tree with strong roots, Deepak has and is growing taller with fresh branches and new off-shoots to fulfill its growth aspirations.

So, integration in backward, forward, horizontal & vertical.

P1: Simple process
P2: Integrated process ImageImage
Read 21 tweets

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