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Amici. Il 21.05 è la Giornata di Solidarietà ai prigionieri politici #Bielorussi. Diamo il segno di supporto ai 1500 figli, genitori, nonni; operai, medici, giornalisti, ingegneri; uomini e donne- eroi di una lotta silenziosa sofferente per i diritti, considerati da noi scontati: Image
di poter metter l'abito🤍❤️o💙💛o i like sui social; parlare bielorusso; dire NoWar, votare, pregare, criticare senza essere arrestati, torturati, uccisi.
I "politzeki" sono nei carceri senza medicine, cure, mezzi igienici, costretti ai lavori forzati. È importante non scordarli!
Ogni tipo di solidarietà è importante.Potete:
1.Scrivere post sui social con hashtag #StandWithBelarus (se volete con copertina👆
2.Scrivere lettera, consigli
3.Scrivere online:
o scegliendo nome dalla lista
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We are calling to mark the International Day of Solidarity with Belarus on March 25. This day is also known as "Freedom Day" in Belarus. This time, we want to use it to show support for the freedom of Belarus & Ukraine. Here are some ideas on what you can do to #StandWithBelarus.
Organize public, virtual, or offline events on Belarus in your country, discussing possible solutions & what the international community can do to help. Belarusians abroad can hold solidarity pickets on this day.
Organize the appearance of visual symbols of support for Belarus #StandWithBelarus in your cities. It can be graffiti, banners, posters, hashtags on public transport info-boards, or placing flags on administrative buildings.
Read 10 tweets
1/ #Belarus THREAD - I just want to put it all in one place, in English: Some people are confused when we say #StandWithBelarus in the same sentence as #StandWithUkraine. Isn’t Belarus being used by Russia as a launching pad to invade Ukraine? Please read on for explanation... Image
2/ Belarus has been under the thumb of dictator AlexanderLukasahenko for 27+ years. MostBelarusians do not support either him or Russia’s insane invasion of Ukraine but even the slightest form of dissent gets protesters imprisoned, severely beaten, tortured & heavily fined. Image
3/ A year and a half ago,there was a presidential election in Belarus which dictator Lukashenko LOST. But unwilling to cede power, he & his junta claimed victory, falsified election outcomes to a ridiculous level, jailed his opponents or forcibly exiled anyone who dared protest. ImageImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Today marks the first anniversary since the falsified elections in Belarus and the subsequent crackdowns. We wish to show our solidarity with all Belarusians who are fighting for democracy and freedom. #StandWithBelarus @Tsihanouskaya @franakviacorka
Follow our thread 🧵below ⬇️
In this thread, we would like to share key analyses and articles about these events to keep the issue on the international agenda. A complete list of articles and analyses on #Belarus can be found via this link:
In his first post-election essay @maxim_rust writes that the August 9th election was a critical event for both the Belarusian society and the ruling elite which saw the breakdown of traditional divides between the government and a decades-old opposition.…
Read 16 tweets
1/. “If you go there as tourists and return with nothing, it's better not to return to the country. I am telling you this as the president...interpret it as you want". President Lukashenka to #Belarus#Olympics team:

So far, the Belarusian team won no medals at @Tokyo2020 ImageImage
2/. #BREAKING: "I couldn’t stay silent" (Alyaksandra Herasimienia, #Olympics medalist, detained for 15 days)

#Belarus athletes sacrifice their careers & freedom by speaking out against human rights violations

@amnesty briefing out today #StandWithBelarus…
3/. Ystdy, athlete Kryscina Tsimanouskaya was taken to the airport in Tokyo after the #Belarus #Olympics committee tried to forcibly repatriate her

Today, she is reportedly ‘safe & secure' in Tokyo & Poland & Czech Rep have offered her visas #OlympicGames
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@Tsihanouskaya is at @Stanford's campus discussing #democracy, #humanrights, and the campaign to #StandWithBelarus with @FSIStanford Director @McFaul and the Stanford community of scholars.
.@Tsihanouskaya: “We are fighting inside, we are gathering support from the outside, we are trying to put multiple points of pressure on Lukashenko's regime. There are many processes going on, but we are open to and need the help of the world and its experts.”
.@kavaleuski: The lack of transparency in communication about foreign relations serves only Lukashenko. There is danger in closed-door back channels to address issues that should be known more widely to the people of #Belarus and our society.
Read 10 tweets
— Суверенитет Беларуси не подлежит обсуждению и торгу. Любые сделки с нелегитимным режимом, незаконны.
Решением кризиса могут стать только новые свободные выборы под международным контролем. Все заключенные по политическим мотивам должны быть освобождены без каких-либо условий⬇️
— Кризис в Беларуси должен быть включен в международную повестку дня, в ООН и ОБСЕ, а все виновные должны быть привлечены к ответственности в международных судах.
Сколько бы времени и сил ни потребовал путь Беларуси к свободе, мы пройдем этот путь.…
Read 4 tweets
Татары Вялікага Княства Літоўскага і сучасныя татары #Belarus маюць БЧБ сцяг з зоркай і паўмесяцам.
Татарын Мацей Сулькевіч, уражэнец Гродзенскай вобласці, генерал царскай арміі, змагаўся за незалежнасць Азербайджана 🇦🇿 ў 1918-1920 годы, нацыянальны герой Азербайджана.
#Belarus БЧБ сцяг гісторыка-культурная каштоўнасць народа Беларусі, ў тым ліку беларускіх татар.
Праслед людзей за іх павагу да нацыянай культуры немагчымы ні у адной краіне свету калі улада паважае свой народ, нацыянальную культуру і гісторыю.
Нацянальным героем Азербайджана з'яўляеца татарын Мацей Сулькевіч які нарадзіўся у Гродзенскай вобласці.
Азербайджан шануе нацыянальных героеў якія змагаліся за незалежнасць Азербайджана у 1918-1920, у тым ліку і татары былога Вялікага Княства Літоўскага з гістрычным БЧБ сцягам.
Read 17 tweets
Отключение от #SWIFT Беларуси, если оно произойдет, в дальнейшем будет распространено и на РФ в случае "интеграции".
Кремль, Москва, РФ получат все санкции Беларуси умноженные многократно с последующим перекрытием транзита газа и нефти, а также грузовых потоков через Беларусь.
Потуги Кремля по "интеграции" в отношении Беларуси противоречат неотъемлемому желанию и стремлению народа Беларуси к суверенитету и независимости.
Кремль должен заплатить огромную цену за свои алчные планы по "интеграции" вопреки воле народа Беларуси, да и народов РФ.
В случае "интеграции"-оккупации Беларуси суверенная страна Украина, Грузия и Молдова должны в обязательном порядке стать членами @NATO. Более того Украина, Грузия, Молдова, Польша, Литва, Латвия, Эстония должны быть напичканы военными базами, ракетами и самолетами США и НАТО.
Read 7 tweets
Devastating news - Political prisoner Vitold Ashurak died today in the Shklou colony. Political prisoners are marked with yellow tags there. There was no letter from him in the last 2 weeks, but in his last letter he said: "I will be released in 2021". My deepest condolences. Image
Personally to me, Vitold Ashurak is a real hero, the regime is guilty of his untimely death. He would have been with his family. Even in prison, he remained free. He wrote in a letter: "If my peaceful protest is considered a crime by conspirators, it means I did everything right" ImageImageImageImage
This is the peaceful protest in Lida on August 9, on the elections night when Tsikhanouskaya has reportedly won. He was sentenced to five years in jail for participating in this ABSOLUTELY PEACEFUL protest against rigged elections. He died for his dream to live in free Belarus.
Read 5 tweets
Join me, Head of my Cabinet of Representatives @kavaleuski, and Representative on Legal Affairs Siarhej Zikratski for the live stream in Russian. We are going to answer questions from Belarusains. ⬇️🤍❤️🤍
On people's demand of unity of the democratic leaders:
all democratic leaders are united by the aim of having the new free & fair presidential election in Belarus. We are moving forward to this aim together. Don't listen to propaganda.
How to help @tutby? The website is blocked, journalists are detained, but we can show solidarity with the media, which has been working in Belarus for 20 years. It's hard to watch how things created by prominent people are destroyed by the regime. It's a loss for all Belarusians.
Read 6 tweets
16 мая 2021 года во Флориде открылся международный конкурс красоты "Мисс Вселенная 2020" #MissUniverse2020
Девушки из Америки
Argentina 🇦🇷
Brazil 🇧🇷
Colombia 🇨🇴
Costa Rica🇨🇷
USA 🇺🇸
Venezuela 🇻🇪
Peru 🇵🇪
Puerto Rico 🇵🇷
Thailand #MissUniverse2020
#MissUniverse2020 Девушки из Азии
Read 44 tweets
My, this is terrifying. If you are to walk down the street in Minsk with a camera, this is what would happen to you. #StandWithBelarus
The elegant lady on the video is Nina Bahinskaya — our dear resistance hero who deserves to be celebrated on the Freedom Day. #StandWithBelarus ⚪️🔴⚪️
More than 200 detainees on Freedom Day in Belarus. At least 169 detained in Minsk, dozens detained in other cities, according to @viasna96 . Internal Troops entered Minsk, city was half-paralyzed. Many activists and journalists detained preventively.
Read 4 tweets
The whole day today military cars are moving towards Minsk. Very concerning.
Minsk city center right now.
Update: the military trucks and the siloviki keep gathering in Minsk. #StandWithBelarus
Read 3 tweets
📢𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐄𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞 - Our newsletter is out!

👉… ImageImageImageImage
1/10 "Behind mask of an authoritarian regime, a modern nation state is waiting to emerge. Let us hope when spring comes, and snow thaws, the pathway to freedom and democracy will be clearer." @rogercasale Vera Móra #StandWithBelarus #QuoVadis @VoxEurop…
2/10 "On #WorldNGODay and the Day of Crimean Resistance to the Russian Occupation, we, the undersigned, call for an end to the persecution of journalists and NGO activists in #Belarus and #Crimea."

Sign our Call to End Persecutions in Belarus and Crimea… Image
Read 11 tweets
Across #Belarus another Sunday protest march, and more inhumane actions from the regime. Here a guy, seemingly unconscious is hauled away, his head almost on the snowy ground, to be dumped next to an unmarked police van
Security forces in #Belarus firing shots, but people are brave and don't flee this time.
Once again Lukashenko's muppets seem out of control in #Minsk
#Belarus protests continue as the snow falls.

credit: @Belsat_TV
Read 9 tweets
Ministers and delegation members at #EHEARome2020 : Members of @zbsunion are imprisoned in #Belarus right now for standing up for the values of the #EHEA. More information here:…
#freeAlana #StandWithBelarus #WeStandBYyou
Over the past 10 weeks of the study year, @zbsunion has collected evidence of 347 detained and 133 expelled students in #Belarus
In some cases, the result of the detention is unknown, but at least 80 people received administrative punishment in the form of administrative arrest, and at least 54 people in the form of fines. #Belarus #EHEArome2020
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«Grodno Azot». At the entrance to the enterprise, there are more than 100 workers.
They also report that law enforcement is already there.

Via @belamova
#StandWithBelarus #Belarus2020
Workers keep coming to the entrance of "Grodno Azot".

#StandWithBelarus #Belarus2020
Strike morning at "Grodno Azot".

Via @belamova
#StandWithBelarus #Belarus2020 #StrikeBelarus
Read 36 tweets
International solidarity with Belarus:
Valencia, #Spain 🇪🇸

#StandWithBelarus #Belarus source:@svaboda
International solidarity with Belarus:
Warsaw, #Poland 🇵🇱

With one of our dear team members present💕
#StandWithBelarus #Belarus source:@svaboda
International solidarity with Belarus:
Katowice, #Poland 🇵🇱

#StandWithBelarus #Belarus source:@svaboda
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When a phrase 'our state treats us like garbage' loses its figurative character...
Detentions in Minsk, October 25, 2020.
#StandWithBelarus #Belarus source:@rianru
How long it will take them to understand: such a disproportional response to exclusively peaceful protest shows nothing but fear.
Minsk, October 25, 2020.
#StandWithBelarus #Belarus source:@rianru
Not all the troops involved in the suppression of protest are genuinely bloodthirsty, not everything can be painted black&white, not all the motives are clear, but one thing is - there will be a long history of mental health issues on both sides of the confrontation. #Belarus
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White-red-white column in the center of #Minsk.


#Belarus #StandWithBelarus
People are marching along Pobeditely avenue in #Minsk.
They are chanting: “#Strike!”


#Belarus #StandWithBelarus
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And traditionally Sunday morning in #Minsk starts with police special vehicles moving towards the center of the city.

Source @OnlinerBY

#Belarus #StandWithBelarus
#Minsk Near Stella law enforcers are installing barbed wire.


#Belarus #StandWithBelarus
#Minsk The fences are being installed on Oktyabrskaya square.

source @OnlinerBY

#Belarus #StandWithBelarus
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Stand with the charming strong and temporarily fierce and uncompromising women of Belarus!
#StandWithBelarus #Belarus #women source:@svaboda ImageImageImageImage
Women's March of Professions in Minsk.
"I am a singer and my voice is for free Belarus"
"I am neither prostitute nor alcoholic, I am a mother of three and I will go on a strike!"[Lukashenko calls protesters alcoholics, drug addicts, prostitutes, rats etc..]
#Belarus @Belsat_TV ImageImage
More pictures of our beauties from the Women's March.
#StandWithBelarus #Belarus source:@nashaniva ImageImageImageImage
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More and more riot police and military are coming to the Independence Square @tass_agency #StandWithBelarus #Belarus
Grushevka district resisted people in black uniforms. @nexta_tv #StandWithBelarus #Belarus
Detentions next to Grushevka district. @tutby #StandWithBelarus #Belarus
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