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May 18th 2023
Book proposals: What’s involved? How do you write them? Here are 14 tips from editors Emily Andrew of @McGillQueensUP, Randy Schmidt of @UBCPress and Dan Quinlan of @utpress. They’ll have more to say at a panel at #congressh in Toronto. A thread… 🧵 Image
1. Before you submit a book proposal, meet with an acquisition editor to form a relationship. This way when the proposal arrives it will have a face and a conversation attached. 🤝(@eandreweditor) #bookproposal
2. There is no protocol to contacting an acquisitions editor. Reach out to them by name. Our contact information is online, we will know many of your colleagues and peers, and we are approachable. Leverage mutual contacts and relationships. (Dan Quinlan, @utpress) 📧📞#Editors
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Nov 20th 2022
#Cuckold #Hotwife #Wannabe #Reading I enjoyed reading Katie’s 2019 experiential book –“How to be Hot”. Short and pithy primer for wife and couples (44 pages) with a few typos. My reflections @podofeleus @_ryangould99 @HotwifeStudy 🧵1/17…
This book is a sequentially structured helicopter view of lessons learned over perhaps 2 decades plus from pre-courtship to becoming established hotwife, blogger, and aspirant erotica novelist. However, Katie has vanished from the net now. See contents list 2/17 Image
I really appreciated: the emphasis on sexual comms between couples outside of the bedroom, clear positive off-ramps for the wife and couple at every stage, useful non bedroom ideas on games and role plays, and a good checklist for guys to be careful of what they wish for! 3/17
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Nov 6th 2022
#COP27 Your #CarbonTax is rising.
#UN '#climatechange' conference delegates to stay at five-star hotels and luxury resorts | Nov 4
- #SharmElSheikh was built up by the Egyptian govt to become a luxury tourist destination for the world’s richest.…
Read 17 tweets
Sep 17th 2022



Reference Varaha Purana

Sage Agastya asked Rudra "O Lord, tell me at which time are you Rudra, at which time are you Brahma and at which time are you Visnu"

Rudra Replied:

"Visnu is Supreme Brahman and in Vedas and sastras he is said to have 3 forms. Visnu for sake of Devas assumes human form in every yuga and praises me. For the sake of the world & gods, I worship these two forms of the lord (divine and human) in the Svetadvipa in Krtayuga.

At the time of creation, I extol Brahma and become time. And in that Krtayuga, Brahma, Devas and Asuras extol me.

People who seek pleasure sacrifice to me in my form as linga, and those who seek liberation sacrifice to me mentally in my form as the thousand-headed.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 15th 2022



Abhimanyu, the son of Arjuna, was the incarnation of Varcas the son of Candra. When Lord Visnu promised Bhumidevi that he would incarnate on Earth to get rid of asuras who burden the Earth, Image

the devas too decided to be born on Earth. A conference took place between the devas. Candra told Devas that he does not want to send Varcas whom he loves but it is not correct to stand in the way of the plan of the gods. Candra put a condition that his son would born as

the son of Arjuna and he will not be separated for more than sixteen years. In the sixteenth year, Varcas will return to him.

This is why Abhimanyu was killed in his sixteenth year when he entered the Cakra Vyuha set up by Kauravas.
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Sep 9th 2022
Every human being has organ systems that keep their body running. Much of what we focus on is about the physical part of our body than the emotional part.

💚What else does the body do that we do not know of ? ImageImage
💚Listen to the Liza Express Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts and join our IG live this evening as we learn more about 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗱 𝗚𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗳 / 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝘂𝗺𝗮 𝗶𝗻 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗕𝗼𝗱𝘆.

💚Our bodies have stories to tell. Are you willing to listen?
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Aug 24th 2022
1/n We were trekking in Ko Valley unknown to most world & true nomadic land left side of Phobrang village. We were given special permission to explore and document this area. I must say this hidden jewel of Ladakh.
Images of Thogom Tso at 17355 feet.

#Ladakh #India #lakes #trek ImageImageImage
@utladakhtourism @incredibleindia @kstanzinladakh @darterphoto 2/n Next a stiff climb to a pass known as Chota La, it wasn't Chota in any terms, it's high enough to take your breath away in every term. It stands at 18170 feet.

And of course, it was an amazing lunch spot too.
A clear day can sunburn you so easy.

#Ladakh #India #lakes #trek ImageImageImage
3/n Chota La wasn't just a lunch spot but gives one of most amazing views of Yushup Tso (17850 feet) and you are in a different world.

If you see an areal view of this lake it is like a bow. There are stories attached to every lake in this region.

#Ladakh #India #lakes #trek Image
Read 10 tweets
Jul 3rd 2022



Realizing the child lying in chamber was Lord Viśnu, Vāsudeva due to his awareness of Viśnu’s prowess completely lost his fear, began to praise him with folded palms.

Having embraced the Lord as his son Vāsudeva said:

Having embraced Lord as his son Vāsudeva said: How blessed I am that I have seen you. You have incarnated in my house with a desire to protect this world.

Devaki said: How can there be any danger to you who are Lord Viśnu himself. Let not wicked Kamsa know of your birth.

Being naturally timid, I am terribly afraid of Kamsa, for your sake. May you withdraw this Superhuman form with four arms furnished with the superb splendour of conch, discus, mace and lotus.

Lord Viśnu then reminded Devaki and Vāsudeva of their previous birth when
Read 15 tweets
Jul 2nd 2022



When Kamsa, son of Ugrasena, killed six sons of Devaki, a part of the lustre of Lord Viśnu, known as Ananta, became the seventh child entering Devaki’s womb.

Being cognisant of the fear caused by Kamsa to Yadus, Lord Viśnu

Lord Viśnu commanded his Yoga-Māyā “You go to Vraja! There in the settlement of cowherds headed by Nanda dwells Rohini, the wife of Vāsudeva. In the womb of Devaki lies my part-manifestation known as Śesa. Taking him from her womb, transfer him to Rohinis womb."

Lord further asked his Yoga-Māyā to be born of Yaśoda (wife of Nanda). The child from the womb of Devaki was transferred to that of Rohini by the goddess Yoga nidrā. The child was born as Balārama the elder brother of Krśna.

Lord Viśnu then entered the womb of Devaki.
Read 15 tweets
Jun 30th 2022




In city of Mathura on one occasion, Vāsudeva, son of Sura, whose marriage with Devaki was celebrated, ascended the chariot with Devaki, to proceed to his place after marriage.

Kamsa, the son of Ugrasena, Image

being desirous of pleasing his sister (Devaki), took over the reins of horses. As procession of bride and bridegroom started, conchs, clarionets, drums and kettle-drums were sounded.

On the way, an incorporeal voice from the sky addressed Kamsa who was holding the reins:

“Oh foolish fellow, eighth son from the womb of her whom you are conducting, shall slay you”.

Being thus warned, Kamsa with a sword in hand, seized his sister and proceeded to kill her. Vāsudeva pleaded "You possess virtues how is it that you attempt to kill your sister."
Read 9 tweets
Jun 29th 2022




Once, Mother Earth who was overburdened with the crushing weight of Daityas who assumed the guise of arrogant kings, sought refuge to god Brahmā.

Taking the form of depressed cow with her face overflowing with tears, she approached Brahmā’s and represented to him her grievous plight.

Realizing the piteous condition of earth, god Brahmā along with Earth, Lord Śiva and other gods, came to abode of Lord Viśnu

On the instructions of Lord Viśnu, Brahmā asked Gods and Goddesses to birth in the Yadu Clan and wait for Lord Viśnu to take incarnation. Lord Brahmā then told Mother Earth to wait for Lord Viśnu's incarnation who will salvage her from these daityas.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 28th 2022



King Raji had five hundred brave sons. Once during a war of devas and asuras, both the devas and the asuras went to Brahma and asked who would win the war; Brahma replied that the side for which King Raji fought would win. Image

King Raji agreed to fight from their side if they make him Indra, Asuras rejected saying that Prahlada will be their Indra and hence King Raji refused to fight for them

The gods too came to Raji and asked him to fight on their side. King Raja presented the same condition

that he gave to Asuras and Devas agreed to his condition.

Raji fought on the side of the gods and defeated Asuras. After the war, Lord Indra reached King Raji and said “You have protected us, so you are like my father.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 3rd 2022

When we are in pain, we seek help from all mightly! but what if this pain is given by the Lord himself for our betterment, what should we do?

A beautiful story ahead, Read on!


Searching for Mata Sita Lord Rama reached Dandakaranya

he was thirsty, at Pampasar lake he kneeled down to drink water, while keeping his bow to his side, Lord unknowingly kept it on a frog. When Lord Rama had water and was picking up his bow, to his horror he saw that he had rested his bow on a frog.

Rama picked up the frog

and saw that frog was badly bruised, Lord asked the frog "Why did you not speak and told me your pain". The frog replied "Oh Lord, when others cause pain to me I call you for help, but when this pain is given by you who should I call? I accept this pain as your blessings"
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Jun 2nd 2022

Read this story knowing that symbolically Gajendra is a human, crocodile is the sin and muddy water in lake is sāmsara


Gajendra Moksam: Once upon a time Indradyumna stayed in his hermitage on Malaya mountain, he had undertaken the vow of silence. Image

Once when Indradyumna was praying to Lord Hari, There by chance arrived the celebrated sage Agastya accompanied by his disciples. Finding Indradyumna seated in solitude and remaining silent without showing the courtesy of greeting a guest the sage flared up in rage.

He pronounced following on Indradyumna : “This sinful, uncultured, wicked soul has insulted a Brahmāna. He is dull-witted like an elephant. Let him be born as elephant.”

Indradyumna in next life was born as elephant. Once elephant (Indradyumna) came to garden called Rtumat.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 1st 2022

The wealth that remains after completion of sacrifice is Rudra's share

Story of Nābhāga


Nābhāga son of Nabhaga was youngest of brothers, the most learned and wise, and had spent long time as a celibate. When he returned and demanded his share Image

his brothers gave him their father as his share.

Nābhāga went to his father and said, “My elder brothers have allotted you as my share”. His father told, “Do not place any faith in their words, I am not a property to be enjoyed, but am a life-long commitment for maintenance

These neighbouring descendants of the Ańgiras family are now engaged in a sacrificial sessionon every sixth day, they get confounded about the exact procedure ordained for the sacrifice. You teach those noble-minded Brāhmanas the two hymns celebrating the Visvedevas,
Read 8 tweets
Jun 1st 2022
மெட்ராஸின் பெண்கள் எபி. 13

துர்காபாய் தேஷ்முக் இந்திய சுதந்திரப் போராளி, வழக்கறிஞர், சமூக தொழிலாளி மற்றும் அரசியல்வாதி. அவர் இந்திய அரசியலமைப்பு சபையின் உறுப்பினராகவும், இந்திய திட்டக் குழுவின் உறுப்பினராகவும் இருந்தார்.
பெண்கள் விடுவிப்புக்கான பொதுநல ஆர்வலராகவும்,1937ல் ஆந்திர மகளிர் சபையை (ஆந்திர மகளிர் மாநாடு) துவங்கிவைத்தார். அவர் மத்திய சமூக நல வாரியத்தின் நிறுவனர் தலைவராகவும் இருந்தார்.
Madrasin Pengal Ep. 13

Durgabai Deshmukh was an Indian freedom fighter, lawyer, social worker and politician. She was a Member of the Constituent Assembly of India and a member of the Planning Commission of India.
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May 1st 2022


Hiranyakaśipu: 3rd Story in the Series

Hiranyakaśipu consoles his relatives and vows to take revenge!!!

When Varaha (Lord Viśnu’s avatar) killed Hiranyāksa his brother Hiranyakaśipu was agitated with wrath.

Trembling with rage, he looked at the sky and spoke “My beloved brother was killed by insignificant enemies through Hari. I shall satisfy my brother who is thirsting for bloody with the profuse blood of Viśnu with his neck cut off by my trident”

Then Hiranyakaśipu addressed his mother and nephews “You ought not to lament the death of a hero”.

Hiranyakaśipu relatives continued to lament so he narrated the story of King Suyajña who ruled Uśinara. When Suyajña was killed in the battle the queens were deeply grieved.
Read 11 tweets
Apr 30th 2022


2nd Story in Series

Viśnu's attendant Jaya & Vijaya take 1st birth as Hiranyakaśipu & Hiranyāksa. Viśnu took avatar as Vāraha & Narsimha for their Salvation

Hiranyakaśipu & Hiranyāksa were born as asura sons of Sage Kasyapa and his wife Diti.

Hiranyāksa was always looking for a fight and in his quest for a suitable warrior he goes to svārga but Indra and other gods hide themselves. Having conquered Svārga Hiranyāksa dived into ocean, with intent to fight Varuna he arrived at Vibhāvari, the capital of Varuna

When called by Hiranyāksa for a fight Varuna replied saying that only Lord Visnu can quench Hiranyāksa thirst of an opponent

To entice Lord Hari to fight Hiranyāksa stole earth and hid her in rasatāla. Lord Hari to save earth took avatar as Vāraha.
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Apr 24th 2022


This thread catalogues some events from King Chitraketu to the Kuru Dynasty of Kauravs and Pandavas

Chitraketu : A realized King and a great Yogi gets cursed by Maa Parvati and is born as an Asura.

King Citraketu ruled in the country called Śūrasena. To him the earth yielded whatever he desired. He had many wives but did not get any children

Once sage Ańgiras arrived to his palace. King Chirtaketu duly honoured the sage and told the sage that

not having a heir to his kingdom troubles the king

The sage asked caru (rice cooked in milk) to be prepared and after offering it to gods gave it to Queen Kartadyuti. Queen Krtadyuti soon conceived a son through Citraketu.
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Apr 23rd 2022

Last of the 3 Part Story


Having learnt from Nārada, the report of the death of his wife Sati on being insulted by Prajapati Daksa and of the total rout of the army of his attendants by the Bhrgu in that Sacrifice, Śiva’s anger knew no bounds. Image

Śiva got enraged, he pulled out a matted lock of hair which dazzled with terrific splendour, like flash of lightning and flame of fire. He sprang to his feet, and with loud laughter and roar, dashed it on ground, From it was born Virabhadra, of colossal size, who touched

the skies, by his stature. He had a thousand arms. His complexion was like a dark cloud. He had three eyes brilliant like the Sun, He had sharp fangs, His locks of hair were shining like burning flames fire. He wore a garland of skulls and held various weapons aloft.
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Apr 22nd 2022


How did Sati leave her mortal body?

Not by jumping into sacrificial pit but via power of her Yoga and meditation!!

Once Daksa organised a great sacrifice, he invited everyone except Lord Śiva. When Sati came to know about the sacrifice

she requested Lord Śiva to come along with her to her father's abode and attend the sacrifice. Lord Śiva told Sati that he cannot go as he has not been invited. On repeated insistance of Sati, Lord Śiva agreed for Sati attending the function and along with her sent his gāna

Sati reached her father's house but was not treated with respect, her sisters and mother too out of fear of Daksa did not attend to her. When Sati confronted her father, Daksa criticised Śiva. This criticism was unacceptable to Sati and she decided to leave her mortal body.
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Apr 20th 2022



King Amitrajit conquered his enemies and ruled righteously. From his wife Malayagandini he begot a son Vīra. The boy was born under inauspicious star and hence the minister of king advised queen Malayagandini Image

that she should immediately abandon her son else the king will meet his death.

On hearing this, the queen called her servant and asked her to take the new born child to Vikatā Devi and submit the child in front of Devi. The queen's servant did as she was instructed.

The goddesss Vikatā on seeing the child gracefully shining like a moon summoned Yoginïs and asked them to take the child to Mother-deities (Mātrgana) and request them to protect the child.

With the blessing of Siddhi, the child immediately turned 16 year old.
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Mar 29th 2022


Birth of Soma, Datta and Durvāsas : When the sage Atri was urged by god Brahmā to undertake the work of creation, he along with his wife went to one of the principal mountain ranges, and was engaged in the performance of austere penance.

On that mountain, the sage controlled his mind by means of Prānāyāma and stood for one hundred years on one leg, defying heat and cold and subsisted on air.

Seeing that the three worlds were being distressed by the fire produced by the fuel of the sage’s Prānāyāma,

The three Lords of the world, Brahmā, Viśnu and Śiva went to the hermitage of the sage.

Sage Atri paid them homage by prostrating himself fully before them on the ground, like a stick.
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Mar 28th 2022

A question to self, What Type of Devotee are you, what type of Devotee you'd rather be?

TĀMASA: He who becomes devotee with intention of doing injury to others, out of hypocrisy & jealousy or under the influence of anger is called a Tāmasa type of devotee

RĀJASA: He who, with a desire of worldly pleasures or of fame or authoritative power, worships me in my images and entertains notions of difference, is a devotee of Rājasa type.

SĀTTVIKA: He who wishes to purge all his karmas, or desires to dedicate them to the Supreme Lord or worships the Lord with the simple objective of worship and expecting no return for it but entertains the idea of difference, is called a devotee of the Sāttvika type.
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