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Aug 23rd 2020
What did you do when the far-right came, what will you tell your children's children when they ask you what "did you do" to stop the propaganda.
#Trump #BorisJohnson #DominicCummings #propaganda #Antisemitism #racism #FarRight Image
#Propaganda is intended to persuade & accept an idea, often by using biased material or by stirring up emotions, was one of the most powerful tools the Nazis used to consolidate their power.
Nazi propaganda encouraged a nation to look away.
#farright figures need someone to 'blame', Nazis wanted everyone to believe that only certain people were fully human & that Jewish people especially did not deserve any human rights, simply because they were Jewish. ImageImageImageImage
Read 14 tweets
Aug 23rd 2020
This fine person?

If you can't trust the President of Trump University who can you trust Image
Oh. Wait.
Oh yeah.
I guess that kinda nails it all down Image
Oh. He's an SOB too...

'Donald is cruel': Trump's sister recorded saying president has 'no principles'…
Read 3 tweets
Jul 24th 2020
Trump’s Broken Promises: Repeal Obamacare, Mexico pays for wall, reduce gov spending, invest $550b in infrastructure, increase GDP by 4%, renegotiate Iran Deal, kick out all undocumented immigrants, and ISIS in 30 days
Guarantee 6 wk paid leave, bring back manufacturing, not cut Medicaid, cancel funding for sanctuary cities, eliminate common core, eliminate wasteful spending, end birth right citizenship, 5yr ban on lobbyist, build a safe zone for Syrian refugees.
Allow individuals to deduct healthcare premiums from taxes, enact term limits, balance federal budget, ban Muslims, release his TAX RETURNS. #TrumpIsALiar
Read 3 tweets
Sep 16th 2019
“For obvious reasons, ⁦@exxonmobil⁩ launched a massive public disinformation campaign to muddy the science and downplay the danger.”

#GreenNewDeal #ClimateCrisis #TrumpIsALiar…
“For three years, Americans have been living under the willfully blind, anti-scientific, business-coddling rule of President Trump, who has stubbornly chosen climate denial over rationality.” 2/
“We now have an opportunity to resoundingly reject his policies by voting him out of office, along with congressional Republicans who enable him.” 3/
Read 5 tweets

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