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Jul 23rd 2020

Trump’s favorite coward @repmccaul is once again running interference for Trump’s blatant moves toward outright fascism. A THREAD:
In an interview last night, @repmccaul attacked the White House Press Corps, advancing Trump’s ‘fake news’ narrative because reporters had the AUDACITY to question the violent crackdown on Portland by federal agents & Trump’s plans to expand this horror nationwide. #TX10
As Chairman of House Homeland Security Committee, 2013-19, @repmccaul consistently advocated more aggressive DHS activities, including abridgments of civil liberties as he pushed for bloated growth & mission creep. McCaul remains unwavering in this project today.
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Jul 7th 2020
The Monday, July 6 edition of @ProgNewsDaily features 80+ articles & video breakdowns from #Progressive, #Independent #journalists & #political #analysts who offer a perspective not found on network or cable TV...(cont. below)…
nor other traditional “mainstream” outlets.
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Today’s Top Stories:
* Lawyers: #BreonnaTaylor case connected to #gentrification plan- @courierjournal
* #Mississippi Election Commissioner Complains That 'Blacks' Are Registering to Vote - @TheRoot

* #JeffreyEpstein Associate #GhislaineMaxwell Reportedly Prepared to Out 'Big Names' to Help Case - @Complex

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Jul 5th 2020
How my congressional race in #TX10 relates to the most notorious incident of racist Texas law enforcement in the last 20 years, a THREAD:

(📷= @courthouselover on Flickr)
Early in the morning of July 23rd, 1999 in #Tulia, a town of roughly 5,000 in the Texas panhandle south of Amarillo, law enforcement officers arrested 46 people, of which 39 were Black, on charges of dealing cocaine.
Over 10% of #Tulia’s Black population was handcuffed & paraded out of their homes in front of tipped-off TV camera crews. Many defendants weren’t even allowed to get dressed. A local newspaper headline read “Tulia’s Streets Cleared of Garbage.”
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