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Jan 17th 2019
1. And now I'm going to tell a story. Another false flag. This time is to force @POTUS not to take the US army out of #Syria.
They already have a lot of experience (8 years) to make chemical attacks to accuse the Syrian government.
OH, and they even have a manual.🧐😲🤨
2. ISIS terrorist? 😲Seriously?🤨 Have they investigated? 🤓And they already know who it was? 🧐Super efficient 🙃.

Preliminary reports say at least six people were killed & 19 injured by the explosion. US official: 4 US army Killed & 3 US army wounded.
3. ISIS took responsability?😲Seriously?🤨Have they investigated?🤓They already know who it was? 🧐Super efficient 🙃.

The Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) took responsibility for the attack that reportedly targeted the US-led coalition’s patrol.
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