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Most recents (3)

Jan 10th 2023
2/5 "But, as the researchers expected, the brains of #Alzheimer’s patients had higher amounts of #insoluble #Aβ #fibrils, the form of #amyloid #protein that aggregates to form the telltale “#plaques” seen in the #disease,..."
3/5 "... higher levels of #fibrillary #amyloid appear to be a better indicator of #poorer #brain #health."
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Jan 10th 2023
2/5 "#Uncanny #similarities with #amyloid-#disease associated #blood #coagulation and #fibrinolytic #disturbances together with #neurologic and #cardiac problems led us to investigate the #amyloidogenicity of the #SARSCoV2 #spike #protein (#S-protein)."
3/5 "#Amyloid #fibril #assays of peptide library mixtures and theoretical predictions identified seven #amyloidogenic #sequences within the S-protein."
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Jan 25th 2021
I am delighted to share our latest blood biomarker work published in @alzassociation.

We investigated baseline & longitudinal #pTau, #NfL, #GFAP, #tTau, #Aβ to predict diagnosis & grey matter changes in individuals not predetermined by CSF/imaging.…

1/n Image
2 - While all biomarkers were significantly changed in AD – only #pTau181 had a good accuracy in predicting AD dementia (AUC=0.91).

#pTau181 and #NfL were increased in MCI as compared to CU, and #pTau181 significantly increased in MCI converters versus non-converters ImageImage
3 - Comparing baseline plasma measures with longitudinal structural MRI, we observed that #pTau181, and to a lesser extent #Aβ, was significantly associated with GM loss. Image
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