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2/5 "But, as the researchers expected, the brains of #Alzheimer’s patients had higher amounts of #insoluble #Aβ #fibrils, the form of #amyloid #protein that aggregates to form the telltale “#plaques” seen in the #disease,..."
3/5 "... higher levels of #fibrillary #amyloid appear to be a better indicator of #poorer #brain #health."
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1 + 1 = 1

Kita bisa melihat sesuatu tapi tidak bisa melihat mata sendiri. Kita bisa mendengarkan, berbicara, membau… tapi tidak bisa melihat telinga, mulut, dan hidung sendiri. Untuk mengenali wajah sendiri kita membutuhkan obyek pemantul.
Kita membutuhkan obyek di luar diri kita untuk menunjukkan seperti apa kita. Dibutuhkan kutub yang berseberangan untuk mengenali masing-masingnya.
Untuk mengenali yang baik dibutuhkan adanya yang buruk. Kiri tidak akan dikenali tanpa adanya kanan, begitu pula atas dan bawah, maupun gelap dan terang.
Read 4 tweets
Einfach weil ich zu oft höre "Mit Omicron zeigt Virus endlich die Richtung ein, dass es milder wird, wir haben einen Top Impfstoff, für Geboosterte sind Infektionen unangehm aber idR kein Drama, für die die nicht von irrationaler Angst erfüllt sind, ist die Pandemie vorbei"
Das ist eine extem verkürzte Aussage voller Spekulationen, Verallgemeinerung, Halbwahrheiten, Unterstellungen und Pauschalisierungen. Und das ist den Menschen die innerhalb dieses Narrativs argumentieren meist nicht voll bewußt, da oft Ergebnis oberflächlicher Betrachtung bzw
medial vermittelten Narrativs. Zeigt denn SARS-COV-2 die Tendenz harmloser zu werden ? Bis auf die Entwicklung von Omicron nicht. Aber oft wird der Fehler gemacht, Omicron sei das Ergebnis einer linearen Entwicklung von SARS-COV-2 . Dem ist nichts so.⤵
Read 18 tweets
.@vpecresse a présenté hier son programme Santé pour 2022 : « Un plan d’urgence pour la santé ». On fait le point ⤵️ #Thread
Tout d’abord, le diagnostic. Nous posons le même diagnostic sur le système de santé, les difficultés d’accès au soin, l’hôpital, les perspectives à 2030. Depuis 2017, la majorité agit et @vpecresse semble vouloir poursuivre bon nombre de nos orientations. ⤵️
Proposition n°1 @vpecresse : Recruter 25000 soignants supplémentaires en 5 ans à l’hôpital public. Comment ?
Aujourd’hui des postes sont vacants. Nous avons créé 4000 places supplémentaires en formation et avons revalorisé les soignants avec le #SégurDeLaSanté. #Attractivité ⤵️
Read 18 tweets
Oct #Inflation released by Stats SA is at 5.0%, unchanged from Sep. #Food & #non-alcoholic beverages; #housing, #utilities; #transport; and #miscellaneous goods & services were the major drivers. Global inflation going up. Inflation no longer transitory, maybe persistent (1/N)
#Core inflation at 3.2%, still very low. #Goods inflation at 7.1%, with #none-durable goods at 8.6%! Services inflation is at 3.0%. #administrered prices (taxes!) rising by a whooping 11.2% (2/N)
CPI inflation excluding administered prices is at 3.8%, way below the #SARB @SAReserveBank mid-point of 4.5%. So, if the SARB hikes tomorrow, which i do not think it should and it will, its fighting inflation caused by the government (3/N)
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🌳Après les balades dans la nature, en randonnée ou en plongée, posons nous et prenons le temps pour d'un thread d'observation la #nature pour voir si la copier n'est pas mieux que de s'encombrer de calculs parfois complexes et sans certitude de résultat
#biomimétisme #conception
⚠️Encore une fois, pas de généralisation à "la nature, c'est mieux", tout au plus, comme tout bon concepteur, inspirons-nous de tout ce qui existe, quelque soit la personne, la société, la nation ou le processus naturel l'ayant engendré.
🚶‍♂️Dans notre balade mentale (excellente chaîne #YouTube par ailleurs), plein de termes s'entrechoquent ...

#Biomimétisme : Un processus d'innovation et une ingénierie. Il s'inspire des formes, matières, propriétés, processus et fonctions du vivant
Read 16 tweets
2/ L’accès à l’information est un droit, on ne peut pas y renoncer, on ne peut pas ns aligner sur une communication officielle qui manipule les données, #Non, nous ne serons pas complices de cette entreprise qui décrédibilise l'#EtatdeDroit #Liban #right2info
3/ Depuis plusieurs mois, les services de l’État ont combattu sans relâche @impact_gov Mais nous tenons à la #Transparence et a l’accès à l’information, rejoignez nos efforts pr instaurer le e-gouvernement! #right2info
4/ Ns ne sommes pas à la solde de l’étranger, “L'enfumage ne trompe plus personne”, quant aux prérogatives de l’inspection centrale elles sont claires dans le texte de loi 115/1959 #right2info
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#VISA outlines #Interoperability for #CBDC payments through a Universal Payments Channel (UPC)

Small thread on how it ties in to @quant_network.…
"The UPC protocol facilitates payments through an entity, called the UPC hub (or server — we use the terms interchangeably), which acts as a gateway to receive payment requests from registered sending parties and routes them to registered recipient parties,

UPC is acting as a 'Gateway' between both #CBDCs which is the method that quant have taken with their API gateway #Interoperability solution.
"Ultimately, Visa aims for UPC to serve as a "network of blockchain networks" to move digital currencies around."
Read 8 tweets
1/τ Ενώ όλη Ελλάδα ακούει τον Μένιο #Φουρθιωτης να δίνει live συνέντευξη μέσα από τη φυλακή, οι έρευνες για την #δολοφονία της #Καρολάιν στα #Γλυκά_Νερά συνεχίζονται. Προχωράμε με #thread στην ανάλυση των μίνι δηλώσεων του πιλότου εχθές (,
2/τ Ενας από τους περιορισμούς για την ανάλυση αυτή είναι ότι ο πιλότος φορούσε μάσκα και γυαλιά μέσα στο αμάξι του, με το twitter να διχάζεται σχετικά με το αν αυτή ήταν μια προμελετημένη κίνηση για να μην δώσει περισσότερα tells στους detective του πληκτρολογίου ή...
3/τ ...αν ήταν μία genuine προσπάθεια να προφυλαχθεί από τον φονικό #κορωνοιό (μέσα στο αμάξι) και τις βλαβερές ακτίνες UVA & UVB του ηλίου...
#Γλυκα_Νερα #γλυκανερα #Καρολαιν #Γλυκά_Νερά
Read 25 tweets
Great start to the day today listening to @DaveEvansPhD talk about girls' education around the world. I summarize two main sections of his presentation below (What do we know & how can we help girls gain more education)👇

@CREB_Pak #ADE2020 #education #gendergap #Educatethegirls
Dave and co-authors use the Barro-Lee data from 1960-2010 to establish facts about #gender gap in #education

1. Women are more educated today than any point in history (dark blue- Women aged 15+ in 2010, light blue- Women aged 15+ in 1960)
This is true for all countries and regions. Biggest change in UAE, smallest in Senegal (nonetheless doubles). For #Pakistan #women move from 0.35 years in 1960 to 3.76 in 2010, men move from 1.5 to 6.25 over the same period
Read 10 tweets
@FCLorient Trois ans de plaisiren Ligue 2: A Thread ⏬ #FCL #FCLORIENT partie 1: Saison 2017-2018
On commence par le match de la descente, il fallait marquer contre Troyes. Moukandjo va vendanger comme jamais dont un poteau à bout portant :
Score final 0-0, @FCLorient en ligue 2 et Ciani passe pas loin d’y perdre une couille. Notez la plus belle intervention de la saison de Peybernes:
Read 27 tweets
Et allez ça commence par Gilles Lartigot qui vient de se griller définitivement pour ceux qui doutaient encore

Salut de Sirius 🖖
Trotta sait donc mieux que l'OMS et les équipes d'infectiologues ou d'immunologues du monde entier

Il a fait ses propres recherches probablemement

#champion #LiveCasasnovas
Read 62 tweets
Missed #COVID19nCancer plenary in #AACR20 @AACR?
Here’s a thread to catch up on all the fascinating global research presented by:
@AACR @AACRPres #AntoniRibas #LiZhang @marinagarassino @barlesi #CarlosGomez #LouisVoigt #HongbingCai cc:@OncoAlert @COVID19nCCC @ASCO @ASH_hematology
#1: Chinese Experience by #LiZhang and #HongbingCai

More evidence of increased prevalence of #Cancer among #COVID19, ~2% similar to what we found in our #metanalysis @ASCO_pubs #JCOGO here:…
#LiZhang described 35.7% required mechanical ventilation and significant risk factors for severe outcomes on #multivariate analysis was recent #cancertreatment and #consolidation on CT
Read 12 tweets
La dizione #Asintomatico compare più spesso in pubblicazioni scientifiche con (o senza ma con evidente riferimento a) varia ulteriore #specificazione e rivolto a soggetti #affetti (es. infezioni: #asintomatici #infetti, pazienti infetti asintomatici, casi asintomatici, ecc.) 1/14
ma #senza #manifestazioni cliniche (sintomi e segni). Tuttavia pare che il termine #asintomatico abbia anche un significato più ampio, cioè di soggetto #senza #manifestazioni cliniche il cui esatto #stato di #salute, di #affetto o meno, sia #determinabile solo con un #test. 2/14
Almeno così potrebbe sembrare dalle letture di un profano come me che ha fatto alcune ricerche. Ad es. su #PubMed sono molteplici le pubblicazioni che esplicitano che gli #asintomatici possano essere anche #non #infetti e #negativi alla diagnostica. 3/14
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At 22.05h CEST the Alarm Phone was contacted by a boat in distress off Libya. The 90 people have seen multiple aircrafts and a military helicopter nearby. Based on their description of the boat we believe it is the same boat spotted by #Moonbird earlier.
Since this morning authorities are informed about this distress case. An @ItalianNavy vessel monitored the situation closely but did not render assistance. We condemn these repeated acts of non-assistance & demand the immediate launch of an adequate rescue operation.
The situation on board is deteriorating. At 23.47h the people told us that one of the tubes of the rubber boat burst. Water is entering the boat. They have no fuel left and cannot move. They say they won't survive if they are out at sea the whole night.
Read 13 tweets
1. Since hundreds were killed by the #Paris #terrorist attackers at #CharlieHebdo in Jan/2015: at the #Bataclan #concerthall and the #StadedeFrance in #Paris# in Nov/2015 and on la #PromenadedesAnglais in Nice on #BastilleDay 2016, #French #police have been on #alert 24/7.
2. Each #police #investigation leads to more and more potential #suspects and those with links to #suspects being placed on #terroristwatchlists. In addition, #France has a high number of returning #radicalized fighters returning from #Iraq and #Syria and presenting real risks.
3. Consequently, #France's #terroristwatchlist reportedly grown to15,000+ names. We can't expect #French police and #anti-terrorist teams to monitor thousands of people 24/7. The best we can hope for is #citizen and #police #bravery combined as well as some luck.
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