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Jul 12th 2022
4 Common Mistakes to avoid while investing in Mutual Funds in a volatile market 🚫

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#investing #stocks
1) Sector-specific bets 📍

In bull market, it may seem unwise to diversify your portfolio, when you are seeing some segment of the market is performing exceptionally well, but one gets the importance when the tide of the sector goes out and the prices start tumbling.

The extraordinary returns of sector funds may lure you but remember they are also vulnerable to high losses.

So, it's always advisable to invest in a diversified portfolio, instead of taking concentrated bets on some sectors, especially in a volatile market.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 9th 2022
To all the crypto family out there, prepare for total chaos. Sudden death will be new talk of the town this fall, early 2023. Energy prices will reach unimaginable levels in coming months as inflation heats up and central banks throw all their cards just to realize they can’t…
control it. Food will get scarce, biblical famines will hit 3rd world countries, spilling over to western world. EU energy rationing policies will cause wave of deaths this winter. CBDCs will roll out globally following China example. Universal basic income ( UBI ) …
Social credit score, food rationing with monthly allowance to buy essentials will be new norm and marketed as only fitted solution to global chaos. Every industry will experience bankruptcies shocks globally. Travel will become unaffordable to average middle class family…
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