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Jun 8th 2023
Yesterday, the @bankofcanada & its governor Tiff Macklem slammed Canadians with the 9th interest rate hike since January 2022. These rate hikes are an attack on working people.

We will fight back. 🧵 1/ Image
Despite what Mr. Macklem says, this hike wasn’t inevitable. After hitting 8% last year, inflation had dropped to 4.4% by April. Canada is faring much better on inflation than many of our global counterparts & it’s not because the #BoC keeps raising the interest rate. 2/
Tiff Macklem has said that he would need an “an accumulation of evidence” that inflation was worsening before raising rates again.

This evidence doesn’t exist, but he plowed ahead anyway. #CdnPoli 3/
Read 8 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
#FederalReserve is the largest central bank in the world.

Citizen vs. State: If you look at the original founding principle objectives of the federal reserve, you can’t find a single one which benefits the citizen. The fifth objective is clearly a great lie we’ve all been……
Just an FYI. I tweet from my readings and curated knowledge of the masses. I’m no banking contagion expert 😂 Image
Read 59 tweets
Jan 3rd 2022
Ich gehe dann mal jetzt die Tabelle der 1. und 2. Liga durch und nenne kurz, was ich an dem Verein scheiße finde. Dann können mich alle hassen und keiner fühlt sich ausgeschlossen.
#fcb : Junge, wo soll man da anfangen. Hoeneß, Katar, nervige käufliche Blogger, Mia san mia usw
#bvb Echte Liebe am Arsch. Eigentlich schon insolvent gewesen, von den Gläubigern und den anderen Clubs gerettet worden, null Demut, Watzke nervt af usw
#scf Generator, scheiß Auswärtsblock
#b04 Homophobe, sexistische Pissultras (Zitronenmann), Ausnahme für 50+1, Werksclub
#tsg Hopp, Hopp, Hopp
#sge teilweise extrem asige Fanszene, Überheblich af
#fcu Kultclub, mehrere rassistische Vorfälle, nervige Wagenburg-Mentalität
#koe EUROPAPOKAL, Poldi is ein Gott, Maleranzüge
#m05 egal af, Fans wollen sich damit nicht abfinden
Read 18 tweets
Feb 8th 2021
Rabobank 1/8: #CFTC #CommitmentofTraders Report:
Net #USD short positions were little changed last week though a modest increase was recorded. Net shorts remain near recent highs and are therefore not reflecting this year’s improved performance of the USD in the spot market.
Rabobank 2/8: Focus is on the size of the Biden fiscal giveaway and the relative success of vaccine roll-out programmes. Rising inflation expectations appear out of kilter with the Fed’s very cautious tone.
#EUR net longs dropped back sharply. In spot market it appears that
Rabobank 3/8: the EUR is being undermined by the slow vaccine roll-out programme in the EU. This is supporting talk that the region could fall behind in the reflation trade.
Net #GBP long positions edged higher but remain below recent highs.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 4th 2020
@avtorresp informa ya sobre las medidas a adoptar en Tenerife ante la evolución de la pandemia

El presidente informa de que 7 de cada 10 nuevos contagios se registran en #Tenerife, lo que obliga a tomar medidas:

* A partir de mañana, toque de queda de 23 horas a 06 horas durante una semana
* Encuentros grupales quedan reducidos a 4 personas
.@avtorresp desgrana más acuerdos.

* Se prohíbe la práctica de entrenamientos deportivos que no sean profesionales
* El consumo en barras queda también prohibido
Read 4 tweets
Jun 4th 2020
@bankofcanada said yesterday that things could be worse. As I tell @jpress of @CdnPressNews, that doesn't mean they're *good*:…. This is still an economic & employment emergency, & we'll need all policy engines firing for years to reconstruct. #cdnecon ...2
One important nugget in yesterday's report: #BoC confirmed bond buying will continue until "recovery is well underway." I think that will be 3 yrs at least. This is crucial to both stabilizing financial markets and facilitating the fiscal injections that are so critical now ...3
Speaking of bond-buying, check out @LindaMcQuaig's very sharp @TorontoStar column on the precedent set by the Bank's purchases of govt debt, and why that precedent should be extended:…. "The Genie is out of the bottle!"🧞...4
Read 4 tweets
Dec 4th 2019
Lisez ce thread svp ⤵️
C'est le chercheur spécialiste des réactions aux attentats autant que l'ex-prof de SES au lycée lui aussi au moment de l'attentat de Charlie Hebdo qui vous le demande.
Et pour prolonger sur cette question - des réactions à cet attentat en milieu scolaire, donc - je vous invite à aller voir du côté du travail de Sébastien Ledoux. Cet article, par exemple, publié dans @RevueMemoiresEJ :…
Voyez aussi sa contribution (et mon interview croisée avec B. Falaize) dans l'avant-dernier numéro de la revue #Diversité @RegisGuyon @reseau_canope sur "Les Emotions à l'école" :…
Read 7 tweets
Jan 23rd 2019
Selbstverständlich finden alle Spiele Sonnabends um 15:30 statt, und alle Clubs bekommen die gleichen Fernsehgelder. #TraumBundesliga
Read 4 tweets

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