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Most recents (3)

Feb 25th 2023
Its not so #cool as it sounds... because of the following,

#Eating #redmeat has been associated with various #health problems, including:
#Cardiovascular disease: High consumption of red meat has been linked to an increased risk of #heart disease due to

the high levels of saturated fat and #cholesterol found in red meat.
#Cancer: Several studies have suggested that high consumption of red meat, particularly processed #meat, can increase the risk of certain cancers, such as colon cancer.
Type 2 #diabetes: Red meat consumption has been linked to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, potentially due to the high fat content.
#Obesity: High consumption of red meat has been linked to an increased risk of obesity due to its high #calorie and fat content.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 12th 2022
Since 2018, #calorie labeling of prepared foods has been required in food retail establishments (became law with 2010 ACA). Our team has been evaluating the effect of this law in restaurants & supermarkets, funded by @niddk. What have we found so far? A thread, 1/14
Most complied: 71 of 90 (79%) of the largest restaurant chains & 9 of 10 of the largest supermarket chains by the end of 2017 & 186 of 197 (94%) of the largest restaurant chains by the end of 2018. Work led by @parksasaurus. 2/14 &
With transaction data from 104 stores within a large national fast-food chain, we found a 23 kcal reduction in mean calories of meals purchased after labeling (an approximate 4% reduction), with some attenuation over time. 3/14…
Read 14 tweets
Jul 12th 2022
A thread on fact, myth & knowledge about Proteins (P):

All food or drinks r made up of P, Carbs & Fat
1. What is protein:

This is referred as building blocks of ur body & made up of amino acids.
20 different amino acid combine in various combination to form all kind of protein.
2. How Proteins function in body:

Every cell in our body contains protein so it is very imp.
a. For building and repairing of body tissues protein is required.
b. Enzymes r protein which help in activity such as muscle contractions & relaxation.
c. Protein is alternate src of energy which provide 4 cal per gm of protein.
d. Some proteins are hormones which are chemical messengers b/w cell, tissues and organs.
e. Proteins helps to fight infection in ur body.
Read 14 tweets

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