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Aug 30th 2022
If you are using #Telegram, there are great #channels for cybersecurity and malware analysis and blue team.

Malware news and blogs:
Malware research:
Reverse engineering:…
Threat intelligence:…

CyberSecurityTechnologies for news:…


Incident Response:…


Blue team:
ch4mr0sh for blogs:

Fuzzing labs:

Cyber Threat Intelligence for news:

Cybersecurity & Privacy news:

HackerOne blogs:
Read 4 tweets
Jun 15th 2020
1. Siyaram Silk Mills is engaged in the business of Fabrics, Readymade Garments. It has a 5% branded fabrics market share. With revenue mix as 74% fabrics, 23% Garments. India comprises of 91.5% of revenue and the rest is from exports.
2. Brands owned by Siyram's are #J.Hampstead #Oxemberg #RoyalLinen #Siyarams #Unicode & #Cadini. They have well-known brands, diversified product line, strong distribution network, and presence across the textile value chain.
3. Best part about the company is they have an asset light model where they have outsourced 40% of it's manufacturing capacity so COVID will have relatively lesser impact. And currently all the manufacturing operations have been partially resumed as on 14th May 2020.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 2nd 2020
#coronaupdatesindia short #, Thread
Reasons are being manufactured for any future in #India - collapse of #economy or #Covid19 spread:
1) It's #CoronaJihad, #Hindi news #channels have it. I'm getting same from #malayalam forwards too. No marks for guessing who's working on this
2) Supreme Court has passed some orders on how news should be carried (official version etc). Now, @PIBFactCheck has been added. Knowing what @PIB_India has been doing since time immemorial, it does not need an Einstein to figure out what this means for #media in #India
3) Advanced nations have not been able to tackle: @narendramodi himself spoke about this in #Lockdown announcement telecast. Easily refutable. Countries, whose leaders were in denial, got screwed. Others didn't. Look at how admirable Korea handled it even with lack of information
Read 3 tweets
Dec 20th 2018
0/ Plenty happening in the frenetic world of #crypto and #blockchain!

Below, I've gathered 20 events that caught my eye from the past ~24 hours. Hope you learn a thing or two!
1/ 🌊 @WavesPlatform [ $WAVES ] secured a $120M funding round to launch its private #blockchain platform and system integrator, #Vostok [ $VST ].

3% of $VST will be airdropped to holders of $WAVES tokens. Second funding round scheduled for early 2019!…
2/ 🦁 @Brave Software, an innovative privacy browser combined with a blockchain-based digital advertising platform, joined @AdLedgerOrg, a non-profit R&D consortium building and implementing the #blockchain standards for #digital advertising.…
Read 21 tweets

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