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May 7th 2023
So what happens when SD can produce realistic reflections but also carry over for area not seen within the image...until it is seen.

#reflections #AIart #AI

This entire thread will just show Reflections/Refractions made by #stabledifussion via @NightcafeStudio both good & bad ImageImage
Let's look at an Error or a more Common Stable Diffusion output for reflections, refractions & internal screen images.

For example, this is supposed to be a person using a see-through phone to take a picture of the image in front of them.

AI adds water & changes the imagery.... ImageImage
So here's a very common setup and you can see how it is dang near similar to the other previous example

Here's a product ad but the product is very similar imaged as the background

The product is supposed to be refracting the image to a focal point, but it puts in the wrong img ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Apr 30th 2023
2 stories to loose your afternoon sleep.

Narayanan Vaghul, described as Bhismah Pitamaha of Indian Banking has written a memoir, aptly named "Reflections"

2 stories...

1 An extreme example of the nexus between politicians and industrialists was the removal of RK Talwar as Image
State Bank of India chairman, when Talwar refused to entertain a cement company’s request for loan on grounds of mismanagement, little did he know that the industrialist concerned was a friend of Sanjay Gandhi.

The latter asked the minister of state for finance to make sure
that the loan was granted immediately. But Talwar refused. Gandhi ordered Talwar’s sacking, but there was one problem—under the State Bank of India Act, the chairman could not be removed before the expiry of the term of his office unless they were proven guilty of misconduct.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 22nd 2022
#Peacetime #Reflections
To get a permanent liberation from #migraine, we, as the sufferers, need to be deeply respectful and committed to ourselves at both dimensions - body and mind. 1/7
What goes into the #gut and #mind determine how intense and lasting would the #pain and #affliction be! A doctor can help only to some extent. #Painkillers are affronts to the body and mind. They stop working anyway after a while. 2/7
As sufferers, we need to own it up. In an utterly devastated and vexed state, we need to turn around with fire in heart and tell ourselves - 'Enough of playing games with myself! Let me take charge of my own inner sacred space, deterge it, make a temple of it - NOW or NEVER' 3/7
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Jul 21st 2022
#metaverse reflections
#nfts the keys
#Metaverse the doors

@McKinsey defines @Metaverse as
metaverse encompasses immersive environments, often (but not always) using #VR or #AR technology
#metaverse consumer #data

@AkwyZ @enricomolinari @kuriharan Image
#NordVPN research study with industry found only 14% respondents could explain #metaverse
Part 3 The challenge with #metaverse is the same in the inception of #web #internet

Who is going to host, own, manage the platforms that will manage the #web3 ownership of content and related #business
Read 5 tweets
Jul 6th 2022
#AfricaTech #Reflections and the importance (plus issues) with how some think about #TAM (Total Addressable Market) in our ecosystem. Here we go 👇🧵:
1/ We(#VCs) care a lot about TAM. If it’s not big enough, it makes our ability to imagine a large enough exit problematic. What is large enough exit? One where our share at exit (say 5-12% post dilution in future rounds) is a fund returner. On $150m fund – you can do the math.
2/ Africa has many ‘large problem’ or ‘large verticals’. #Agri, #Health, #Education, #Logistics, #Agri and many more. There are also horizontal ones such as access to payments, and B2B ones. While data is thin, many get the part of how big is the overall market somewhat right.
Read 18 tweets
Jun 10th 2022
Well... It's been a while. Crazy busy + a world economic crisis , felt like it’s a good time to go back to think. Here are some #AfricaTech #reflections given the many 'we're all gonna day' recent hype from all over. Might be long, so bare with me… 👇🧵
1/ Everyone shared views. From @ycombinator (too generic and unexciting to me), to @sequoia (worth the 52 pgs…). Lot’s of reading later, one point is clear > it’s all super US centric. The center of the world for many, but what does it entail for us? for tech in #Africa?
@ycombinator @sequoia 2/ Starting from the end, we’re not all gonna die. Tech + startups & innovation will make it through as a sector, and like in every other financial crisis in history, economy will recover. Those who manage this period well, can become much more meaningful (see '00 and '08).
Read 25 tweets
Mar 17th 2022
#AfricaTech #Reflections: So boards and DD aren't 'cool' anymore I hear. Both are wasting #founders time, and entrepreneurship is all about 'move fast and break things'. So - some #oldschool stuff here - or as they say, yes... *BUT*... (thread 🧵👇)
1/ Two different topics - but very related. So starting from DD, and will develop thoughts from there.
We are still in the 'money falling from the sky' era to an extent. Public markets are in the deep red, multiples are so south that IPOs and SPACs are almost irrelevant.
2/ Many of the larger funds, sitting on billions in cash, understood returns will not come from pre-IPO rounds. As cash raised recently, and model requires quick cycles and showing uprounds, best turn to early, and why not do so in 'exotic'/less crowded geographies...
Read 22 tweets
Jan 29th 2022
#Saturday #Africatech #reflections: @Google just invested $1b in Airtel 18months after investing $4.5b in @reliancejio - but why? and whay does it mean for #AfricaTech?
1/ doing my weekend catch-up, came across this by @TheKenWeb:…

Which made me think a but more about the role of Telcos, channels and how we might differ from some developped markets conventional wisdom...
2/ While I think @TehKen made some very valid points, to me, one thing overlooked in our developing markets is channel and (and consumer data/reach profiles) ownership.
Read 15 tweets
Jan 21st 2022
#AfricaTech #Reflections: Where we might go from here?
2021 gave us many reasons to celebrate. More startups. More money. More deals. More global and local investors. Feels like the stage is set. But is it? And even if yes, what can we expect?
Few pre-weekend thoughts - long 🧵👇
1/ Reading this great piece from @fcollective – was a good reminder of value creation and the fact it is measured over time and not just on the first fundraising rounds.
2/ A giant drop in public markets tech multiples across the board + eye-watering pre-seed & seed valuations – are a reason to stop & think.
Is this a sustainable track and the best way to embark in '22 onwards?
Or are there frameworks to help #AfricaTech grow healthier & better?
Read 22 tweets
Dec 19th 2021
#AfricaTech #reflections - How founders can go about choosing investors and why you should care. #deepdive 👇
1/ With fast growing amounts of money purring into #AfricaTech in 2021, found myself asked by few founders baout 'what value we add'. Yet, the more interesting piece is that most times they don’t bother asking. This is not only weird, it’s just pure wrong in my view. Here’s why:
2/ These are long term relationships. Very long. On average 5-10 years of shared journey, of which your lead investors may spend several years on your board or close to you. How much time did they spend getting to know you? Getting to know your team? Your space?
Read 21 tweets
Aug 22nd 2021
This month marks a decade since I completed medical #internship. I thought then that I had achieved my goal, that I would find joy in my work. Little did I know where life would lead me. My #reminisces & #reflections - too long for a tweet & too short for a blog - hence, a 🧵
As the first & only #medical student in the extended family, I was in #unfamiliar waters. Moving to uncle's house in another city was a not-too-comfortable but not-wholly-unpleasant change. I'm privileged to be part of a family who did all they could to keep me happy
The pedagogy was #authoritative & #oppressive; seemed to be designed to #humiliate, not teach. I couldn't learn by rote, didn't know of any better ways (pre- ubiquitous smartphone era) Expected to address #seniors using honorifics, I felt they were as unapproachable as teachers
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May 28th 2019
[Day2: Failing Better Together]
Q: What does "failure" mean to you?

For me, my #sciencefails & #SciComm fails fuel my teaching & community-building values:
- Creating spaces to fail better
- Building communities to exchange learnings
- Scaffolded experiences to reframe failure KyleMarian on a microphone with her back to the camera. She's facing the audience and hosting a storytelling show.
#Failure is an important part of #Science & #Comedy, but it wasn't until I got into comedy where I started understanding the impact of being transparent & celebrating failures.

It also got me thinking: does #Academia have an integrated process & outlet for dealing w/ failure?
Do you incorporate #journaling or #reflections into your #SciComm practice?
If you work in teams, do you have regularly-scheduled de-briefs?
As professionals, are you given allotted times in your paid schedule to reflect on project learnings?
Read 6 tweets
May 8th 2019
"..And whoever saves one, it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.."(Quran 5:32)
And without realizing the MCU manifested the most heroic act a Muslim could do, saving Tony Starks life that one day on May 2, 2008, Ho Yinsen indirectly ends up saving the whole universe in 2023.
Yinsen led by example of Islam in terms of seeing the best in people. He knew Starks military involvement in foreign soil was the whole reason that he was in a terrorist camp, also likely why he lost his whole family yet he still spoke to Tony with respect.
He spoke to the side of Tony that wanted good for humanity. He patiently educated him on the what/where his weapons have been going and used for. He looks over Tony's mistakes.
"Hold to forgiveness; command what is right; But turn away from the ignorant"(Quran7:199)
Read 11 tweets
Oct 2nd 2018
Pues me voy a animar como dije el otro día a hacer un proyecto 365, pero en vez de haciendo fotos, editando fotos mías antiguas, random, basadas en el mood de cada día.
La única limitación que me voy a poner, va a ser el formato 1:1... A ver lo que sale xD
I´ll say it also in English :)
I´m gonna try a photography 365 project, but instead of taking photos, processing old random photos of mine...
Only one rule: the square format.
Let´s see what I got, which will be directly affected by the mood of the day...
Read 114 tweets
Jul 30th 2018
Be Fearless in your pursuit of what sets your soul on Fire🔥
Let no one interrupt your Swan Song. ⛱
A Ship is always safe at shore but one must always ask if that’s what it’s built for. It is easy to have people in our lives who tell us what to do next, parents who have not stopped parenting their wards even when they have kids of their own. #PictureThis
We often get used to these cushions and instructions of next steps while we look forward to a time when we will be announced to have arrived. Sadly with life, there’s no such thing as an arrival.
Read 8 tweets

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